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🎶 It's 2021, order is gone it's a race war now 🎶

File: 42a4ed9d08da3e2⋯.jpeg (117.11 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 78A5A738_993B_4809_9E18_2….jpeg)

66b498  No.172336

The only way to circumvent this totalitarian rule, is to absorb the moniker and make it racist,

Get the normies to associate the phrase “The Great Reset” with White Supremacy.

The Great Reset must become known as a plan to segregate all races, back to their native land.

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143636  No.172352

File: e512a63bd229333⋯.jpg (85.72 KB, 750x695, 150:139, image0_3.jpg)

The Great Reset is a return to the 1930s. Hell yeah! Let's reset the whole damn planet. We'll segregate the races, expels the jews, and take away female's right to vote. Then it will be just like in the good ol' days

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3f4239  No.172365

I still can't believe a meme conspiracy I've been talking about for years just went mainstream so suddenly. Shit's frightening.

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7f2860  No.172366


(((they))) are always holding the cards waiting for the right moment to play them. COVID was an inevitable happening-trigger. We all saw it coming, we just didn't know when.

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5b0ebc  No.172368


Why not go back furthur and reinstate slavery?

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143636  No.172380


I dont want them in my country even as farm equipment. Segregate them back to Africa

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ec2987  No.172432

File: 8cf745a6c7dfe3d⋯.jpg (725.8 KB, 1080x2028, 90:169, 1a.jpg)

File: 814f5e291dca358⋯.jpg (717.23 KB, 1080x2070, 12:23, 2a.jpg)

File: fef66d821a356d3⋯.jpg (769.34 KB, 1080x2075, 216:415, 3a.jpg)

File: cb144efe9cf68b0⋯.jpg (700.75 KB, 1080x2070, 12:23, 4a.jpg)

File: f2aecc4c360f35e⋯.jpg (658.15 KB, 1080x2063, 1080:2063, 5a.jpg)


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ec2987  No.172433

File: ec2e57067343731⋯.jpg (778.22 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, 1b.jpg)

File: 26bcf831a70415a⋯.jpg (831.8 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, 2b.jpg)

File: b433ce50558f747⋯.jpg (786.78 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, 3b.jpg)

File: f450c2547178394⋯.jpg (759.1 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, 4b.jpg)

File: 8795bceec72e1c0⋯.jpg (710.74 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, 5b.jpg)

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ec2987  No.172434

File: 8a9a9f7a56ab5d9⋯.jpg (732.71 KB, 1080x1835, 216:367, 1d.jpg)

File: 7494421683311b3⋯.jpg (857.67 KB, 1080x1998, 20:37, 2d.jpg)

File: 753977fd30535d2⋯.jpg (852.2 KB, 1080x1998, 20:37, 3d.jpg)

File: 8c903743590f268⋯.jpg (850.89 KB, 1080x2004, 90:167, 4d.jpg)

File: 831ab8aee43844e⋯.jpg (863.45 KB, 1080x2001, 360:667, 5d.jpg)

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ec2987  No.172435

File: dd34be892408808⋯.jpg (780.74 KB, 1080x1995, 72:133, 6a.jpg)

File: ffdd8ea0f608b0f⋯.jpg (851.29 KB, 1080x2007, 120:223, 7a.jpg)

File: d3865edd59f853a⋯.jpg (890.05 KB, 1080x1991, 1080:1991, 8a.jpg)

File: aed501c2ca7be5f⋯.jpg (732.2 KB, 1080x1837, 1080:1837, 9a.jpg)

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39cfe1  No.172462





Please explain what the fuck this is and where it came from

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207454  No.172480

File: b52b1ad93cbcdc2⋯.png (2.67 MB, 994x2046, 497:1023, 1603072255628.png)

Thank you OP

This popped up on 4chan/pol/ last night. If it's a joke it's a very evil one if only because it's well written and totally plausible.

