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File: 497919a9350906d⋯.jpg (72.68 KB, 1400x933, 1400:933, 4a5001b7beea096457f480c880….jpg)

c98124  No.165532

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a4ff8f  No.165557


>Pretending someone planted the story.

No doubt someone intended to stoke it, but it wrote itself. Fake FBI report? Don't recall, but it's probably Posobiec then.

There's far more than just that twitter account that connected Rich with WL and his demise during a "robbery" that netted nothing of obvious value to the perps.

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7ef564  No.166347


>"Learning the identity of @whysprtech is necessary in order to confirm that @whysprtech was not in fact a FBI 'insider' or otherwise someone who had access to non-public FBI material," Benedict Hu wrote in a filing.

So who says that it wasn't a real document and this person didn't get access to it? And why should I believe anything that comes from big tech or the FBI in the first place? The FBI is useless.

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8e906b  No.166433

File: 40b755360e11d09⋯.jpg (46.38 KB, 1000x466, 500:233, tay.jpg)


Zero chance of him being unmasked as the culprit.

Seth Rich wasn't just some twitter conspiracy shit. There were real events happening all around that thing.

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ab8a7e  No.166849

File: 478a3363aad2ec5⋯.jpg (25.48 KB, 491x417, 491:417, AOC.jpg)


Seth Rich is a Jew and is not dead. If you watch the interview ABC did with his parents there was all kinds of Masonic symbolism in it and they were fucking laughing during the interview doing duping delight. He even did some volunteering for the IDF one summer or some shit. He probably lives in Israel now

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