Think about it.
Always co-opt your opponent's pys-op.
1. Qult - because of the mass of them, WAGAGAGA as it were, they can in aggregate get around a ban. Great bulk-logistics here for the bois or whoever.
2. Pedogate needs 'casual' backers, it needs fanatics. Q is being dismantled now that it no longer serves much of a use. It should be co-opted and redirected to a good cause .
3. percenters leadership is a self-aggrandizing faggot who will never do anything with his guys, and his guys are capable and willing to lead and organize people. We don't need hotshot weekend-warrior militia faggots and 20-somethings like the wolverines. Actual veterans would legitimize a movement and provide a rallying point for groups
4. Bikers make a great civilian armored column, and the veteran element overlaps with the 3 percenters. Bikers are not easily disrupted by lattecommies and the state's hired goons the transfags. Also "bikers for trump" joining would throw a wrench into trump's attempt to disown Q and slow walk his capitulation to the GOP, which is just the enabler of the left at this point.
I think this social pipeline would be more than viable. I don't know how to go about getting the ball rolling on this though, so here it is for anyone that may know more about organizing.