96c290 No.170184[Last 50 Posts]
DIRECT VIDEO LINK: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CGkxvV4AWeg/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet
INSTAGRAM PAGE: https://www.instagram.com/whoiskalibur
I'm not anti-black, but this video had me stunned as this guy goes on and on explaining in detail for 4 minutes how it's a bad to machine gun someone's over an argument.
But wait, it's not because he thinks gunning down someone's house should be reserved for a more serious state of war, no. He actually implies it would be a fine idea to do it if only it didn't risk hurting a child or another innocent family member. And he explains this, slowly.
Decode this nigger's psychology and watch as he's so proud of himself for being a tough killer type who wouldn't hesitate to do this, yet his genius gives him cause to hold back what would otherwise come easily to him, and he wants to pass on that amazing knowledge so he can save the innocent children.
And then the video host is praising this guy as if he stated some the deepest philosophy ever spoken.
Yet I get it, their target audience is a group of hood niggers that need to have this explained to them.
And this post has received 45000 shares and over 300 comments of praise & support
It freaks me out that there exists a sizeable population of niggers out there to warrant the creations of this kind of video for them; niggers who kill so easily that they need to have this slowly explained and fashionably propagandized to them in order for it to even have a chance to convince their monkey brains.
These hood niggers must be fucking animals on a level that I never thought possible.
I can't imagine whites getting this retarded even in the midst of the same poverty… it has to be a racial characteristic of the black race.
If I were a black person I would be pissed as hell at my own race and go to war with this nigger type of degeneracy. What the fuck. These racial characteristics need to be managed, and intelligent blacks need to step the fuck up and self-manage their volk. What a disgrace.
Seriously, what the fuck, this shit is ridiculous. After watching this, I'm actually going to considering more seriously the hierarchy philosophy of racial supremacy To my knowledge no other race is this bad with being prone to violence.
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d73058 No.170190
hmm, imagine that.. Well i guess they're finally evolving!?
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3d7d42 No.170191
If you go pretty much anywhere in East Asia or Eastern Europe, it's remarkable how smoothly a society with a near-total absence of jews, niggers, and anglos operates – even if it materially poor in some fashion [and quite a few of them aren't particularly materially poor and several are light years ahead of the modern "West"].
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13ef7d No.170215
nice try cuck, they're still not human and never will be
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c353d0 No.170217
The White DNA didn't do shit for the monkey people. This is your only future if you miscegenate with the ape people.
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725a72 No.170224
>But wait, it's not because he thinks gunning down someone's house should be reserved for a more serious state of war, no. He actually implies it would be a fine idea to do it if only it didn't risk hurting a child or another innocent family member. And he explains this, slowly.
To witness the beginning of adaptation in a species is a wonderful thing. Now, are we able to convince this guy to slowly explain to them that it's time to stop touching our women?
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710e91 No.170245
You really nailed it, straight up. Why don't women THINK about the future they're making with nigger fucking? Are they too stupid to look ahead that the children will be awful, never amount to anything, and make a nigger zone where they lay their heads?
What in the christ is wrong with white women?
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05ac0a No.170313
>Eastern europe
>Free of jews
What the fuck are you smoking nigger?
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bc2af9 No.170333
>I'm not anti-black
Which means you either live in a nice neighborhood of a country where they are less than 2% of the population.
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4d8052 No.170334
Nice thread OP. Yes, I've seen and thought similar things posted by niggers.
Another thing to notice about niggers is their mania and delusions, which mixed with their low IQ leads to hilariously retarded people. Look at all the nigger youtubers and "visionaries" given a voice by Jews. They're all retarded and speak in the most flowery non-sensical way ever.
Don't ever, ever underestimate the stupidity of niggers. It's actually quite funny, chan gets a bad rep for thinking blacks are stupid, but in reality I think even we give blacks too much credit, and I believe they're actually far dumber on the whole than even the average person here thinks.
It's not just that they have a super low raw IQ. They also have negative personality traits that co evolved with that low IQ. They also have a completely shit "culture" that was formed by low IQ people, and which now molds them to be even dumber.
