6da504 No.163761
>Raised as kike
I never understood the anti-kikeary I'd see on chans. I understood the anti-niggatry, but it almost seemed less serious than the anti-kikeary… maybe it was cuckbias.
>Now I'm well into my 20s
>I've eaten a lot of shrooms
>I've dropped a lot of acid
>I have (almost) fully awakened
I used to feel at home on halfchan /g/, then fullchan /tech/ but stayed away from /pol/ boards… mainly because of the anti-kikeary. It didn't make sense/sit right.
>FF to today
>One my best friends from college is a conspiracy nut
>Snorted lines & binge-watched Peter Joseph's Zeitgeist a few years ago
>Fucking woke
I was really picky about the "conspiracies" I believed in, mainly, because I had seen how being a tinfoil hat nutjob had affected my coke buddy.
>But there is no half-awakening
Now, I understand that the elite are pedos. The UN is trying to cut our population down. Ellen gets high off children's blood. Clinton travels the globe looking for little girl labia. Fuckerberg is still Fuckerberg. But how do the kikes tie into this?
Why kikes? Because Hitler said so & everyone hates Hitler so "our team" supports him?
>Not a libtard
I know a lot of kikers & most of them are broke as nigs… they definitely don't control media & politicians.
So who are the kikenigs?
>Rothchilds, Rockefellers etc?
Haven't wokenigs proved that these families became greedy rich cunts & lost their fortunes over generations? Or "is that what they want us to think"?
Enlighten me /pniggerds/
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3da8a8 No.163781
The Jews control nothing of significance, they together with the local low degree Freemason is the 1st layer to be sacrificed to the mass in order to protect the higher up
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135f03 No.163801
>raised as kike
>is kike
Unless your parents were like ultra crazy neo-cons who converted
But anyways, if you really want to be enlightened on this stuff, just look at the names and backgrounds of the people who have been fucking over humanity since time immemorial.
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a6249e No.163808
>raised as a jew
Leave. Just go. No, we’re not going to hold a conversation. Just get out.
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6da504 No.163860
>Unless your parents were like ultra crazy neo-cons who converted
One of my parents isn't religious (raised catholic). But the other raised me to be a jewgod
>just look at the names and backgrounds of the people who have been fucking over humanity since time immemorial
Any suggestions on who to research? Personal favorites?
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d746c9 No.163866
>I have (almost) fully awakened
Only when you say Christ is God.
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25569d No.163867
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2ad6a3 No.164670
>be jew
>fancy self as "woke" jew
>fully convinced of shit like adrenochrome, flat earth, and anything else not regarding jewry
>having a real hard time figuring out why all your flat earth bros keep having whacky conspiracies about the chosen ones
>been lurking chans for years
>can't think for one second why jews have been "persecuted" over the years
>must be everyone else cuz I know a broke jew
>never understood bankers are historically jewish
>doesnt realize central banks control the world
>refuses to see the common connection between the desire to destroy the white race shared by zionists elite
>doesn't realize all politicians are bought by lobbying jews
>All tv, porn, radio, publications, news outlets owned by zionist jews
>Never looked up
>kalergi plan
>Balfour Declaration
>pan euro union
>albert pike freemasonry is kabbalah
>who jfk challenged
>noahide laws
>uss liberty
>lucky larry
>Tikkun olam
>Barbra spectre
>third temple
>esau and jacob
>much more evidence
>dude why Hitler? he was like literally Hitler!
>wait I get it no..
>nevermind you guys are anti semites
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de39e1 No.164681
Great post anon, I don't understand why brainlet pseudointellectuals like OP even bother trying to "debate" this stuff at all if they lack the intellectual honesty and curiosity to truly dig in.
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4a124e No.164687
>I don't understand why brainlet pseudointellectuals like OP even bother trying to "debate" this stuff
They do it here because the Trump administration pays them.
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89befe No.164705
>Rothchilds, Rockefellers etc?
>Haven't wokenigs proved that these families became greedy rich cunts & lost their fortunes over generations?
