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Q is a demotivational placebo. Stop guzzling the snake oil, retards

File: 09bf1939bd1006d⋯.jpg (40.19 KB, 920x613, 920:613, CHILD_MOLESTING_CUNTFACE.jpg)

721c04  No.168350

Singapore here. We warned you not not grant this child molester asylum. Homeland Security warned you. But you didn't listen…


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206e40  No.168354


Not even slightly surprised. I hope they beat that chomo faggot to death in prison.

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4ad1b9  No.169100


>granted asylum in the U.S.

The U.S. seems to grant asylum exclusively to degenerates, criminals and niggers

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f4c81b  No.169159

File: 4996e33438dcd03⋯.png (339.67 KB, 980x551, 980:551, 4996e33438dcd0345aa0ee7df1….png)


Amos Yee was one of Sargon of Akkad's pupils. The day will come when Carl Benjamin himself will be taken down as being the leader of a massive child porn ring.

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45f87a  No.169160


It will be taken care of. It won't have much more fun. It gets Bruce Lee'd eventually. No panic.

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c2d5ee  No.169198

Who knew the guy famous for outing himself as a witch during the witch hunts would be dumb enough to solicit nudes from a 14 year old in the U.S of all places.

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65c2db  No.169204

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2010d6  No.169298

File: 15ed2020e8c6635⋯.mp4 (10.45 MB, 322x178, 161:89, ApacheAH64ShootToThrill.mp4)

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