This is why you can compared a black community with an average IQ of 85 and a dumb White community with the same IQ, ans the White community will be doing fsr better. At the very least, the White community will actually have fathers present. As well, that White community will continually produce 1-15 random 110-120 IQ Whites every generation, who will likely then leave. The Black community might produce ONE of those every 100 years. At best they're getting 1-5 100 IQ blacks every generation, so completely average.
>What in the christ is wrong with white women?
That's the question we're all asking. And I think it's probably the most depressing part about all of this. Depressing on a practical level, like "am I even going to be able to find a wife without a coalburning past, let alone one who's a virgin?
Proof of how shit things have gotten is that nowadays, if a women has been a slut, but only with White men, then that's a good things. Things have gotten so bad now that a women being a slut is basically a given.
Seeing the rise of BBC videos being recommended to someone with zero history on pornhub, or seeing BBC/cuck themed tiktoks (that teens and children end up seeing) leads me to believe that are culture is fundamentally done. This country is ruined forever.
I think a combination of the "evil White male / peaceful innocent womenz/minority" narrative thst many take as fact, + sexual freedom + the fact White women are generally dumb, has lead to this.
And if one things for sure, it's the White women are dumb. Women are in general, yes, but Whites as a race seem to have one of the largest gender gaps in IQ. White men are the smartest group on the planet, while White women are overall simple and dumb, probably due to high sex hormones in Whites. Whites do produce some of the smartest women on the planet but overall our women are retarded. This is a tale as old as time and is why White culture is the way it is. It could also be fixed through certain scientific things relatively easily but that's not happening anytime soon, not in America at least.
It's fucking depressing, because even if we manage to redpill most White men, unless we can somehow convince the women, we're still fucked, and the only option then is to force them to stay homogenous, which is probably what they ultimately want anyways. Basically, it's a massive cultural shit test from the women to basically prove we're men.
Basically, we have to become more manly and just force them along, or else our race is doomed.
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683b14 No.170351
Based. Females by nature are very emotionally centered, submissive and want to please and seek validation. So we can obviously see the problem here, with the heavy influence of white genocidal degeneracy being labelled as "acceptance", "equality", "tolerance" "understanding differences" kike BS etc… This very heavily hijacks their personal emotions and sets off triggers to act upon their "nurturing" and "caring" nature while not being able to rationalize, be logical and question, address and protest the widespread forced narrative and propaganda. It really is a fucking shame, their natural inbuilt traits are great and necessary for a positive structured family WHEN their is a healthy pure society and strong male influence to keep them in line, like its intended and meant to be. Yes, women need to be forced along, "redpilling" them is just out of the question.
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f6dbe6 No.170369
Nigs don't understand the concept of: "put yourself in someone else's shoes". They lack empathy and altruism. They aren't very good at thinking in the long-term or critical thinking in general.
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9b3516 No.170388
I think the ones who are ‘passive’ and ‘submissive’ now are the White males after all, without their 100% acquiescence and ‘tolerance’ these pieces of shit would never be allowed to occupy our nations. You only had ONE FUCKING JOB, White ‘males’ and that was to keep out invasion so that our race could continue. FUCK YOU ALL FOR BLAMING WHITE WOMEN FOR YOUR TOTAL AND COMPLETE FAIL.
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9b3516 No.170389
This is because they are just protohuman apes and not human beings.
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3d7d42 No.170394
Most of them died or moved to America/israel. There are not lots of jews filtering around Eastern Europe. You'll find them lurking in Poland and the Baltic statelets, where US military/Anglosphere influence is strongest.
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b07ec2 No.170402
>Depressing on a practical level, like "am I even going to be able to find a wife without a coalburning past, let alone one who's a virgin?
It's getting harder, that's for fucking sure. When I think about my son's chances in the dating pool, I feel physically ill.
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2f7816 No.170446
>I think a combination of the "evil White male / peaceful innocent womenz/minority" narrative thst many take as fact, + sexual freedom + the fact White women are generally dumb, has lead to this.
