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Q is a demotivational placebo. Stop guzzling the snake oil, retards

File: ad9d1c3cf45a9a4⋯.png (40.83 KB, 398x615, 398:615, where_we_are.png)

ebcd8e  No.169511

Think about it.

Always co-opt your opponent's pys-op.

1. Qult - because of the mass of them, WAGAGAGA as it were, they can in aggregate get around a ban. Great bulk-logistics here for the bois or whoever.

2. Pedogate needs 'casual' backers, it needs fanatics. Q is being dismantled now that it no longer serves much of a use. It should be co-opted and redirected to a good cause .

3. percenters leadership is a self-aggrandizing faggot who will never do anything with his guys, and his guys are capable and willing to lead and organize people. We don't need hotshot weekend-warrior militia faggots and 20-somethings like the wolverines. Actual veterans would legitimize a movement and provide a rallying point for groups

4. Bikers make a great civilian armored column, and the veteran element overlaps with the 3 percenters. Bikers are not easily disrupted by lattecommies and the state's hired goons the transfags. Also "bikers for trump" joining would throw a wrench into trump's attempt to disown Q and slow walk his capitulation to the GOP, which is just the enabler of the left at this point.

I think this social pipeline would be more than viable. I don't know how to go about getting the ball rolling on this though, so here it is for anyone that may know more about organizing.

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962a69  No.169517


To do what; worship jews all together? They’re never going to fight back against the ZOG.

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3cfecb  No.169563

File: ebc4885e06d3b8b⋯.png (87.63 KB, 212x201, 212:201, 1603575352731.png)



Pic related

Its Hunter Biden

Democratic National Comitee,rapists of child and Communist Chinese Party.Same coal are they

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962a69  No.169564



For what purpose?

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3cfecb  No.169566

File: cc97634c7e04c32⋯.jpg (119.41 KB, 1440x1011, 480:337, 9487374732592.jpg)


for thsi purpose

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3cfecb  No.169568

File: 814c003f3c3c0c2⋯.jpg (74.67 KB, 1024x369, 1024:369, 0193082143498.jpg)



stupid shill

Bump again

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aadf2f  No.169581



Eat shit and die. You have a containment board. If you actually think anything is going to happen to Biden, you need to leave here.


Sage because your thread is spam.

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4d69ae  No.169585


Well I guess I won't vote for Hunter Biden, then!

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aadf2f  No.169589


Still defending this in every thread, huh commie?

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36e04e  No.169609

File: a8728d69c8af70b⋯.jpg (108.53 KB, 350x447, 350:447, Qcumber_euthanasia.jpg)

Qcumbers are retarded boomers who would be euthanized in a healthy society. They'll never be worth anything.

The rest of the kosher conservative hobbyists aren't much better. We need fanatics who are willing to speak openly and honestly about the traditional enemy.

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36e04e  No.169637


Any proof that's actually him? Leftists have been circulating fakes to poison the well.

>Communist Chinese Party

The Demokikes are beholden to Israel, not China. Just like the Republikikes.

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