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🎶 It's 2021, order is gone it's a race war now 🎶

File: f89edbe9bab56a7⋯.webm (1.9 MB, 360x640, 9:16, blm.webm)

040b8c  No.175995

What do you anons think of this monkey business


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3ef4ff  No.175997


I think no more of this than being told that dogs bark. Niggers are destructive creatures, regardless of who the target is.

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22e649  No.176334

Everyone hates jews.

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fecab8  No.176448

File: 79bc45da0ce4f33⋯.jpg (104.69 KB, 474x664, 237:332, shylock.jpg)

What's not to despise?

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3ddd34  No.176454


Blacks just don't understand who their real slavers were/are. They can't see through the smoke and mirrors/deception/misdirection of the kike as well as some Whites can. The fact is that all races of the world have been wronged by the jew; we just have it the worst because we always try and resist their slavery. All these niggers, browns and Asians riding of the anti-White train have no incentive to question it because they are benefiting right NOW, but that will chance once we are gone. Jews are a human parasite; they will destroy the homogeneity of ALL.

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040b8c  No.176504


they hate jews as whites and jews as jews

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