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a960e1 No.166781
It isnt "the jews: but it is an esoteric inner circle OF jews. They brainwashed you fags first they just use you as cover and manpower just like any other ogrnaized crime does. Yakuza hides in the Japanese community, mafia in Italian community, Triad in the asian community etc etc. The Jews got into the banking scams which is what got them so much power. I mean there is nothing particularity impressive about what they have done criminal wise they arent unique in this respect like they try to convince themselves. Their power is really just a paper tiger predicated on green paper. However as a paper tiger they do possess real power, when you control the American economy that gives you quite a bit of political power.
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1552f1 No.166791
great post, you get it.
>I mean there is nothing particularity impressive about what they have done criminal wise
besides that. as much as I despise the jews, I would be a dumb nigger to not recognize the amazing feats and chutzpah in plans to get their way. even more amazing is that so many eat it up if presented in a certain way
>chop part of your dick off, yah I know you are not jewish or have any ties to jewry,, but uh.. it's cleaner and looks better ya stupid goy
>got to war with iraq they uh crashed planes into your heavily insured buildings owned b y a zionist kike
>god damn what is that ship made out of? it was Egypt goys.. uh yah we saw the american flag… but uh. LOOK OVER THERE! *scrubs history books of USS LIBERTY*
>you are all racist open your doors for your own demise
>you can't say anything bad about me because reasons
>use this paper to trade with each other goyim
>go work for a depreciating asset that will be worthless whenever I say so
>Worship this dead kike on a stick and follow the "old testament"
>give israel money
>breed with other races whilst I take pride in blood purity
>now go to war with each other
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052bc4 No.166795
Takes drugs and thinks he is woke.
If you were raised as a true kike, youd know why the goyim who know the truth dont like you.
The only good kike is the one who bows his knees and claims Jesus Christ is Lord.
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9dea38 No.166797
>Worship this dead kike on a stick and follow the "old testament"
And that's where you went off the rails. No one uses the OT as actual scripture.
There are no good jews, and they will never convert. Christianity is for Europeans only, no other race is even capable of any kind of spiritual connection.
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1552f1 No.166830
I am aware. I am pointing out that kikes made the fucking religion. It's only accepted because it goes along with jews and their idea of history and GAHD as they see it.
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a960e1 No.166832
crhistcucks get the rope with the kikes. Only true Aryan religions allowed in new Aryandom
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a960e1 No.166837
uber based my negra
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a960e1 No.166838
same, nice post anon
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b14e5f No.166869
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ac0752 No.166872
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f88471 No.167428
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d80d86 No.167441
>Christianity is for Europeans only
It's for sandniggers
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2439b3 No.167461
Would he be free and leeching on welfare if it was a mosque?
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ce9911 No.167462
I think its just how they operate, in the 90s christianity was still relatively strong.
>Force all of pagan europe into Christianity
>Let them assimilate the culture for hundreds of years.
>Point out how cruel and despotic said culture is.
>Destroy it, and with it the core of the european culture.
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e5f463 No.169428
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0b895e No.170425
Bump for more kike roasts
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6b115f No.170439
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6b115f No.170441
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6b115f No.170442
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c370c9 No.171125
Not gonna spend time explaining all of it.
It should be obvious. Just start digging. Look up things. If you actually look at things with an open mind, you'll see immediately.
Considering you're a Jew, the reason you haven't been convinced yet is probably because every time you saw something that had the word "Jew" in it, you clicked away or ignored it. Stop doing that, read conspiracy shit, and it will pop out at you.
Also, after you become jewpilled, it can't be undone. Prepare yourself. Every time you see something shady in the media, or you read about some shady historical event, you will dig deeper. And you will see, time and time again, that it's always. A. Jew.
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c1e5b6 No.171180
You faggots post this shit ALL THE TIME. It's like some fucking MOSSAD agents are being paid to find the real data on anti-semites.
>I don't get why people hate jews
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402b76 No.172598
>muh christcuck
muzzie larpkike detected
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b8c36e No.172711
>poster clearly showing Aryan man about to behead the three headed Semitic religion serpent including Islam
>muzzie detected
take your meds tard
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402b76 No.172847
>muh Jesus is a jew on a stick
>take your meds
kys kike
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