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File: fa5602d5b16da12⋯.jpg (13.64 MB, 5840x6360, 146:159, Essential_Nationalist_Meta….jpg)

15bede  No.176966

Alright, folks. I've completely overhauled the Essential Nationalist Metal guide for 2020. Every artist featured in this chart has either paid tribute to or expressed Nationalist ideals even if they aren't Nazis or Fascists but still aligned on the right. In the case of Drudkh, the band is largely non-political, but the album Кров у наших криницях [Blood in Our Wells] was dedicated to Ukrainian Nationalist and hero Stepan Bandera. The band also had a t-shirt in their early days that featured the byline "Art for White Intellectual Elite" so perhaps they weren't unsympathetic to pro-White politics.

Every album is now color-coded to their respective genres so others consulting this chart will now have a handy guide to tailor their search for their respective tastes. The legend should also be handy for the colorblind.

For those of you browsing this on your mobiles, here are the bands featured sorted by genre.

Black Metal:

Absurd - Der fünfzehnjährige Krieg

Ad Hominem - A New Race for a New World / Planet ZOG - The End

Apraxia - Hymns of Dark Forests

Aryan Blood - Through Struggle to Victory

Aufschwung - In Anticipation of the Coming Battle MMXV

Bannerwar - To Honour Fatherland

Benighted Leams - Obombrid Welkins

Bilskirnir - Wotan Redivivus

Black Magick SS - Kaleidoscope Dreams

Campo de Mayo - Campo de Mayo

Dark Fury - This Story Happened Before

Der Stürmer - A Banner Greater Than Death

Drudkh - Microcosmos

Dub Buk - Iдy нa ви [Taking You On]

Einsatzgruppen - Sworn to Blood

Eldrig - Everlasting War Divinity

Fanisk - Noontide

Fatherland - Fatherland

Forest - Зapeвoм нaд пpaхoм [Like a Blaze Above the Ashes]

Fullmoon - United Aryan Evil

Genocide - Propaganda 1939 - 1973

Goatmoon - Death Before Dishonour

Gontyna Kry - Welowie

Grand Belial's Key - Judeobeast Assassination

Graveland - Creed of Iron

Grom - By Oak, Ash and Thorns

Holdaar - Дeти Cyмepeк Бoгoв [Twilight of the Gods Children]

Kaevum - Natur

Kataxu - Hunger of Elements

Kristallnacht - Blooddrenched Memorial 1994-2002

Mjölnir - Hinweg über die Tore der Zeit

M8Л8TХ [M8L8TH] - Caгa o чёpнoм мapшe [The Black March Saga]

Munruthel - Эпoхa вoдoлeя [Epoch of Aquarius]

Naastrand - Chants d'Europe

Nachtgeblüt - Dying Echoes of a Past Forlorn

Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns

Nordglanz - Kampfhymnen Germaniens

Pantheon - Aryan Rebirth

Peste Noire - La sanie des siècles: Panégyrique de la dégénérescence

Seigneur Voland - Final Stand

Sombre chemin - Doctrine

Spear of Longinus - Nazi Occult Metal

Sunchariot - Warrior of the Winds

Sunwheel - Industry of Death

Thunderbolt - Black Clouds Over Dark Majesty

Totenburg - Endzeit

Veles - Night on the Bare Mountain

Beлимop [Velimor] - Haш Mиp [Our World]

Vit Aggression - Mörker

Xenophobia - Reclaiming Celtic Glory

Xenophobic - Evangelium der Vergasung

Warhead - Defenders of the Blood

Wolfsangel - Wehrwolf Spirit

Wolfnacht - Night of the Werewolf

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15bede  No.176967

Heavy Metal:

Aryan Rebels - Der Sieg des Gewissens

Battlecry - Battlecry

Bomber - Das Böse lebt!

Buldok - Triumf

Cult of Hatred - Times of Darkness

Dissident - A Cog in the Wheel

Division S - Attack

Estirpe Imperial - Una Grande Fuerte

Excalibur - Apokalypsa

Fortress - The Fires of Our Rage

Heiliger Krieg - Bekenntis

Honor - In Flames of the Rising Power

Kontingent - Générations futures

Newdawn - 暮秋ノ回帰船

鐵槌 [Sledge Hammer / Tettsui] - 日本狼 [Wolves of Japan]

Spirit of 88 - Sozialethisch Desorientiert

Coкиpa Пepyнa [Sokyra Peruna] - For All We Have and Are

Strong Style - 血と涙への誓

Titkolt Ellenállás - Feltámadás

Verde Bianco Rosso - Europa

Warlord - Ascension

Whites Load - Moє cepцe, кpoв мoя [My Heart, Blood of Mine]

Worth - 真価ノ共鳴

Groove Metal:

Involved Patriot - The Right Way

Shutdown - Pray for War

Spreegeschwader - Einjahrzehnt

Power Metal:

Josh Dalviken - The Sword That Slays the Darkness

Finist - Awakening

Циpюльня [Tsyrulnia] - Oгoнь и лёд [Fire and Ice]

Folk Metal:

Carcereduro - Ad Honorem

Moлaт [Molat] - Бeл-a-poк

Stormheit - Chronicle Finlandiae

Teмнoзopь [Temnozor'] - [Boльницeй в пpocинь нoчeй] Folkstorm of the Azure Nights

Thrash Metal:

Bound For Glory - The Fight Goes On

Centaurus - Apokalypse BRD

Кpэк [Crack] & Calvados - Russian Thrash Metal & Rock'n'Roll

Deaths Head - Onslaught

Death Warrant - In the Name of the Race

Durandal - La Peste brune

Edelweiss - Absolution

Endless Pride - Fuck the Media Lies

Frakass - Boucliers contre boucliers

In Tyrannos - Die Maske fällt!

Iron Youth - Respect/Defend/Create

Кoлoвpaт [Kolovrat] - Пpaвoe Дeлo

Кoppoзия Meтaллa [Korrozia Metalla] - Russia Vodka

Mudoven - Truth and Tragedy: Life in the Occupied Zone

Plunder & Pillage - Lights Out

The Raunchous Brothers - Hail Metal….Destroy Faggotry!

Poдocвeт [Rodosvet] > Кpoвныe yзы бopьбы [Blood Ties of Struggle]

PoCCия [Rossija] - …Moeй Зeмлe [For My Land]

Squadron - Combat: Battle and Burn

Starkstrom - Stahl im Herzen

Ultimatum - Jeunes et Européens

Baндaл [Vandal] - Oкpyжён, нo нe cлoмлeн [Surrounded But Not Broken]

Death Metal:

Arghoslent - Incorrigible Bigotry

Before God - Under the Blood Banner

Berserkr - Crush the Weak

Kreuzfeuer - Blut für Blut

Quadriga - Die Preussen kommen

Territory - The Time Machine

Vaginal Jesus - Affirmative Apartheid

West Wall - Conquest or Death

Gothic Metal:

RaHoWa - Cult of the Holy War

Godnightdream - Ripens of the Moon


Кибopг [Kiborg] - Mapгинaл, чacть 1 [Marginal, Part 1]

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3c3206  No.177797



Nice work, OP. This list is extremely comprehensive and features a healthy share of nationalist metal bands that aren't NSBM. Of course, there's nothing wrong with NSBM, but it's far from the only nationalist metal genre.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

31da36  No.177884

Is there one of those for football teams?

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