First step of the hunt.
The crystalization of the people's will, gathered into my hands for me to represent it, to organize it into a offensive power ith whom I'll pierece through the enemy deffenses, to propagate the plan, the rational system of thought I possess must be propagated, so it'll delineate what is a deviation from the path we have to maneuver.
Let's get technical now, I've come to understand National Socialism, take it as my own and improved every part of it, to refit it and deal with our current times, propaganda must be done for the purpose not of "Redpilling the normie", instead we'll halt any deviation from the path we must take, many of you may be worried about how National Socialist propaganda can be shouted in public without it getting shutted down, which is a true worry, now, here's how we can maneuver our way out of this situation.
Internet, keeping the information light for everyone to easily carry, des-centralized attacks that are impossible to suppress, on me I got all the ideological problems figured out and the doctrine has gotten so complex that I'll have to make an all-encompassing image delineating all the conceptions, the arguments, counter-arguments, small issues and policies that must be taken in reaction, many of you follow some guidelines.
>Stand against the false dichotomies that allow a dualistic world to exist where truth and falsehood clash constantly
Truth and Falsehood
Soulism and Determinism (Soul implies free will)
Good and Evil
Player and Enviroment
Private and Public ownership
Human and Nature
Theses dichotomies, held by the herald of falsehood, Juden, are what keep us in a state of decay, to deny such dichotomies get us quite quickly into the core of what National Socialism represents, most of you instinctively know that such dichotomies are false but don't know how to explain it, to dissipate theses first doubts will open so much breating space and to propagate them will blitz the mainstream to become authority, this can be done in a totally neutral way that camoflauges our intentions and create the first gaphole needed to surround the judean.
I stated that the information must be kept light, this means the following.
A combined usage of visuals and audio, accompanied with a highly organized message, that will be connected to a system of arguments that'll cement the ideas, again, I got all the ideological (I prefer absolute truth instead of ideology) issues figured out, the reason why I haven't published a book is because I want to keep it light, mobility is key. contact me if you can connect me to one, I'll supply them with more information personally, I'll make organizations to the structure of the new movement that'll be a improved National Socialism on this thread under the same principles, as a way to have a "Smart Book".