White women aren't really dumb. Speaking as an Australian (Australia has a massive Chinese population now), I can say with confidence that Australian raised Asian women are almost just as bad. The culture is to blame, largely; women are naturally prone to solipsism and schizophrenic-like thinking and once you thoroughly indoctrinate them into feminism and Marxism, they just mentally implode. They go crazy, delusional, out of control.
White women's problem is our race's sexual dimorphism: there are more sex differences in the white race than other races. They acknowledge that at some level and combine that understanding with feminism and go completely nuts, thinking that the reality of the situation is a product of conspiracy and a nefarious patriarchy Boogie man rather than nature.
If it wasn't for the fact that white men have been brainwashed into being submissive beta male pushovers (lauded as highly moral), we'd be able to turn things around instantly. But that isn't the case and we're living in something resembling endstage mouse utopia. There's no glue holding our society together anymore. It has been feminised, neutered, and brainwashed into being a slave to serve its neo masters: the nonwhite world. The west is dead. There's simply no turning it all around with the rapidly changing demographics.
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c353d0 No.170462
Yep, they are transferring the US military out of Germany so that they can fuck Poland up that ass and destroy it and its nationalist ideology. If polish men don't fight the foreign occupation of their homeland they will end up watching while the jews import BILLIONS of niggers and they will live to see their daughters and their wives riding nigger cock voluntarily or involuntarily.
And don't tell me that this video is 'staged' because it is actually happening in Poland just like the Protocols were supposedly fake as well…when they are not.
Get ready to have your cherry broken Polish men; the kikes are coming for you and bringing the destroyers with them.
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c353d0 No.170463
Everyone does what they want and you two are a classic example of the 'new cuck'. Rather than stand up and fight for what you believe in both of you are PermaCucks.
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9b93b2 No.170492
>Rather than stand up and fight for what you believe in both of you are PermaCucks.
What is that even supposed to mean? Fight how, exactly? With guns or metaphorically? Who says we aren't resisting? Who says we haven't stood up. You are the classic example of someone who says something but says nothing.
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c353d0 No.170496
Literal violence to defend your nation is the only thing that means. Why am I not surprised that you don't know this and think that there are 'other means' to getting rid of your enemies other than killing them?
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9b93b2 No.170499
>Literal violence to defend your nation is the only thing that means. Why am I not surprised that you don't know this and think that there are 'other means' to getting rid of your enemies other than killing them?
So how many people have you killed so far, big guy? Have you been training for your IRL FPS 0-88 kills free-for-all death match? You won't do shit, nigger. Killing randoms is inconsequential in the grand scheme of things anyway because there isn't enough people willing to kill anything approaching a significant portion of the nonwhite population. And cinematic automatic machine gun massacres will not stop immigration. Oops. They'll just make people think we're all retarded serial killers. You're a sperg with no plan whatsoever and willing to throw your life away to have a blood-soaked temper tantrum. I'll stick to publishing IQ and race research in journals, which is more productive.
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c353d0 No.170500
>which is more productive
That does nothing in the long run. Face it, the last thing on the planet that you desire is to live free of kikes or in a White/European Nation. Your type disgusts me. Yes, it takes a 'critical minimum' to start anything meaningful in terms of liberation but you would rather sit around with your thumb up your butt 'talking'. There is no other way to a White Ethnostate than violence…you think you are going to 'vote' yourself an Ethnostate in a globalist world order? Tarrant was right, you are totally wrong if you start killing randos they will stop fucking coming and some of these POS might leave. Even the fucking niggers know better what to do than you do. When the Bantu wanted the nigerians to leave South Africa, they picked some randos, did violence to them and WTF do you know they all fucking left. A nigger can figure this out but you are suck a cuck that you want to 'dialog' about it.
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b07ec2 No.170506
>that vid
>that yid
>that cuckery
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9b93b2 No.170507
>That does nothing in the long run.
