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🎶 It's 2021, order is gone it's a race war now 🎶

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a566b2  No.176120

If you Bing Holocaust reparations or just reparations you'll see there's a constant stream of new claims from WW2. It's absolutely amazing at this late date they're still finding new victims.

Holocaust survivors will be receiving Corona stimulus fr the German govt. Iirc a couple payments of around $1800 or something like that and there's like iirc 50k recipients in the USA.

But the reason I made this thread is because there's new victims and they're not fr WW2.

No it's not the victims of Epstein or the UK girls pimped by grooming gangs . Nope it's not the German women raped after ww2, nope nothing for them.

The women fr Kosovo who were supposedly raped in 98-99 by i'm assuming the Serbs are now entitled to lifetime reparations. They estimate there's atleast 20k victims and iirc the payment is like $270 a month for life.

So did the Serbs go on a raping spree? or

is this a thinly disguised plan to sap the wealth of enemies of the new world order ie white people?

Btw be sure to watch the video, it shows Biden disrespecting the Serbian flag.


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8631dc  No.176286

Go look up Slobodan Milosovic - war crimes and genocide.

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a566b2  No.176301


>Slobodan Milosovic -

i'm not sure, here's what Pierce had to say about the Serbs/Yugoslavia.


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a566b2  No.176337

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


i'll be damned, this is the best description from Michael Savage of all people.

He says Kosovo is like setting up a Palestinian state in Europe in order to precipitate the Muslim invasion of Europe.

White genocide folks, Biden played a big part in that push to war.

Just a month ago Trump was nominated for a peace prize for a peace deal between Serbia and Kosovo

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a566b2  No.176359

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Holy shit, watch the first minute.


i'll watch the rest later.

Just know Biden's a key player in this scheme.

Holy fuck, i regret not voting,.

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729221  No.176403


The man who has been absolved of any guilt by the Hague twice now? They tried him while he was alive and tried him after his death in the 10s, and no one can still prove any of the war crimes charges against him.

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2771b8  No.176412

It's well known that the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of holocaust survivors are also owed reparations as well due to the extreme psychological scarring they've suffered from hearing about what happened to their ancestors.

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a566b2  No.176444

File: b933e3fdc347dd1⋯.gif (93.4 KB, 1230x915, 82:61, bank.GIF)

Christians are the biggest fucking retards, i can't stand em.


Fellowship to provide $4.4 million to Israelis hit hardest by economics due to COVID

As the number of Israeli families reaching out for financial support from welfare departments and aid organizations increases dramatically, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is redoubling its efforts to help vulnerable citizens ahead of the High Holidays.

The Fellowship has allocated as much as $4.4 million (NIS 15 million), which will be used to provide food and clothing for 33,000 families, the elderly, schoolchildren and lone soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces.

The Fellowship is also helping thousands of middle-class families who have fallen into a state of poverty and distress due to coronavirus restrictions.


At 43:40 there's a two bankers who at the worst time possible stole the Serb's remaining wealth. I knew they had to be Jews.


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a566b2  No.176450


Check out that article from 93 it almost looks like an advertisement for the swindlers until the last part.

Here's the second banker

Public confidence in Serbia's banks was badly damaged this week when the boss of the Yugoskandic bank, Zedimir Vasiljevic, who organised last year's chess match in Serbia between Boris Spassky and Bobby Fischer, left for Israel and accused the Montenegrin authorities of racketeering. The bank's branches temporarily closed, causing panic. Mrs Milanovic said she had to appear on Serbian television to scotch a rumour that she had been arrested. But she said that, even if all her investors withdrew their money, Dafiment Bank would still have reserves of 600m marks ( pounds 255m). 'I believe that if God wasn't helping me I wouldn't be as successful as I am,' she said.

every fucking time

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