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🎶 It's 2021, order is gone it's a race war now 🎶

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570839  No.175189

Yeah I'm Polish. I don't care if it happened or not. I forgive you anyway. Danzig isn't that worth it.

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e0311a  No.175190

You do realize that most of the 'atrocities' were arranged and orchestrated by (((outside forces))) to keep us fighting and killing one another while they profited from it, right?

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570839  No.175201


The brits subverted talks between Poland and Germany. So fucking what. After living in a liberal city for most of my life, i would love to be speaking German right now.

My ancestors fought the Germans and Soviets at the same time.

I don't know if they with hate me in the afterlife for this anons, but i will argue with them when i am dead. Hitler was right

God bless Sobieski

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570839  No.175207

Its ok, i understand

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570839  No.175215

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0ddb7f  No.175586

File: 17e91fb0c37f831⋯.jpg (106.25 KB, 556x768, 139:192, Or_owski_Husaria_s_attack.jpg)


>My ancestors fought the Germans and Soviets at the same time.

And they tried doing a good job. Of course the Soviets coming in only after the Polish had done their best to fend off the Wehrmacht, sneaking behind your backs, was foul play.

This is the reason why Poland is still in existence, your ancestors valued and fought for it. It began with the end of WW 1 and the Polish fighting the newly formed Soviet Red army and continued later on. Even if today half of Poland is former German territory and half of it is occupied by former Soviet States now independent. Which must suck for you the same it does for Germans, and you had to endure Stalinist Communism.

>God bless Sobieski

And I will never forget what your ancestors did in 1683. They went all the way down, over 600 km, mounted about a third of the contingent to take part in the relief of the siege of Vienna… A glorious dead. Is how I see it. Take care, also bc of Covid anon fren.

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0a6a2b  No.175637

File: 90ec2ab0ff0e92f⋯.gif (154.56 KB, 678x422, 339:211, You_Are_Good.gif)


Based pollack.

Hope you guys get through these horrible times.

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89d456  No.175795

File: ce25617765506db⋯.png (143.96 KB, 600x525, 8:7, fg.png)


If you forgive them, then you most likely know who the real enemy is. It was never 'white people'.

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