It does actually. Race and IQ research is slowly being accepted by the mainstream now. You actually have some popular science names discussing these ideas now because of us. You killing a small number of people with a continental 5.56 carbine won't accomplish anything. KFC and McDonald's will kill more niggers than you could ever dream of killing, even if you were given SEAL Team 6 to help you. You have no plan. What you want to do is react emotionally and it's retarded.
>Face it, the last thing on the planet that you desire is to live free of kikes or in a White/European Nation.
Yes, you can read my mind. Congratulations. Not.
>Your type disgusts me.
Tell someone who cares.
>Yes, it takes a 'critical minimum' to start anything meaningful in terms of liberation but you would rather sit around with your thumb up your butt 'talking'.
I will take the other (better) options, thanks.
>There is no other way to a White Ethnostate than violence…you think you are going to 'vote' yourself an Ethnostate in a globalist world order?
You have no plan. So far it's: "I will kill 10 niggers before getting arrested and then the ethnostate appears and then I get set free and receive a congressional medal." Personally, I would like one but we won't get it with a few autistic Anons committing random homicide shootings. And a few ethnic cleansings will not garner the needed support.
>Tarrant was right, you are totally wrong if you start killing randos they will stop fucking coming and some of these POS might leave.
Do you have a citation for that?
>Even the fucking niggers know better what to do than you do.
So you're a nigger? You sure think like one.
>When the Bantu wanted the nigerians to leave South Africa, they picked some randos, did violence to them and WTF do you know they all fucking left.
The modern western world is not comparable to that (SA) at all. You're an idiot.
> A nigger can figure this out but you are suck a cuck that you want to 'dialog' about it.
Cool story, bro? So when will you stop talking like a proper hard man and ice some Negros for us? Post a picture of you load out operator kit. I triple dare you, faggot.
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795a13 No.170514
I never thought that there is a large sexual difference in whites more than others, but now that you've said it I can believe it from my experience. I work with all races and only white women are just dumb while white men usually can do their job without fucking up, indian men and women are similar, black men and women are very similar in intelligence, asian men and women are different in temperament but are mostly as intelligent as each other (asians in general aren't that smart btw)
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9b93b2 No.170517
>asians in general aren't that smart btw
They are like ants with calculators. They work for the colony and crunch numbers.
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795a13 No.170519
They're still modern human species (unlike niggers) but they're unlike the rest of us because it's true, they are social droids. I wonder what in their history made them this way?
Only thing I can I think because ancient china 100s of billions of people died in wars before the 5th century? So when all these people migrated it was only the people that didn't get slaughtered, and those were those who "fit in" not being conscripted to die, and those who survived in the wars "fit in" with other soldiers?
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c353d0 No.170520
This asian cunt simply won't quit bashing Whites. I suppose you bug chaser allow it to be here because you have a thing for bug pussy.
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c353d0 No.170523
>Don't 'do' anything White men.
I suppose this is why you kikes always win.
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9b93b2 No.170524
>I suppose this is why you kikes always win.
Look, if you can take out Soros and the Pope, please go right ahead. Nuke the Vatican. Etc. But the Tarrant copycat shit is gay. He is a highschool dropout who threw his life away to kill a few sandniggers. And since that event, more sandniggers were imported than the number killed and NZ tightened several of its laws. He's a loser and you worship him. Breivik is the demarcation point. If you can't do better than him, you're a turbonigger. He killed future commie politicians.
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c353d0 No.170525
Who cares which one did better. They both did more than you will ever do; outside of licking up tyrones expired cum out of your wife. Talk moar nigger because that is what White nations really need more talk less killing.
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9b93b2 No.170526
>Who cares which one did better. They both did more than you will ever do; outside of licking up tyrones expired cum out of your wife. Talk moar nigger because that is what White nations really need more talk less killing.
It's important: one was a nigger who accomplished nothing and will spend his life in prison. One committed a serious and effective political act and will be out in less than 20 years with a PhD he earned while inside at tax payer expense, only so he can go deeper into politics once he's out. One is a retard and the other is a genius. And you worship the retard.
