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1cebd7  No.174681

Games Journalist YongYea ~ Curses At Fans in Anti-Trump Twitter Rant


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d98847  No.174684

literally who

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0ccf39  No.174750

Death Stranding was such a shit game, he lost all his subscribers for being a Kojima drone.

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6e1ca9  No.174857


I tolerated him at the time even though he was just a major Kojimbo cockgobbler who had just recently moved to California for some shitty voice-acting career, but ultimately it was his support for BLM and general Whitey-hatin' which made me put him in the trash.

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3dd920  No.174936


Such high hopes and it just dropped off the map. It was so full of faggotry after all the hype.

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ff12ad  No.175080


>Games Journalist

You mean some bugman faggot who talks about games and how much he likes to buy them? Gamerfags will be hung on the DOTR

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66e0c9  No.175267


>It was so full of faggotry after all the hype.

Literal faggotry. The only people who cared about Death Stranding after it release were erotic fiction writers writing about male impregnation of Norman Reedus.

Not even joking.

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