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File: 564013e9c1b6a0d⋯.jpg (477.05 KB, 638x658, 319:329, 47fc1c1b87464973474a4b1130….jpg)

7303ad  No.171554

Some inbred NIGGER JEW mod keeps deleting this thread! Clearly they dont want anyone to look beyond blackpill bullshit here. This place is clearly glow niggered.

I am sure a good portion of anons here might be aware of this already, but for lurkers and others I figure it might be worth going over in a bit of detail.

As many of you already know kikes are in-fact a parasitic race, an anti-race if you will, that have infected the European genepool through miscegenation over centuries. They actively pose and camouflage themselves as a European specimen when convenient for survival, whilst simultaneously throwing us under the bus politically, socially, and culturally. And when others attack them for their “Whiteness” the pull out the “jew” card to deflect blame and escape criticism. They are not only a biological parasite in the way they infect a host tribe and destroy it from within, but also a social parasite in the way they behave and act on almost every level, that inserts itself into movements, institutions, culture etc to fracture, re-route, divide, and destroy.

This being said I think it is IMPERITIVE for our survival and our ability to form alliances with other groups that anons understand that this has not only affected our own race, but also the other races. As such it is IMPERITIVE that we not only learn to identify jew features among our own race, but also among the other races too. Developing a keen “jewdar” so to speak.

Certain jew traits are very easy to spot once you understand what to look for; the obvious being the hook-nose, but the teacup or big ears, thin oddly colored lips, narrow face shape, and even freakishly big, puffy eyes can be identifying factors aswell. I’ve only recently started to be able to identify jewy characteristics in certain Indian and East Asian faces. And it is clear as day what a normal Chinaman looks like versus a kike blood infected one when you can decipher it.

Henry Ford spoke of a similar thing in his book The International Jew, where he exclaimed Jews pretending to be German as German Businessmen. And as Americans as American Businessmen and how these parasitic imposters are able to fool the general public into forming opinions and assertions on said countries and groups based on the actions of jewy shekel stealers pretending to be the nationality of XYZ country. Likewise I would wager the same is the case regarding our impeding racial conflict. Jews pretending to be Black, Asian, Latin, Indian etc and coercing the natives of the groups to fight each other, or band together to target Whites. I believe this is the key to being able to break down the tensions and be able to work with other groups to accomplish the same goal by pointing out the the actions the jew is taking not only harms Europeans, but also Blacks, Asians, etc. and that a jew-free world would result in a better place for all groups. This is how the jew is molding these other groups (including us) into working for him as his pawns. Pointing out that even if Whites are wiped out that Asians will be next to be enriched with Blacks, or that the destruction of the Black family was the work of jews. I believe the only way we can succeed is to break through this and work with groups who are jew-aware and intelligent enough to understand that this is a global war that affects the cohesiveness of all groups and ultimately cannot be won without cooperation. A Global Liberation Front; if you will.

Look closely at the pic attached for an example; that man is not a Black man! Look at the hook nose.

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8679c8  No.171558

Thank you for a superb post of infinite value. They love impersonating Sicilians; much of the "Italian" mafia are really murderous jews.

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82cde5  No.171559

File: 9a58235c3ae9b0b⋯.jpg (129.54 KB, 836x315, 836:315, kosher_nostra.jpg)

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ee6462  No.171601


Ah, so that's the real reason they want to turn Whites brown.

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8679c8  No.171633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Excellent post. I knew some of those were jews but seeing that John Gotti's mother was a Russian Jew is really a suprise. I wonder if that gave him an in with the Brighton Beach Russian jew criminals.

>>The major Russian criminal element in Brighton Beach was the international Russian mafia group, known as vor v zakone or "vory," and the first vory crime boss in Brighton Beach was Evsei Agron, who controlled the area's crime during the 1970s and 1980s until his death in 1985.


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8679c8  No.171637

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Robert DeNiro (himself a fake Italian jew) ruefully admits to the jewish role in the Mafia in this interview on Once Upon A Time In America, a movie about the jewish mafia gangsters of New York city.

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928784  No.171666

File: 61ac3d68614da00⋯.png (259.88 KB, 576x417, 192:139, man_buscemi_disturbed.png)


I'm kind of afraid to ask about Nucky Thompson.

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34fc6e  No.171801


>that man is not a Black man! Look at the hook nose.

my guess is 50% nigger 50% jew like Jussie Smollett

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34fc6e  No.171805


>Robert DeNiro (himself a fake Italian jew)

Can't find any evidence of this. Please provide more info.

Was it his mom, Virginia Holton Admiral, who was Jewish?

Or her husband, Robert Henry De Niro?

Or did Robert Anthony De Niro have a different dad than RHDN?

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d55e52  No.172100

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ee90a6  No.172103

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ea3bf7  No.172191


substantiate your claims nigger

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