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1fab23  No.171563

NNN has rolled around again, coomers.


Make the porn jew furious without having to lift a single hand. What say you, anons?

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1197b8  No.171566

When I don't nut and I shit in the toilet cum comes out of my penis; this is impossible for me.

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40bf10  No.171567


NoFap is a kike psyop to create woman hating incels who will never breed and make white babies.

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fd16f7  No.171576

I need to jerk off sometime. Not jerking off it's solving any of my problems but jerking off keeps me from being an autismo around females. Just don't do it a lot or you do end up looking like a coomer meme. Still, the coomer meme guys look like that since that's what women don't want to touch, skinny men, bald men, thin beard men, etc. They want a big fat armed guy with hair and a full beard much like all the soi bois you like to make fun of.

Moderation is the key to everything aside from modifying the products you make with your own two hands. For those perfection is something to strive for.


This. No nut makes you more desperate.

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ce158a  No.171577


thats called discharge, anon

that doesnt involve having an orgasm, and it doesn't count as nutting

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6ca9da  No.171583


>I am paid by jews to post here

Nah, it’s not.

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688de0  No.171622


You need to learn self control.

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8be20e  No.171641


Im balding, dont have a beard to speak of, wear glasses, but also somewhat buff and have no problems with getting laid from time to time. That doesnt mean women want the stereotypical soymen. You need a certain mindset to succeed. When im not in that mindset, i almost never get laid. Fapping to porn is one of the things that puts you out of that and makes you insecure. Women feel that. They rather date a thin haired, confident loser than an insecure guy who is insecure.

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40bf10  No.171660


Show me one single nofap monkey who is actually married and has kids. PROTIP: You can't.

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547401  No.171674


yea, cause fapping literally creats children, kiketard

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4c5290  No.171675


imagine being so retarded as to say this. nofap doesn't mean no sex. nor does it mean no reproduction in any stretch of the imagination

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547401  No.171699


>nofap doesn't mean no sex. nor does it mean no reproduction in any stretch of the imagination

I didn't say it meant that, nigger. That other faggot said it was meant to make you never reproduce. I said fapping is not reproduction and nofap will make you more likely to fuck womans and reproduce.

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40bf10  No.171702


nofap increases tension, making you hypersensitive and aggressive, two traits women do NOT like. Women don't want aggro bro-bros for breeding purposes. nofap also increases the likelihood that you'll bust your nut prematurely, which doesn't make babies, it just makes you need to change underwear.

So, if you want to be an uptight aggro bro who nuts when a breeze hits your peen, go right ahead. Idiot.

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9936c4  No.171703

File: cbc8810938a510b⋯.mp4 (81.06 KB, 640x360, 16:9, FUCKING_DEGENERATE.mp4)


fuck off, Saul

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547401  No.171706


>making you hypersensitive and aggressive, two traits women do NOT like. Women don't want aggro bro-bros for breeding purposes


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40bf10  No.171714


Trust me, kid. Women don't want a man who is going to snap and beat them over nothing. A man who can't relax will never get a wife. Maybe you can knock up a hooker.

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f76e0c  No.171723


Day 298 of nofap. Feels damn good to be at the top.


Are you retarded? Doing nofap doesn't make you want to 'snap' and 'beat' woman. Just another cope mechanism… sad.

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3f9e14  No.171726


He's paid to post here. Just report the posts.

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0b0a0f  No.171727


People often get irritable and aggressive when they stop doing drugs as well. Does that mean they should keep doing them?

The heightened aggression doesn't stay forever, it's just a stage that will pass eventually. That, coupled with the advice that is almost universally given for nofap - to channel that excess energy into something productive - should tell you that it's not a valid reason to never try it.

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e51fca  No.171800

Balding is genetic, inherited from the maternal grandfather. Using silly tactics like trying to imply masturbating causes baldness indicates you don't have any valid arguments, otherwise you'd be putting them forth.

People have made lies about masturbation forever: going blink, growing hair on your palms, etc. This is just the newest incarnation.

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4530ea  No.171832


my maternal grandfather has insanely thick hair and im balding- also my father and paternal grandfather are also bald so it seems like it can go either way.

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4762a8  No.171835


Genetics are obviously a major factor, but so are hormones, like prolactin, which spikes when you coom.

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154a9b  No.171881


True, hormones play a big role. But if it was so simple as orgasms then why wouldn't people who have sex very often suffer the same results? No one is posting bald chad memes.

Some very muscular men do have balding because of high DHT, but other than that why doesn't we see bald pussy crushers? Seems pretty dubious TBH.

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154a9b  No.171884



This study aimed to measure the serum level of prolactin and to detect the expression of its receptor in AA, in an attempt to highlight its possible role in the pathogenesis of this disease.


On comparing the serum prolactin level between patients and controls, no significant difference was found, while the mean tissue level of prolactin receptor was significantly higher in patients than in controls.


Prolactin plays a role in AA, and this role is probably through the prolactin receptors rather than the serum prolactin level.


So according to the best study we have so far, the difference wasn't prolactin levels but prevalence of prolactin recepters, which is genetic.

The real question is, why is this coomer meme pushed so hard? Why was masturbation always seen as a taboo, and devices and circumcision used to curtail it?

