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File: e22fd9c70dcb9ed⋯.png (262.63 KB, 1101x438, 367:146, Iran.png)

3d31ce  No.16289

And the War in Iran is because of those three rich Jews.

The reason why Iran doesn't have a nuclear agreement anymore is because of Sheldon Adelson, Paul Singer and Bernard Marcus.

They gave a lot of (((shekels))) to Jewnald Drumpf and so he feels so beholden to his Jewish masters that he is the biggest Jewish cum-dumpster of the History of the entire human race.

Now,the world is going to war against Iran because of this fat orange retard being the whoremonger of the Jews, destroying the arabs country again, killling innocent and sovereign Iranian people, sending western goyim to die for the state of IsraHell, and then, those same kikes will use this war to justify the flooding of Europe with 600 million """refugees""".

Fuck the Jewnated States of Amerimutt, the USA is the (((GREAT SATAN))).

Should we EXTERMINATE the Anglo-American Empire to get rid of world infestation , as Skullface told us ?

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3d31ce  No.16291

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Israel: Apocalypse in Golestan

The whole video is worth it.

But if you don't have the time, listen to the first 16 minutes.




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3d31ce  No.16293

File: 668340c09517057⋯.jpg (133.19 KB, 750x1002, 125:167, CultureWars.jpg)

File: 01e55322fe1b8b4⋯.jpg (16.83 KB, 336x188, 84:47, DontWatch.jpg)

File: c6d2c0af3d38084⋯.jpg (209.07 KB, 906x1199, 906:1199, Greeeeeeta.jpg)


Well sorry, you gotta watch the whole video finally.

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fd229d  No.16294

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


i'll hook you up with a bombshell video, brand new.

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fd229d  No.16295

Give me a break with these Jesus freaks, without them i doubt we'd be in our current mess.

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3f2677  No.16296


OP clearly states the 3 kikes (read anti-Christians) are starting this war. neo-cohens are not Christians.

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000000  No.16297


If you say so Rabbi

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fd229d  No.16298



Capture that vid i posted, it's the stuff of legends.

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3d31ce  No.16604

File: 3225807e5f1343f⋯.gif (8.04 MB, 498x329, 498:329, GoodGoy.gif)


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5bd0ef  No.16677


And? What are you doing about any of it? are you killing jews and leftists as you should? If not, your concerns are useless.

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ded800  No.16679


> bombshell video

not watching it just because of that.

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3d31ce  No.16681


Glow in the dark faggot.

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fe974e  No.16683


You're right. We should just let the Iranians fuck with us whenever and however they please to own tree rich jews.

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ded800  No.16694

File: 00b586e0054cfce⋯.webm (14.92 MB, 640x360, 16:9, PINK GUY - KILL YOURSELF.webm)






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ba6b7a  No.16757

File: c905d8fa3e13a8f⋯.png (167.59 KB, 450x275, 18:11, IE_expansion.png)


>destroying the arabs country again

The Persian language is a member of the Indo-European language family because the Persians have the same WHITE proto-indo-european ancestors that the Germans, Celts, Slavs, Hellenes, etc have. They were ARYANS. It's only because of sub-human arab dogs conquering the Sassanid Empire after they had just had a devastating war with the Byzantine Empire that they got tainted by shit-skin blood. Even today Iranians like roosh V could pass for a white man with a bit of a tan.

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1b9263  No.16784


Reminder that Jared Taylor invited Victor Vancier, who Kahane appointed chairman of the JDL, to AmRen. To put that into perspective, "antisemitism" has no place at American Renaissance, but goy-hating (convicted) terrorists are invited.

And speaking of Kahane, there's an old interview with him, I think from 60 minutes, where he admitted that his entire agenda was straight from the Talmud.

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4c0cbc  No.17244

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

E.Michael Jones just spoke live on national Iranian TV about the current crisis.


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668cf3  No.17249


82nd airbrorne are going to attack israel

troops in the air right now

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817e7f  No.17265


Persian is not Semitic. It's Indo-European. Have a look at these cognates.