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207454  No.172481

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2d9d9e  No.172486


Trump is the evil one, too.

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e37cd1  No.172490

File: fefb46a93e7ef11⋯.jpg (31.84 KB, 700x522, 350:261, Jewjitsu2.jpg)

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207454  No.172491


Trump will end the lockdowns and he'll force Canada and the Euros to stop the lockdowns too. He's all we've got now to save us from an immediate Pol Pot tyranny so you'd better pray he's not as evil as you think.

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2d9d9e  No.172493


>you’re a jew because I can’t read your posts

>you’re a jew because you posted truth that I can’t refute

>you’re a jew because truth hurts my feelings

>you’re a jew because I have no argument against what you said

>you’re a jew because I have no refutation for what you said

>you’re a jew because I don’t like what you said

>you’re a jew because everything you said is against jews

>you’re a jew because you want every jew on earth exterminated

>you’re a jew because you say things jews are forbidden from saying

>you’re a jew because I am too weak and cowardly to accept reality

>you’re a jew because I am paid by jews to post here and I support white genocide, just like my ZOG emperor

* Donald Trump is a zionist in the same vein as all the others before him.

* Donald Trump is a neoconservative in the same vein as all the others before him.

* Donald Trump is a civic nationalist.

* Donald Trump disavows and condemns white nationalism.

* Donald Trump supports white genocide in all of his policies.

* Donald Trump supports murdering any white person who hates jews.

* Donald Trump’s entire family either married or dates jews.

* Donald Trump’s dad was personal friends with Netanyahu and local New York rabbis. Never mind Kushner.

This isn’t reddit. It’s not the Q-LARP board. It’s not gabbai. It’s not thedonald.win. No one here worships your ZOG emperor. Everyone here knows he’s identical to your other ZOG buddies. Blow your brains out.

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207454  No.172494


>Donald Trump is a neoconservative in the same vein as all the others before him.


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2d9d9e  No.172495


>Trump will end the lockdowns

You mean the one that he’s currently allowing without stopping at all? The one that he’s helping? That one?

>and he'll force Canada and the Euros to stop the lockdowns too

You’re brain damaged.

>He's all we've got now to save us from an immediate Pol Pot tyranny

lol, he is that tyranny.



















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34e017  No.172562


If you think that Trump losing is equivalent to Pol Pot's rule, then clearly you need to read more about Cambodia under him.

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143636  No.172564


Not Pol Pot imo but if Biden wins and extends the lockdown for 3 months like he promised he will cause Great Depression 2: It was the Jews.

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207454  No.172637

File: 2ecbd60770d1825⋯.jpg (536.57 KB, 1067x800, 1067:800, Antifa_Joe_Biden.jpg)

File: 0ccf5e81b700ff5⋯.jpg (82.62 KB, 720x626, 360:313, 1599896426821.jpg)

File: c4c98ee0056dab7⋯.jpg (469.14 KB, 1239x1301, 1239:1301, 1599892572636.jpg)

File: 478a2ef2de02bc2⋯.jpg (1.54 MB, 1561x1849, 1561:1849, OregonArson.jpg)


And you need to take a good long look at the evil sub human scum that's taken over the Demonrat party. There's no evil deed they won't sink to so they can seize power. They're insane.

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a47d79  No.172671


cool larp you can donate me your entire networth and i will make sure you survive harvest and live in 4th circle :^)

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45aca5  No.172780


Anon, have you considered that we need another board to frequent; say one without jews?

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240cd4  No.174991


> that's taken over the democrat party

uh, the baby eating scum have been in power since 1900 at least

dumb fucking q newfag falling for jew political dichotomy

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2c35d1  No.175114


They don't fucking need to be here, least of all in our homes.

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207454  No.175235

File: 932399e1b2158e6⋯.gif (378.14 KB, 320x180, 16:9, tenor.gif)


Alex Jones was ranting about this 20 years ago non stop.

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