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530660  No.164985

Another Innocent Black Man killed by White Police Officers

34-year-old Shaon Jermy Ochea Warner, was pronounced dead at the scene

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a224fe  No.164997

Good. Kill them all.

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a1c783  No.165012

Literally a month ago

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2145d1  No.165097

"All for a white woman?"

We should push that narrative. It will force white women to either double down on BLM or go full WN.

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986cf8  No.165109


There is a hard genetic bottleneck going on. Not as many white women will come out the other end as you would like especially with the media being what it is and women being what they are.

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a224fe  No.165126


Fun fact: they will choose niggers. You’re a genocidal maniac.

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48769e  No.165284

The female officer just let him come up and stab her? Why is she a cop?

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3b3bfe  No.165290

>Innocent Black Man

That part seems a little far fetched.

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f2877d  No.165318


Jesus Christ. I was scared for her. By the time a guy gets up from being tazed, she should have already dropped the tazer and gotten her gun ready.

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f2877d  No.165319


Great. Separate the wheat from the chaff. Force the women on the fence to choose their own side and let the other women live with their self-hate.

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690536  No.165331


Yeah, cause we have so many women to spare it certainly doesn't matter, right?

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268131  No.165352


I don't know how she didn't get stabbed. Nigger has short arms? That was easily a 12 inch knife though. Nigger took a ton of bullets, still had the female cop in a death grip. She took some really weak sounding swings to get him to let go when nig was on the ground, full of lead.

What was the back story here?

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d79b28  No.165374

File: a0a97ee68b49fd8⋯.webm (1.53 MB, 222x400, 111:200, attack_by_black_on_old_wh….webm)


FFS DL & upload as .webm You expect dumb fucks to sign in with HTTP_REFERER=https://8kun.top/pnd/?

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14b5ff  No.165376


LOL @ female cops. They are too weak and small to be qualified for the job.

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a6d4ea  No.165379


Everyone just stands around doing absolutely nothing.

Even just loading the thumbnail sends that referer (and existing cookies of course) to Google. Which is why it's important for fags here to use something like uMatrix and block these requests.

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d79b28  No.165380

File: a83e07a97574e03⋯.png (588.17 KB, 759x658, 759:658, truth_about_no_logging_vpn….png)


Well yeah but I'm talking about people who aren't dumb enough to browse needlework forums on their main account and let every corporation in the world know how they feel. We're talking about the step of actually signing in here.

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d79b28  No.165382

File: e30c44e2f2e535e⋯.webm (2.87 MB, 608x1080, 76:135, White_Cheerleader_Sticks_….webm)


show this video to every woman in America

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14b5ff  No.165388


>I don't know how she didn't get stabbed. Nigger has short arms? That was easily a 12 inch knife though. Nigger took a ton of bullets, still had the female cop in a death grip. She took some really weak sounding swings to get him to let go when nig was on the ground, full of lead.

>What was the back story here?

The nigger was obviously off his head on some kind of drug – possibly PCP. PCP would explain the bizarre behavior and the extra pain tolerance and stamina. He was probably too affected to be able to execute a successful stab or two.

Honestly, I couldn't imagine living in one of the black American cities; I wouldn't leave the house without a .45 auto Glock filled with hollow points.

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14b5ff  No.165389


>Jesus Christ. I was scared for her. By the time a guy gets up from being tazed, she should have already dropped the tazer and gotten her gun ready.

Women naturally submit to aggressive, dangerous men and they find them attractive, which is why having female cops is dumb. Part of the job is fighting with dangerous criminals.She should have never been there. And cops in the nigger-dense areas should have ex military backgrounds.

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a1c783  No.165390


> The female officer just let him come up and stab her? Why is she a cop?

Did you even watch the video? She told him to stop. In a very stern tone of voice I might add.

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793ca7  No.165605


He obviously could not stab due to the taser still somewhat affecting his muscles.

That nigger would have put that big ass knife in that bitch's neck if he could have. and even faster if he was on pcp

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89774c  No.165617


The ew-jays' greatest crime, in my opinion, is fetishizing white women, particularly blondes and redheads, to the negroidal community.

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69843b  No.166198


She kicked that nig nogs ass…..hahahaha

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33c2d5  No.166219

She showed that nignoid a thing of two about wanting her ineffective tazer back after the man killed him with a shot to the forehead

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d0a200  No.166270

It's a good start

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c066f6  No.166274


>cheerleader kicks nog ass

Cardio training gives you a massive advantage in a fistfight. Nigger was out of breath just walking around with that extra 100lbs I'm sure.

Gimme an N, gimme an I…

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fd9d8b  No.166576

Neca eos omnes Deus suos agnoscet

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e6ef41  No.166588


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4ade8e  No.166679

God, women are fucking useless. If you can't take the heat get back in the kitchen.

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319c6a  No.180044


Guilty of being nigger

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