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50d6be  No.171924

Censored in reddits


Coming to reddit, is this accurate what hucksters site posted? The CDAN blogger is a lawyer from Missouri, not Hollywood… he focused on copyright issues, not celebrities–

As for M, while his work as an intellectual property attorney in St. Louis, Missouri, has apparently resulted in him crossing paths with certain media groups like the RIAA, it is not immediately clear why he chose to hold himself out on crazydaysandnights.net as some sort of Los Angeles “insider” with access to thousands of exclusive stories that tabloids like TMZ could only dream of knowing. Indeed, with hundreds of top-rated attorneys in California that specialize in fields that are specifically tailored to the celebrity world, there is little to no reason for actors, producers, singers, and other Hollywood-types to contact a lawyer who lives hundreds of miles away… let alone share gossip with him.

In fact, according to his profile on Justia (a leading directory of lawyers), M is only licensed to practice law in the state of Missouri, meaning that any literal or implied claim to being party to the daily lives and various legal concerns of so-called Hollywood elites is very unlikely at best, and a completely fraudulent years-long hoax at worst.


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29575e  No.171930

man, don't make us go to reddit, archive it or screencap it.

sage because meta-ist post

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1edf47  No.171987

File: 61f35e62230a163⋯.jpg (403.57 KB, 706x1886, 353:943, cdan.JPG)

File: 091f47dac87e7f7⋯.jpg (7.7 KB, 277x182, 277:182, images.jpg)

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f22494  No.173195


Oh noes, a celeb gossip site might not be as pure as the driven snow!

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