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95fa4d  No.171897

File: 120640cae89ff7c⋯.png (346.77 KB, 1204x606, 602:303, nofap_timeline.png)

File: a9fcbda69f5e639⋯.png (400.23 KB, 1336x1980, 334:495, nofap_testosteron.png)

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be754e  No.171910


Do you know what forces out the estrogen in your hair follicles? Do you know how that's made? Ok buddy.

Genetics just gives you the potential, with baldness, as with anything. Unless you are full baldness genes you will not thin your hair unless you wank a lot.



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be754e  No.171912


Again I'll say what I did before in the thread. I tried nofap because I don't want to jerk off if I have depression/am not around ovulating women. It just makes me more defeatist with women. I don't have a drive for all other things, as testosterone isn't what you really want but you don't want to go bankrupt of it either with wanking. Remember nogs have high test as well as people that can't speak their way out of a paper bag.

sage because I forgot to respond to you in my first post and thusly double posting when I do this

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d306f9  No.171929


>Unless you are full baldness genes you will not thin your hair unless you wank a lot.

So Bruce Willis, Patrick Stewart, Yul Brynner, Jason Statham, Jonathan Banks, The Rock, and Jessie Ventura area all chronic masturbating soy boys?

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8a8103  No.171933


Makes sense I suppose. Competition for resources within the body. The body is going to give up the resources to produce hair long before it gives up the resources to produce sperm.

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bd799b  No.171965

File: 31f794f607f9f46⋯.jpg (85.63 KB, 474x573, 158:191, 1538617880080.jpg)


What a surprise, this thread is on the way out.

>No I'm not addicted to porn. I can stop any time.

>I just fap because I want to. I'm not addicted!

Can't stand to even look at this thread on the front page?

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16d2ee  No.172112

File: 05de40849d42b93⋯.png (623.84 KB, 901x676, 901:676, ILoveYou.png)




I have to write this and better screencap this, because I gave this quite a bit of thought.

You can figure out you can NOT increase your base your hormonal levels (decided by your genetics) by no masturbation (or other practices) by remembering some historical facts.

>frequent ejaculation drops testosterone for males a lot and causes them to be feminine, low energy etc

No it possibly can not. It simply causes disinterest to some degree.

Let's go back in time a 1000 years ago and think about a farming man who just married to a wife in Europe. First thing is as some of you may remember people wanted a lot of children because:

1-) More hands needed in farm work.

2-) Children died like flies back in the day. You would have 7-8 children (sometimes as much as even 11-12 !) and only 3-4 of them would survive past puberty.

Wars, famine, illnesses, disease… anything you care to mention killed children. Thus a lot of children were required even by a single family.

How do you make children ? Sex and thus conception.

Now there is a little thing about conception. Just because a male and female have intercourse does not mean there will be a successful fertilization and a baby. Even today with all our knowledge we still can't get it on our whims. Even a successful pregnancy would require many tries.

Do you start to see the implication ? If just a single baby requires this much sexual activity how much sex would you think require for a most basic farmer family ?

Needless to say there was no "woman's right" back in the day and a husband would have a much sex as he would wish.

So if the idea above that ejaculations would lower testosterone to very dangerous levels and make the men lazy, weak etc. a farmer man would simply parish after a couple months he had married due to farming work "alone" !

>why do man have lower testosterone levels today then ?


For 200 years in the western world:

1-) There has been a negative (dysgenic) selection due to mass democracy by redistribution of resources from more aggressive and successful (high t) males to low-t ones.

2-) Mass armies implemented by European powers (starting with Prussia and France enforcing mandatory military service) allowed mass wars and high tech weaponry caused a mass elimination of higher-t man population from gene pool.

>How do we increase it then ?

Reverse it.

1-)Make it easier for good genetics men to meet with good genetics women (start a dating website etc)

2-) Literal genetic modification. It is really getting more advanced by the year.

Of course this does not have much to do with the subject of no masturbation.

The thing is: Try to practice it, because you are practicing self control, which is a very good thing. But don't do it expecting to be a superman/übermensch.

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614c40  No.175975

Going onto day six, feeling breddy guud!

Almost broke my streak yesterday because of edging, but I'm gonna keep on trucking!

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83293d  No.176704

File: a28c949dd4d65f6⋯.jpg (74.49 KB, 720x720, 1:1, niceCockBro.jpg)


not even close to correct. this is pure autism

>>frequent ejaculation drops testosterone for males a lot and causes them to be feminine, low energy etc

This is absolutely true. Semen is the life force of men; ejaculation lowers your sexual energy, thus your entire overall energy. Semen retention exists for a reason. It is essential to reach a new energy level.

>it's all genetics bro, you can't do anything about it

this is defeatist cope, sure many people have hormonal imbalances, but you think this is just because of their genetics and no other factors? It's due to many environmental variants, such as diet and habits developed as children. Most children are put in front of a computer while eating food that was made from a factory; that would give anyone hormonal imbalances.

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cbc45f  No.178429

Day 8,

Post your streaks

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e86759  No.180754

File: 443832bba5cec5f⋯.jpg (5.71 KB, 250x247, 250:247, 1538587020970.jpg)


I am on day 11 technically, but I had a wet dream and ejaculated in my sleep. Does it still count, frens?

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