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File: 2270e97377dd6fc⋯.png (704.38 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_2020_11_05_21_5….png)

1de0ce  No.175804

What retards actually believe this shit?


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7414e4  No.175808


What exactly is your complaint with the existence of time capsules.

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ca25eb  No.175816

I don't even see the problem

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1de0ce  No.175833



The pebbles is that this is a clear psy-op.

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404194  No.175834



Climate change being fake is a mandated opinion of this board so I assume thats the issue here as it was planted in arctic ice that melted from global warming and since global warming isn't real it must be a conspiracy.

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9a3cc4  No.175837


… What’s the psy-op, then.


>Climate change being fake is a mandated opinion of this board

No, it’s just objective fact that it’s a hoax.

>and since global warming isn't real it must be a conspiracy.

Sounds more like northern ice floes move constantly since there aren’t any land masses on which to anchor them, and the part that had the capsule in it flowed out, broke free, and drifted south. You know, because that actually happens.

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1de0ce  No.175846


This is a story fir hackademic retards to gloat about their BS being true.

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1de0ce  No.175851


Fucking retard!

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9a3cc4  No.175882




Why can’t you answer any questions you’re asked?

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b2c82c  No.175915


Dumbass climate change always happens. What you could blame is the destruction of the ozone layer by boomers who need hairspray and LEAD IN GASOLINE.

Climate change will always always happen on a planet, especially one with liquids being manipulated by moons.

sage because there is no goddamn point to this thread. psy-op? no these people are just retards

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0529b2  No.176094

The white niggers who gave us over 250k deaths and over 50k in the hospital are now using theier bro science on climate change.

You might as well start burning witches.

Climate change is clearly real, clearly man made but white people are we're going extinct. So a run away green house would be a perfect present for the future generations.

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16d4ba  No.176096


>climate change is clearly real

Hi, paid jewish shill. Don’t post again.

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0529b2  No.176098

File: 4d526f926e7a0e1⋯.png (1.09 MB, 846x737, 846:737, wHITEnIGGERS.PNG)

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4f06a2  No.182154

Someone should bury a couple of hydrogen bombs disguised as time capsules that would defuse when opened. Putting a couple in all the major western cities to be opened 100 years from now. All the shitskin mutts and niggers will have a great time opening them up in 2120.

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0abbd2  No.182306


Climate change is actually climate-shift, North pole is moving in Russia from the North-East, and ofc. it is hyped up to be profited of like the covid flu.


We already did this dude, search for buried radioactive waste in Zoggle.

Imagine the surprise when they be digging for gold there.

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379267  No.182310


>Climate change is actually climate-shift, North pole is moving in Russia from the North-East

But it’s not shifting at all. The movement of the pole isn’t causing global changes to weather patterns, et. al. It’s just the motion of the magnetic pole.

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0abbd2  No.182650

File: 05ab8dc9c0e82d4⋯.jpg (10.75 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 4da21f4e5548589f801593ae3b….jpg)

Hi C.I.A.!

I see this board has been successfully neutralized.

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ade00c  No.182674


Uh… go to hell? Global warming doesn’t exist. You don’t belong here.

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2581be  No.182731

Time capsule? Looks like something I make as a hobby which I won't name heh.

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0abbd2  No.182761


We are already in hell my friend.

I never said anything about global warming, some places get warmer, others get colder.

Also there are some chaotic fluctuations in weather patterns, that may be natural, or a little upset by JWO's "My Weather program" (HAARP)

People don't even know that the whole solar system is racing through the galaxy at high speed either, so if you were to time travel back exactly 1 year, assuming that earth is at the same place again, you would get a surprise.

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