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🎶 It's 2021, order is gone it's a race war now 🎶

File: 5d43880cde99c58⋯.png (235.85 KB, 456x532, 6:7, 1604521123011.png)

df9793  No.174736

Who's the new president? You are.

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99ad65  No.174739

File: 0bd5ae7a92bc2f2⋯.jpg (49.31 KB, 706x432, 353:216, Theocracy.jpg)

>You dropped this, King

Alright, time to establish Theocratic Monarchy.

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8b7673  No.174754


Depends on who you make king because the current European monarchs do not inspire confidence

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89d96d  No.175048

File: 6c7c740c0b3c076⋯.jpg (44.71 KB, 800x450, 16:9, WYAMTDPKSNGEJPCF2UUM2YNR6U.jpg)

File: 6f59f83fb5fe961⋯.jpg (16.57 KB, 220x300, 11:15, 220px_Ghislaine_Maxwell_cr….jpg)



As my first act I will have an 8kun poll to choose the furst lady. (Runner up gets to be my side piece for the month.)

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89fd97  No.175053


If the president is female do we have to call her spouse "the First Lord"?

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89d96d  No.175111

File: e7fc0b48e1a1acc⋯.jpg (116.2 KB, 1061x791, 1061:791, VXWVd7u.jpg)


Lord's got a bit more of a BDSM tone to it than Lady in modern US use, so that would only work if the President's a sub.

(Pictured: Vladimira Putina, President of Russia)

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e9c377  No.175164


>Who's the new president? You are.

I wish.

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