æst, est (to be, is) = English is; German ist; Spanish esta,es; Latin est; etc.

madær (mother) = Eng. mother; Dutch moeder; Sp. madre; Grm. Mutter; Lat. mater; Greek meter; Hindi matri; PIE mater

pedær (father) = Sp. padre; Lat. pater; Grk. pateras; PIE pater

bæradær, bradær (brother) = Eng. brother; Du. broeder; Grm. Bruder; Phrygian brater; Latvian bralis; Armenian eghbayr; Hindi bhrata; PIE bhratar

dokhtær (daughter, girl) = Eng. daughter; Du. dochter; Grm. Tochter; Lithuanian dukte,dukterine; PIE dugheter

næ, ne (no) = Hind. næ; Eng. no; Sp./It. no; Lith. ne; Fr. non; Du. nee

ne-/næ- (prefix to make verb negative) = Lith. ne- (prefix to make verb negative)

nist (not) = Grm. nicht; Pol. nie

to, tu (you) = Sp./It./Fr. tu; Lith./Latv. tu; Grm. du; Irish tú; Faroese tú; Eng thou; Arm. dow; PIE tū etc.

mæn (i,me,mine) = Eng. me,mine; Lith./Latv. man; Grm meine; Sp. me; etc.

nam (name) = Eng. name; Du. naam; Grk. onoma; Fr. nom; It. nome; Sp. nombre; PIE h'nomn

no, nu, nau, nava, novin (new) = Eng. new; Du. nieuw; Grm. neu; Fr. nouveau; Sp. nuevo; Hin. navina; Lith. naujas; Irish nua; Pol. nowy; Rus. novyj; Grk neos; Lat. novus; Arm. nor

setare, ester (star) = Hin. sitara; Eng. star; Grk. asteri; Du. ster; PIE h'ster

jævan (young) = Sp. joven; Lith. jaunas; Fr. juene; It. giovane

morde (dead, death) = It. morte,morto; Sp. muerte; Fr. mort; Lat. mortuus; Pol. martwy; Rus. mertvy; Hin. mrita

dadæn (to give) = Sp. dar; It. dare; Grk dino; Anct. Grk. dido; Pol. dawać; Ru. davat; Bosn. dati; Latv. dot; PIE do-

porsesh, porseju (question) = Ru. prosit (to ask),vopros (question); Sp. pregunta; Grk. parakalo (ask); PIE prs,presk- (question)

pendar (think, thought) = Eng. ponder; Sp pensar

æz, ze, z (from) = Grm aus; Rus. iz; Pol. z

derækht (tree) = Lat. drus; Ru. derevo; Pol drzewo; PIE dero,doru,dru

gærm (warm) = Phryg./Illyrian germe; Hin. garma; Arm. jerm; Grk. thermos; PIE gwher-

mush (mouse) = Eng. mouse, PIE mus

khers (bear) = Grk ursus; PIE hrtkos,bher; PIE ker(s)- (bristle,stiff hair)

gav, gau (cow) = Eng. cow; PIE gwous

kerm (worm) = Sanskrit krmi; PIE krmis

murcheh (ant) = Grk. murmos; PIE mouro

zanu (knee) = Fr. genou; Lat. genu; Anct Grk. gonu; PIE genu

naf (navel) = Eng. navel; Skt. nabhi-; PIE h'nobh

dændan (tooth) = Eng. dentist; Grk. odon/donti; Lith. dentis; Sp. dientes; Lat. dens; PIE h'dont

gush (ear) = Grk. ous; PIE hous

æbru (eyebrow) = Eng. brow/eyebrow; Grk ophrus; PIE bhruh

pa (foot) = Sp. pie; Fr. pied; It. piede; Latv. peda; Rus. pjata; PIE pods

kul, kule (back, something to put on back) = Lat. culus (back); PIE kuhlos (back)

pestan (nipple) = PIE pstenos (nipple)

ab, ap, ava, aua (water) = Lat. aqua; Sp. agua; Grk apopatos (water closet); PIE ab-

atæsh, azær, azer (fire) = Latin ater,ignis; PIE āt(e)r-

mah (moon) = Eng. moon; PIE meh'not/mens

ki (who) = It. chi [pro. ki]; Sp. quien [pro. kien]

che (what) = It. che [pro. ke]; Sp. que [pro. ke]

