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File: 26d5ace9d61b223⋯.jpg (2.16 MB, 2696x1829, 2696:1829, edcf99e78dc2d6b0dcd3137d4c….jpg)

7bdb09  No.176077

This is where the roots of communism originate from.

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7bdb09  No.176078

File: 0f53954ed260690⋯.png (4.52 MB, 2696x1829, 2696:1829, RootsOfCommunism.png)

English Translation:

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446252  No.176086

Jews created communism. Communism is literally just the secular application of Talmudic law. There’s not a word about that in your image. It’s worthless.

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0d7174  No.176102

File: 2f9ca8c476196ce⋯.jpg (134.85 KB, 822x562, 411:281, Jewish_elephant_in_the_Tru….jpg)




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37ce1c  No.176130

Why did jews take a particular interest in Russia for their first experiment of communism?

Is it because they had enough control or influence there?

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f3e9bc  No.176133


There are theories that Russia’s support of the Union in the US Civil War (preventing Britain and France from supporting the Confederacy that jews created) led the jews to spite Russia.

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133039  No.176146


Because that's where the 'jews' (a lot of them are barely even semitic) we refer to today came from - Israel was founded and is still run to this day by Russian/Eastern European Jews

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7bdb09  No.176155

Everyone knows that Adam Weishaupt supposedly founded the Illuminati. In fact, he was just the leader of the front desk.

The real boss is the "Supreme Council". Like a company, "the highest "Committee" is the company’s board of directors;

Weishaupt is the company’s general manager, Concrete implementation of the board of directors' decisions.

There is evidence that at that time the Illuminati was formulated by the Supreme Council Principles, policies, etc.,

and its members include five people:

Adam Weishaupt

French nobleman Marquis de Sade

Sir Francis Days Woods (Sir Francis Dashwood)

Kabbalistic scholar of Esotericism Sabbatai Zevi

Mayer Rothschild, representative of the Bankers Group.

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300d72  No.176328



kindly never repost that retarded picture again OP

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300d72  No.176329

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02ea11  No.176462


Because jew have an ancestral HATRED of Russia and Russians. Ivan The Terrible fucked up jews so bad they could handle it and did whatever it took to subjugate Russia and murder millions of them.

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