Still waiting for you to do anything. But I know you won't. You aspergers fucks just like to write up fantasy porn on the board and call others faggots because you're angry because you can't do anything.
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c353d0 No.170532
Post moar faggot. Continue talking. That will resolve things and straighten things out in White nations.
If people can't see that you are wrong and they thing that 'talk' is going to get them somewhere they want to be then I am happy that they will die at the enemies hand just like you will you liberal moron.
The only thing worse than 'talking' might be 'demonstrating' something (((government))) has fucking PROVED they didn't give one rat fuck about.
The only thing they ever give one shit about it killing because it messes with their plans by causing REAL CHAOS as opposed to their own orchestrated 'chaos lite' where they direct the actual outcome of the 'insurrection'. I know that you are a kike glownigger just doing your 'talk' wins spiel.
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9b93b2 No.170533
You won't do anything. If you were training for a terrorstrike, you wouldn't be on here complaining to other people and calling them faggots for doing nothing. That's how we know you won't do shit. You're a faggot cuck by your own standards and logic. Anyway, I'm not even going to read past the second sentence of that pile of excrement. I've got better things to do. Have fun LARPing, freak.
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c353d0 No.170537
>we know
I called it.
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6f5e4c No.170605
It’s not like he’s wrong. You, personally, will never do anything in a physical form to prevent white genocide, nor will anyone else. It’s not going to happen. No one is attacking the ZOG, and no one is going to in the future.
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8f01f1 No.170628
>it has to be a racial characteristic of the black race
It is. Niggers lack empathy and have a very high time preference, meaning they do things to receive immediate gratification. They don't think about the consequences of their actions. There have actually been studies done on children where they took a bunch of kids before class and said "you can have one piece of candy right now, or you can have multiple pieces if you wait until the end of the day." All the nigger children took the one piece at the beginning of class and the whites waited. If you combine high time preference with a lack of empathy, you get shit like niggers killing other niggers for Nike™ shoes. These people need to be separated from whites, there is no helping them. Segregation or physical removal is the only option.
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f26e43 No.170668
Getting to work with chinese foreign workers was a real opener. They need to have their hand held through every step of every process because they have 0 capacity for independent or creative thinking. This extends to stuff like googling solutions to problems they encounter where they'll hit a wall if you don't feed them links and queries yourself. One of them was shocked to hear that they were not only allowed but encouraged to contribute in meetings because they believed it was something that should be reserved to superiors.
It's like the radical opposite of participation trophy culture, they're raised to feel so indebted to the people above them (including their parents) that personal agency is completely thrown out the window. This gives way to even more maladaptive traits like face saving where you're ALWAYS going to get thrown under the bus if something isn't going their way.
Never again.
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348c54 No.170680
The image looks better if you crop it to just the right side
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f26e43 No.170681
Another thing: they can't learn outside of a controlled environment. They love to flaunt what they know and what they've studied but put them in front of a new situation and they'll freeze and never show a hint of an instinct to pick it apart and figure it out on their own. They straight up can't pick up on concepts they've shown to have mastered otherwise if they're presented to them in an unpredictable way.
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8f01f1 No.170682
I didn't make it, but I agree
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2ea70a No.170683
Can confirm. Its also very calm and settling after a few days because there's no finkelthink and labels slung around. I found myself mentally healthier after a few days.
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2ea70a No.170688
>It's fucking depressing, because even if we manage to redpill most White men, unless we can somehow convince the women, we're still fucked, and the only option then is to force them to stay homogenous, which is probably what they ultimately want anyways. Basically, it's a massive cultural shit test from the women to basically prove we're men.
Yep. A common criticism that usually works at large is that "its all men and there are no women in these movements." Well, yea, its men who sailed, the seas, mapped the continents, flew the plane, went to the bottom of the sea and surface of the moon. Women only get on to something when its trendy or socially profitable.
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4d8052 No.170690
I mean, you are kinda right. I'm sorry. I'm not really personally to blame as I'm still young, but you're right, our men have been completely cucked. Not like the women were innocent either though. Part of the reason the Western men allowed things to get so bad was to please the nagging women.
