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5881de  No.163671

I got this text so for anons in the South, be wary. They want to defraud and delegitimize the U.S. election. If you want to vote for Rabbi Zognald, go vote in person. I won't be voting at all.

Fuck mail in voter fraud. It is a leftist jew coup d'etat to get President Koonmala or President Pelosi in office and make Weimarica socialist.

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80a10c  No.163672


We've been voting by mail without incident since the Civil War. Trump himself votes by mail. Trump's own investigation committee into voter mail fraud found so little that it disbanded immediately.

Spreading disinfo won't work this election. Memes have lost their magic and Trump is going down.

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5881de  No.163674


Nigger I don't give a fuck about Trump. I hope ethno nationalists smoke all of you.

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80a10c  No.163675


>touts the Trump lie that mail in voting is fraud

>claims to not give a fuck about Trump

Ok, comrade.

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428c11  No.163679


Who cares?

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428c11  No.163680



Imagine thinking anyone will ever believe you.

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