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šŸŽ¶ It's 2021, order is gone it's a race war now šŸŽ¶

File: d026a7f800e3e8d⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1303x763, 1303:763, TheAmazingLucasDisagreemenā€¦.png)

bd79c0  No.171593


The Amazing Lucas is an accomplished body builder, graphic designer, and Trump supporter. He believes in reparations for blacks, but weekly has a call in show asking for people to change his mind.

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9f0a34  No.171595


>He believes in reparations for blacks

There's nothing wrong with reparations for Blacks, so long as the race that dominates the slave trade foots the bill and it's paired with repatriation.

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bd79c0  No.171599


I agree, Lucas says white people should and will pay.

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108b4d  No.171610


>based blacks?

There is no such thing. It is a 'diversity genetic problem' and why would anyone here give a fuck? We are not black; they should fuck off to their own people.

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d7a8fc  No.171611

The term "based black" doesn't carry much meaning to me. It's like bragging about a more intelligent retard, at the end of the day, it's still a defect.

I'd be willing to pay blacks to:

>Renounce their citizenship and take a one-way trip to an African nation of their choice. Or,

>Undergo voluntary sterilization

If they want to get into figures about anything else they're owed, they're not going to like the numbers come up with, once we account for the detrimental effects housing niggers entails.

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e5807e  No.171614


Housing, 'education', health, crime, and unmeasurable corollary costs.

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bd79c0  No.171615

File: 38ca25a2dc13a34⋯.jpg (169.67 KB, 1263x730, 1263:730, Prove_it.jpg)

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ce4ecf  No.171624



Yes, and?

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d12006  No.171631

File: 252b64b8bd995df⋯.jpg (397.92 KB, 599x984, 599:984, Aryan_Skinwalker_hakenkreuā€¦.jpg)


They're niggers

How does /pnd/ feel about featherheads?

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8dd63f  No.171731


>Basic bitch dindu wants gibs


Pick only one

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4d950b  No.171734

no such thing as a based nigger

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d677c7  No.171740


Shill your nigger whore somewhere else.


Commit suicide.


Good niggers don't exist.

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64eba9  No.171746


In my experience they always turn out to be some variety of brainwashed (vocal republican, hardcore christian fundie, etc.) Just because they can parrot redpills doesn't necesssarily mean they can actually approach them critically. They're on par with your average tinfoil whites and the only reason it's notable is because most black people can't even manage that.

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64eba9  No.171749


With that being said: they might not be geniuses but they're so so so so much better than every other black activist and hoodrat nigger. At least they have a certain appetite for seeing through the bullshit and I commend them for that.

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b0ef31  No.171795

File: 149b41d6b02f2ec⋯.mp4 (4.2 MB, 400x322, 200:161, black_preacher_on_how_blacā€¦.mp4)

They have created hybrids. Understand that they show us blacks which are some 50% white genes - that can operate in society, that can hold a job. Like Obama, like Tiger Woods.

Then, (((they))) say "look the blacks can function in society". But only with STOLEN DNA can the operate in society.

A black without any stolen white DNA can do nothing. Blacks know this! There are black preachers which preach this! They did NOTHING in Africa. They had every valuable thing. But they never made a house about 1 story. They shat in the dirt forever and made nothing of value. These are facts.

Now, some of the ones with the stolen DNA, it is a fair question, what of these hybrids? Some are realizing that they have been stolen from their home and they need to return. So, be it.

The slave traders were intentionally destroying America by bringing negroes. This is why you find George Bush ancestor bringing slaves. Big tory. Hated the republic. Named his son George, out of honor to the king. Brought as many blacks as he could. Since blacks are a weapon.

Any reparations should be to us, for stealing our functional DNA and implanting it into non-functional species. Burn in hell the likes of rapists like Thomas Jefferson which raped their childlike slaves, which had no choice being like children in the mind. Fucking scum which could not keep their dicks to themselves. Take your fucking reparations from the fucking scum which did this, if they're still alive. If they're not, then you have no fucking account on which to claim.

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108b4d  No.171796

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235385  No.171813

File: ce783e9d7424c4e⋯.jpeg (114.23 KB, 494x700, 247:350, 2E0C2873_03B2_444C_B1DE_Aā€¦.jpeg)


Well, if he wants reparations from white people for slavery, that isn't based. I'm not paying for the crimes of the jews and the plantation owners who did business with them.

Now, when it comes to legitimately based blacks, I am totally fine with them. Those who work for a living, take care of their kids, and refrain from race mixing are not a problem. Admittedly, there arent enough of those but I think we should always encourage those who are based and intelligent.

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1c1db1  No.175325


Trump supporter - supports a filthy jew

Want gibs - But from Whitey, not the jews that enslaved his people.

B-b-b-based, not.

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1c1db1  No.175327


I've never met a based black, but if you know any lets use them to rabble rouse the niggers, I'm cool with that.

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