The reason most White men went along with all this diversity shit in the 80s to now was to please White women. White men were basically neutral on it and just followed whatever they thought White women wanted. It's funny, you really can't please the average women
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3d7d42 No.170692
this is what PiS is all about
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4d8052 No.170693
This is what I meant when I mentioned the White intelligence gap: we have more dimorphism.
However, we're not the race with the most dimorphism. We're mid-level, but because of our high IQ this results in the largest IQ gap.
Asians obviously have the smallest sexual dimorphism gap. Then it's. Native American's. Then it's Whites tied with Arab's. Then it's. Blacks.
This isn't just provable just by appearances but also genetically. Genetically Asians have genes resulting in less testosterone, less DHT, and less sensitive androgen receptors. Whites have genes in the middle. Blacks have an extreme amount.
Same with aromatase (the enzyme that creates estrogen). Asians genetically have low amounts, Whites have middle amounts, Blacks have a lot.
The reason Blacks have the most dimorphism but not the biggest intelligence gap is because they're already so stupid. It's a complex interplay of genes and hormones, but basically, Whites have a lot of intelligence genes that are estrogen and androgen sensitive. Blacks don't have nearly as many, + both genders of their race have high estrogen already, so it doesn't matter.
And also, this is a sidenote, but Whites have the most body hair of any race, by far. This has been known since the 1800s.
Anyways, this is why Asian women have small boobs while White woman can have massive ones, and why Black women sometimes have asses and tits so large that they used to be shown as circus freaks.
That's why White women are so retarded. They have tons of estrogen. Estrogen is a neurotoxin that shuts down brain growth, memory formation, etc, especially in the developing fetus. This is why women have so much less brain matter than Men. I could go into detail and describe the pharmacological reasons but to simplify it, estrogen stops neurons from growing.
When I said that there were methods that could prevent this IQ gap, I meant things aromatase inhibitors, or certain neurogenicc steroids (both androgens and progestins) that shut down estrogen. If a women took those during her 20s, or when she was in the womb, she'd be a lot smarter, far less emotional, a lot more stable, and wouldn't have that female sexual drive that results in twerking and gang bangs. All of that shit is because of estrogen.
But no. Instead of what I proposed, we the opposite: instead of things that shut down estrogen, we have shit tons of synthetic estrogens in the food, water, in shampoos and make up, in packaging. Hell, even receipts are made of pure estrogen.
See how intentional this all is? They've been exacerbating our sexual differences for decades, because they've know for a while now that the weakest link of White culture was our women.
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f226ed No.170704
Filtered for being a kike demoralization shill.
You have no idea what will happen in the future or who will light the fire.
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f226ed No.170708
I guess we should stop eating the poisonous estrogen laden foods that Big Ag keeps pushing on us in grocery stores, restaurants etc.
It makes sense why they keep having these police 'interventions/harassment' at Farmers Markets.
We are probably looking at last generation 1970's that wasn't chemically and eventually biologically castrated of all human emotion. Everyone else has too much artificial chemistry floating in their veins to be of use even to themselves.
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1154cd No.170731
You've been obliterated and have no response but posturing. Fail/10.
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7279d9 No.170733
>you’re a jew because I have no argument
>you’re a jew because I can’t prove you wrong
>you’re a jew because I have no evidence of my claims
>you’re a jew because truth hurts my feelings
>you’re a jew because I’m too weak to listen to truth
It’s not like he’s wrong. You, personally, will never do anything in a physical form to prevent white genocide, nor will anyone else. It’s not going to happen. No one is attacking the ZOG, and no one is going to in the future.
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4d8052 No.170779
It's part of the reason there's so many trannies nowadays.
See, trannies used to be males who were homosexual and effeminate and had the sexuality, personality, and mannerisms of a girl. Nearly all trannies were like this.
Nowadays however, 90% of trannies are of a different group. Instead of being gay, the majority of them start of straight or bisexual, and the ones that are fully gay only become that way after taking estrogen for a year.
