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File: f2249193b95068c⋯.jpg (142.67 KB, 1000x541, 1000:541, 1027241358_0_727_5760_3837….jpg)

File: 035f745603effa6⋯.jpg (992.96 KB, 1024x680, 128:85, trainstationwall01.jpg)

a43d6d  No.171704

We were ordered by ZOG to let in more of these poor future doctors and lawyers, and bbc for you, so we obey.

We put them on trains and lock the train doors during the transport to west. As a precaution we already built walls surrounding train stations, and put cameras everywhere, we would not like your valuable nwo citizens to get lost here.

Have fun and all.

Greetings from Hungary

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ee96e1  No.171747


Pic 1 is from 2015

Pic 2 is a averange wall to prevent people to enter the restricted areas at the trainyard.

Szép próbálkozás faszfej!

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21a048  No.171753

Keep those goatfuckers for yourself.

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a43d6d  No.171790



>Pic 2 is a averange wall to prevent people to enter the restricted areas at the trainyard.

Oh, so you think if a wall is made for preventing people to enter then it is not good for keeping refugees inside?


>Pic 1 is from 2015

You got me, i was too lazy and careless about going to the train station and wait with a camera. I just happened to be near the border crossing and i was notified that a wave is coming on train, and we are letting them through.

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a43d6d  No.171791



>Keep those goatfuckers for yourself.

We have to strategically distribute them now in Poland, and Germany to ensure a diverse nwo culture in the near future…

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04d2c8  No.171792


Awww and we didn't get you anything.

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bd02f2  No.171807


Thanks. I cannot wait for the cultural enrichment these guys will bring. I can only imagine what scientific breakthroughs await us as we integrate these wonderful humans into our society, or should I say, integrate ourselves into their superior way.s

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e9204d  No.172010






>Also yes, lets take in hundreds of thousands of "refugees" and immigrants


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eb6c09  No.172272

File: 119c41c2d553114⋯.jpg (82.52 KB, 720x478, 360:239, 1603396892100.jpg)

We need a wall in frogland ! end remove kebab

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