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🎶 It's 2021, order is gone it's a race war now 🎶

File: 75bd795920fba03⋯.jpg (76.01 KB, 907x1360, 907:1360, pierce55.jpg)

98c30a  No.171516

Kelvin Pierce was raised to be a hard core racist. His father, Dr. William Luther Pierce III, was founder and leader of the National Alliance, one of the most well-known White Supremacist organizations in the world. In 1978 William Pierce wrote The Turner Diaries, which has been labeled “the bible of the racist right” to this day. All the while, Pierce indoctrinated his son with tenets of White Supremacy, interspersed with physical and psychological abuse. By the time the author left home he was a seething morass of hate and suffering. Read about his eventual recovery and transformation."

Get it on Amazon

Yep Gl w your recovery, i think an apology to the Jews is in order as well. Be sure to check out the free preview.

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fb9700  No.171517

>A spook denounces his father who was also a spook and a 9/11 predictive programmer.

Just more jewish psyops, I could care less about the whole ordeal.

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14cc2f  No.171551


Pierce was no spook, but his son is definitely a faggot.

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14cc2f  No.171553

I found a link to the epub - https://lilfile.com/snDoFh

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ef7e79  No.171556


You don't have to now be an advocate for white people's rights since your dad was one, not everyone is the leader orator type. But this is just complete sellout kike tier stuff. Fuck this piece of shit.

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b63d24  No.172063


I wonder how many Jewish or Muslim children abandon their families because of extremism. A much bigger problem, than someone denouncing his father over his racial awareness.

“There are bigger fish to fry”.

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b22e79  No.172065

File: 20e321306155478⋯.mp4 (556.83 KB, 640x368, 40:23, anderson.mp4)


>Sins of my Father

The biggest sin of all is miscegenation.

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98c30a  No.172067

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Whatever, ironically that dude is a Jew.

So is Benny Hinn, he used to be some wall street type but saw all these gullible Christians and became who he is now, a world cl;ass con man.

He was born in Israel and to put your mind at ease he's still "healing" people via zoom.

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b22e79  No.172069


It's no surprise that a bunch of televangelists are kikes just trying to make shekels. I just posted that because it is based and redpilled. I am not religious but I am a devout follower of Mike Enoch. I sometimes consider myself to be in the "Church of Enoch", it's kind of an inside joke at TRS. We at TRS feel that it's important to race mix with jews because there is a surplus of based jews out there. This is why Mike Enoch married a jew and had a kid with her.

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98c30a  No.172070

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So one by one I want you guys to share how you became radicalized and filled with hate. Ideally in a week or two this site will be filled w staunch supporters of Israel and the Jewish people.

When you read this it's your turn to confess.

This video will help you.

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3c4109  No.172081


Or you could just kill yourself.

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98c30a  No.172196


Hey if you and Enoch were out in the woods alone and he asked you to suck his dick but no homo, would you?

Don't answer, we already know.

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cddbe5  No.172203

File: b44e1730c92aadc⋯.gif (435.11 KB, 400x300, 4:3, shot.gif)

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30d071  No.172207


Saying real men are feminist is the biggest cope ever. Only beta cucks are feminist.

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fa0783  No.175313


LOl. You're joking, right. Kike Enoch is a jewish faggot and so are you ;)

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