facts are an incumbent getting buttfucked so hard that the race is even close shows the country that got orange bloated nigger elected turned their back on him FOR REASONS:
>never stopped praising jews, nigger animals and immigrants
>never built wall, mexico never paid
>internet censorship not only continued but trump himself questioned the 230 protection for ACTUAL PLATFORMS
>did nothing when infinite was deplatformed
>USA embassies around the world continued promoting sodomy flying rainbow flags
>under trump the unlawful and new "red flag" precedent resulted in most UNLAWFUL firearm seizures in country's history
>played along with fake china virus, wore chinese underwear on his head, went along with forced economic shutdown
>did nothing about open insurrection and widespread political violence (terrorism) against his own supporters
the full damage trump did to what was left of USA hasn't even hit yet. after he's gone expect a repeat of 2008 like on obama with the crashing economy. this time, worse than USA's ever had. worst than great depression.
USA has only judgement in its future. that's what you get for hating God, being tolerant of sodomy and abortion, allowing marxists to control a mostly mandatory public school system and crush each new generation, and supporting a fox in sheep's clothing that was obvious 6 months into his term.
that's also what you get for using youtube, twitch, and dlive, streaming platforms that censor you like the slaves you are, instead of freedom of speech platforms like https://bitwave.tv.
burn niggers burn.