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By posting on this board you deny the illegitimate state of Israel and acknowledge the necessity of its destruction

File: e8ed6800149e8b6⋯.png (5.51 MB, 2233x3015, 2233:3015, lincoln_strzok_bbc.png)

6cdf12  No.166299

It is rumored that they discussed their favorite Bible verses.

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3260a9  No.166305


This isn’t the Q-LARP board. We don’t give a fuck about your jewish hoax here.


You will never kill these people. That’s why you have already lost and why they will continue to control the entire world. Get out of here.

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6cdf12  No.166307


Who said anything about Q you bottom-feeder? It's debatable political news.

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3260a9  No.166309


Q-LARPers are the only ones who gives a shit about these people and think anything is going to happen to them, or that their actions or associations are irrelevant. What’s the news? Jew puppets associate with jew puppets? We knew that. What’s the politics? All elected officials are ideologically identical and part of the same party. What’s to debate? You will never kill them. No one will ever kill them. They will never be punished in any way. There is literally nothing to say about this.

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96b870  No.166519

File: 22a431a8f852523⋯.jpg (68.5 KB, 500x500, 1:1, f37a41be455a317ed83f97d15f….jpg)


This thread doesn't contain any real content so I just want to discuss that shopped image of the soy milk. It says at the top: "Nature's milk". First of all, it isn't milk. Second, if this is "Nature's Milk™", what is actual milk that comes from mammals in nature?

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