As well, modern trannies are often not very feminine at all, often being big boned, autistic, aggressive, etc.
Most importantly, modern trannies get off to the idea of being a women. Modern trannies cross dress and get and erection. 1950s trannies didn't, they get erections from attractive men.
The reason for this is the general decline in health, + xenoestrogens in an already masculinized brain.
Modern trannies generally have an attraction to girls (which is why they all have girlfriend's and/or fuck each other instead of men).
It's a classic case of identifying with what you find beautiful. It's men so weakened and destroyed by estrogen that they identify with what they like. Lesbian porn probably doesn't help.
Another contributing factor is that our women have gotten so bad that men are starting to become women.
Sad shit.
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4d8052 No.170781
Eh, life is long, and right now there's no clear war to fight. The fuse hasn't been lit yet. Besides, this argument is pointless anyways.
Give it 5-10 years. We need time to build up a 5 million or so more redpilled White men, and we need an actual war or battle to fight.
Obviously we're all aware that there is no peaceful way out of the current predicament. Obviously the only way to take back the West at this point is through wars and battles. But doing so randomly would be stupid.
The Jews took over the world. They didn't do so through rash action. They did so through careful plotting.
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a4090d No.170786
>You, personally, will never do anything in a physical form to prevent white genocide, nor will anyone else. It’s not going to happen. No one is attacking the ZOG, and no one is going to in the future.
Audio related. https://jirafeau.net/f.php?h=0uTzsAsi&d=1
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d0afb0 No.170795
Ooh, nice. What’s that from? It hits all the right notes.
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8bc283 No.170799
Read what Anon>>>170334 wrote:
Moolies are fuckin stupid, and as a direct result, more agreeable, oblivious, and easy manipulated. White men by virtue are more principled and not as easily controlled.
Even if it turns out that Ray-quan isnt packing the heat that the white apologist liberal believes from stereotypes, the fact that he's so fuckin stupid and willing to go along to get along, the niggard is more preferable.
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b084f2 No.170813
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f226ed No.170821
>They did so through careful plotting.
Which is why it can be countered easily with total chaos and mass killing.
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f26e43 No.170975
>I can't imagine whites getting this retarded even in the midst of the same poverty… it has to be a racial characteristic of the black race.
Most black people have literally never evolved to develop the level of self restraint that's necessary for the development of complex societies.
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1154cd No.171075
They need violence to be kept civilised. Africans, not American Negros, utilise violent punishment to keep things relatively orderly. Criminals there are subject to violent and extreme punishment. This is because criminals (African peoples produce a greater than average number) only understand power (money and the ability to enforce punishment and violence). Liberal democracy is a weak political system based on tolerance, especially for minorities and "humane" and light legal punishment. Thus, criminal people feel free to engage in their desired behaviour because most consequences for crimes are relatively not intimidating and harsh.
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3d7d42 No.171076
It is a waste of our society's resources to police them. Get rid of them. We have to ruthlessly destroy conservative wastes who want to create security markets with their presence, like you.
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96c290 No.171437
>It is a waste of our society's resources to police them. Get rid of them. We have to ruthlessly
Segregation has always been the answer. Then everyone is responsible for themselves. How the hell did theydestroy the reputation of segregation so easily? I guess it uncomfortably highly racial characteristic differences.
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f26e43 No.171521
>They need violence to be kept civilised
That's what it took to condition the rest of humanity to complex societes over 10000 years in some cases. It's not like they were just built and maintained out of nowhere, the most civilized cultures in the world are simply part of a long evolutionary line that was developmentally biased towards civic mindedness. It was basically inhuman to expect black slaves to start living up to white standards in 1865 and the ones that weren't equipped to catch up have only gotten more maladjusted. In an earlier period in history they would probably have been eliminated from the gene pool.
