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🦀Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dead!🦀

File: 70f0c714cf767d2⋯.png (92.42 KB, 591x216, 197:72, ClipboardImage.png)

8e1295  No.163283

This looks like just another unhinged tweet from a verified wokendan, but here's another level of wokendan. This shitizen Ibram Kendi is receiving millions of dollars in donations (including from Twitter founder Jack Dorsey) and launching books like "white fragility" that will be used in the US for "anti-racist education" - targeted at both children and adults.

Another project by Ibram Kendi is to create a new constitutional amendment that creates an "Anti-Racist Department" to investigate any "racist ideas" and any racial disparity above a certain limit. Here, Professor Kendi's proposed constitutional amendment:

""To fix the original sin of racism, Americans should pass an anti-racist amendment to the US Constitution that enshrines two anti-racist principles: racial inequality is evidence of racist politics and the different racial groups are the same. The amendment would make racial inequality unconstitutional above a certain limit, as well as racist ideas (with “racist ideas” not specifically defined). He would establish and permanently fund the Department of Anti-Racism (DOA), composed of experts formally trained in racism and without political nominations. The DOA would be responsible for pre-cleaning all local, public or particular, to ensure policies for them to not create racial inequity, monitor those policies, investigate racist policies in establishments when racial inequality arises and monitor American citizens for expressions of ideas racist. DOA would be empowered with disciplinary tools to exercise on and against public and private citizens. ""

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aac1ea  No.163288

Whatever. What will you or any other white person do to stop this? Nothing. Ever. It literally doesn’t matter what they say or do. There’s no point having a thread on it.

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06c9c6  No.163302

File: b9057935a13f3bf⋯.png (274.8 KB, 720x480, 3:2, Ginsburg_lying_in_state.png)

not racist

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06c9c6  No.163303


keep whining Shlomo your tears are the sweetest nectar

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aac1ea  No.163470


>you’re a jew because you said fact

>fact hurts my feelings

>I refuse to accept fact that hurts my feelings

>no i won’t prove you wrong

>no i won’t post my own argument

>no i can’t do anything but call you a jew for saying things that jews don’t say

Sage, then. It literally does not matter what this person said. You will not kill him. No one else will kill him. He will never be punished. Get out.

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