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🎶 It's 2021, order is gone it's a race war now 🎶

File: ff4c3a112ac6136⋯.jpg (70.99 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 1604538381674.jpg)

1f870a  No.175020

Brazil wishes good luck to Donald Trump! Here in Brazil, we have a far-right president just like Trump who also make leftists go crazy which is Jair Messias Bolsonaro and our country is support Trump's election!

Americans are a great ally of Brazil and ee must defeat communists and socialists all over the world! Bolsonaro 2022! Make America Great Again!

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855b2b  No.175037

File: 7c7a9cd07f43a49⋯.png (86.31 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1434052104399.png)


>a far-right president just like Trump



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a69f9b  No.175038


Hey, Bolsonaro is basically a leftist, too. By this guy’s standards, Trump is probably “far right.”

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e73542  No.175112

This is some bait, Bitchonaro is a faggot and haven't done shit since he got elected while the pozzmod homo agenda go unleashed.

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c1b0d2  No.175309

Trump is a stinking filthy jew. Fuck off Brazil nigger.

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0c4a5f  No.175655


Trump Isn't far-right

Its impossible in jewmerica

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01d02e  No.175992


I won't be happy until I see you brazilian subhumans get genocided.

Absolute degenerates.

Far-right… fuck me, this better be bait.

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