dær (door) = Eng. door; PIE dhwor-

sepas (thanks) = Rus. spasiba

zæn, zen, jhæn (woman/wife) = Bosn. zena; Rus. zhena (wife)

bærbær (barbarian) = Eng. barbarian; Ltn. barbarus; Anct. Grk. barbaros; Skt. barbara-

zæmin/zemin (Earth), Zeme (ancient Iranic god of the Earth) = Pol. Ziemiia; Rus. Zemlja; Lith. žemė; Latv. Zeme

zende (alive), zendegi (life), Anct. Pers. jiva (life) = Pol. Żywy (alive); Latv. dzīve(life)

læb (lip) = Eng. lip; PIE lēb-,lōb-,lāb-,leb-

meydan (city/park square or center) = Engl. middle; Sp. medio (middle); PIE medhi-, medhio- (middle)

domb (tail) = PIE dumb-

chane (chin) = Eng. chin

bæd (bad) = Eng. bad

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b0ee34  No.17506


>Persian is not Semitic. It's Indo-European. Have a look at these cognates.

But I didn't say that it is Semitic? I said that it's Indo-European.

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94dac3  No.17523

Persians are Middle-Eastern mudslimes either way. The Nuclear Deal is a good idea though, Iran can't have nukes but lets not invade them for no reason.

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000000  No.47149


>Should we EXTERMINATE the Anglo-American Empire to get rid of world infestation , as Skullface told us ?


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1021be  No.47414


Yep and the media helped cover up the fact that over 100 troops suffered traumatic brain injury from Iran's retaliation after Solemani was killed. Trump killed him so he could get big donations from his Jewish supporters.

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583cd6  No.47419

File: 46203891f3334ee⋯.jpg (113.84 KB, 634x454, 317:227, 56percentInvadesEasternEur….jpg)

File: 4b474faa3815602⋯.jpg (38.01 KB, 650x366, 325:183, barelywhitemilitary.jpg)

File: 9e387226fbe05ff⋯.png (447.18 KB, 680x365, 136:73, cadets_wear_high_heels-680….png)

File: 799017b5746e8f6⋯.png (250.74 KB, 592x678, 296:339, dieforisrael.png)

File: 516086b5df5ea3d⋯.jpg (30.06 KB, 500x325, 20:13, DukeAhmadinijead.jpg)


>just let the Iranians fuck with us whenever and however they please

They're not "fucking" with me. Are they fucking with you?

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377a16  No.47630

Is this true

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0de240  No.47638


Do nothing coward

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b0bc20  No.47649

File: 471d8421ed77144⋯.jpg (37.76 KB, 600x722, 300:361, shepard.jpg)


There are better things to do than that you fucking FBI-glownigger

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ad2593  No.47677


Such as?

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5aa3bc  No.47774


Sucking my big clock.

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ad2593  No.47779


So assassinating jews and their infrastructure is the solution, got it

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b19d76  No.47814

>the war in iran

Sure thing, JIDF

Nigger tier OP, go gas yourself.

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62e513  No.55940



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2a48dc  No.56978

Americans have been puppets for the jews occupying the Crown Temple for centuries

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d80950  No.83774

File: 984a8699472528b⋯.mp4 (2.74 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Dr_Fauci.mp4)

Qtards BTFO

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849f35  No.83794

Why is a nearly three month old /impotentlybitchabouttrump/ thread being bumped?

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21f18f  No.110503

File: 67bc4adede2a72e⋯.jpg (709.98 KB, 1104x9958, 552:4979, Trump_cabal.jpg)

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580c85  No.110521


>demanding people use the catalog instead of making a new thread

>get mad when an old thread gets bumped

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2a14be  No.110582


>roosh V

that cuck is a halfbreed tho

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f2bf2e  No.136721


I know, right? It's like people legit think that if it isn't on page 1, it doesn't exist.

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f88ed6  No.136722



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8a6db6  No.142398


Remove the poisonous, retarded semitic filth in christianity and you're left with almost nothing, aside from the aryan truths christianity stole.

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ba6b43  No.142964


I dont want that fucking freaks coming to USA for asylum. Fucking keep israel and all those weirdos in it. All supporters/domestic-terrorists must go too.


Bye bye.

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