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Grab the lube because it's time to get fucked!

File: 2feefea71579fbf⋯.jpg (36.98 KB, 438x270, 73:45, e4b9678ebcff03259292c42c6f….jpg)

55c0fb  No.172106

We need to return to matriarchy. Men are meant to relax and let women take control of office and work.

A man is happiest as a breeding drone.

All conflicts arise because of the modern imbalance of this principle.

Humanity removed itself from this as part of a perverted play to experience itself through domination of the ruling gender(feminine) and worship of the subservient gender(male).

The side effect of this was the degeneration of women to the point they've become unfit to rule and males surrounding themselves with fake grandeur, basically acting like spoiled children.

We need to reverse this. It will take time to work.

We need to remind the male subconscious of its role in the matriarchy by establishing big temples and smaller chapels to honor feminine goddesses. It is imperative to reorganize the constellation of gods again. As above, so below.

The goddess taking control of the beast is a high functioning social fabric. A man can cultivate immense strength over the material. Once he uses this strength to exert power over the feminine however, he loses more than he gains. His spirituality will be barren, his intuitive guidance lost. Humanity can not thrive and grow like this and in no way bring about an age of enlightenment.

The lion is most glorious with a shining star on its back.

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1043eb  No.172108

File: 4fbeed63a57868f⋯.png (53.6 KB, 758x473, 758:473, 90c48b0921bdf79571ce53d82d….png)

Great joke.

I will not rest until we repeal women's suffrage

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22e6a5  No.172109


Every single woman should be subservient or dead.

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dfd839  No.172110


Remember to sage.

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90112a  No.172122


The only right matriarchy is when a woman in the rulership isn't human.

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1eeaca  No.172220

File: df1f51ffb171890⋯.jpg (44.06 KB, 348x492, 29:41, wifeofbath.jpg)


>Been saying this shit since the 1300s

t.The Wife

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944c3d  No.172342

I approve

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dfd839  No.172361

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