I'm sure this topic has been broached in the past, but I had a thought today that I wonder if other anons might share. Currently reading Henry Ford's The International Jew and I am at the part where he is going into detail about how the jews made New York their operations center in the U.S. via the early incarnation of World Jewish Congress (known as the Kehillah) and were even able to force their "rights" (kike speak for suppression of nativist culture) onto Christian Americans during the 1900-1920 era. Removing Christmas Trees in public schools, pushing for separation of Church and State, banning of prayer in select schools, forcing the removal of "The Merchant of Venice" from public schools, removing Bible readings and singing etc.
He also mentions how at the time (much like now) Americans did not do anything to target the foreign invader rewriting their own religion and culture, the entire operating system of the country in essence and at one of the most Christian times in America at that! It occured to me that either Christianity from it's inception was pushed unto Europe to "soften" the morality of Europeans, making them more emotionally and psychologically susceptible to accusations of "racism" and moralfagging for an enemy group, or it was heavily subverted over centuries into the "love thy neighbor/enemy" bullshit and the insane amount of Christian "divisions" or "denominations" we have today that has been brought in incrementally to fracture unity among even Christians. It also seems very strange that as we plunge into Bolshevism at an alarming rate, alot of non-White regions are now embracing Christianity and losing their native pagan religions. Worst Korea comes to mind (they are transforming even faster than we did into Cultural Marxism!), Hong Kong, African countries etc. If we are alive to see the next step perhaps it could be the reality of it - that Christianity is the first attack on a people to make them susceptible to Jewish slavery.
It reminded me of something Yuri said in one of his lectures; that in ancient times Japan was impenetrable by foreigners because they simply killed anyone who came close enough to cause a problem, whereas Europeans lost that instinct long ago (after Christianity) and as such are easily infiltrated by jews acting as trojan horses. Christianity has to be the main culprit of the weaking of our moral fortitude to put our tribe, people, culture above all outsiders and actively sniff out and expunge those who seek to sabotage, subvert and destroy.