If you want another similar example the lack of self-restraint exhibited by the aborigines in Australia is even more crass than in black americans because they were given even less to work with to adapt. The craziest thing is the humanist in me believes establishing racial hierarchy and some form of soft segregation is probably the best way to protect people like this from a world that's only going to make them suffer. I think treating them as "equals" actually shows a profound lack of empathy. Progressives have their own twisted way of anthropomorphizing minorities and after 150 years it's never not resulted in socially destructive policy.
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f26e43 No.171523
I bet most black people would give away their right to vote for some form of improved welfare. Giving them a tangible opportunity at opting out of white society seems like the most agreeable solution for both parties. Let them self-regulate on reservations like natives and otherwise keep them away from national civil institutions. You could call it reparations.
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3d7d42 No.171524
Segregation isn't an answer to anything. Segregation was easily destroyed because it means having them in your fucking country, you dumb fuck white nigger. Move your ass to Africa and sell them your dumb products over there.
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3d7d42 No.171525
>more welfare to niggers but not to Whites
Uh huh.
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b07ec2 No.171542
Honestly, while intelligence is a problem for many of them, I think their biggest obstacle is impulse control and not understanding that you can't just go from Point A to Point Z without the intervening letters.
White dude:
>That girl is hot! I would love to have sex with her! "Good morning, miss! Fine day, isn't it? I see you're reading Richard Matheson's I Am Legend! I'm a big fan of it, myself. Maybe we could discuss it over coffee?"
Black male:
>Dat girl hot! Me wan' fuck her! *proceeds to rape woman*
White dude:
>Boy, I'd sure like to own that new gaming console they have in the window. If I stop eating out so much, I can save $100 a month from my paycheck and probably be able to afford one by January, when the post-Christmas sales start.
Black male:
>Me want dat! *proceeds to grab it and scamper away using jungle-hewn calf muscles*
Pic related. They really don't seem to understand the concept of any property or value beyond their own. You Americans fucked North America in the ass without lube by bringing them here in the first place.
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b07ec2 No.171544
More examples of not thinking ahead.
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5a2517 No.171552
>3rd video
Holy shit. Props to the camerman too, since he's likely also a subhuman and couldn't process what had occurred, he didn't even jerk the camera as the nog took a crash course in physics.
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425f94 No.171667
I normally find it upsetting to see children get hurt, but I'm willing to make an exception for this case. I don't know what those stupid little fucks were thinking, but they're lucky they all didn't get wiped out at once.
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78ddc9 No.173079
Here is something you can't understand, how I could just kill a man.
Today, OP understands the ways of the feral ape.
They're actually even worse than what you've seen. Niggers in murica are the best of them. Island nigs and motherland nigs are literal animal tier… like rabid animal as normal animals aren't as sick and savage as the negro.
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757143 No.173525
TBH the one that ran across didn't look black, but in Brazil everyone is mixed a bit with them.
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757143 No.173526
I mean the one that got hit
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4dc571 No.175085
Weren't these extremists/accelerationists the same people responsible for the current state of 8chan?
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4dc571 No.175086
>That's why White women are so retarded. They have tons of estrogen. Estrogen is a neurotoxin that shuts down brain growth, memory formation, etc, especially in the developing fetus. This is why women have so much less brain matter than Men. I could go into detail and describe the pharmacological reasons but to simplify it, estrogen stops neurons from growing.
Tell me, are SARMs like Testolone any good for keeping estrogen down on top of nofap?
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2ab9d1 No.175496
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2ab9d1 No.175502
>you really can't please the average women
Then don't do it. As easy. Hump her and dump her.
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80f59d No.183155
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Another perfect example:
This nigger is upset that a label didn't sign him, I think.
So he's holding a bunch of machine guns with this crew talkin about "we out here doin this shit for real" the stuff they rap about.
I couldn't watch much, but really,
I haven't seen other races get this crazy over small shit.
Intelligent blacks need to go after these people. I call for a blacks vs niggers war.
At least that's what I would do if I was black.
I better not see any whites getting this ignorant,.
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b9626b No.185996
>I'm not anti-black
You should be. All non-whites (including niggers) need to go.
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