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🦀Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dead!🦀

File: 425044f86b4306a⋯.png (856.76 KB, 770x905, 154:181, 20200924_173525.png)

File: b99f398fe203984⋯.jpg (94.68 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, 0423_city_bissonnette_jpg.jpg)

File: 67179df81c0d504⋯.jpeg (48.81 KB, 780x902, 390:451, robert_bowers_alleged_gun….jpeg)

File: d9f92f4a5af26a0⋯.jpg (71.04 KB, 720x476, 180:119, 20200925_192418.jpg)

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334625  No.162731

Regardless of what you think, I think it's safe to say that regardless of what the consequences are, regardless of what it accomplishes, massacres are still pretty fun. They produce lulz, which is something many people over here are not too familiar with. To anyone who has read Siege or browses Neinchan, you should be familiar with these. I know 8kun is in a completely different state that this site was in 2 or 3 years ago and I know the seething kike faggot tranny jannies aren't going to like this thread, but honestly fuck them. It needs to be said.

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c00a88  No.162733

>white genocide is funny

Just die already.


Mhmm, that explains it.

>8kun is in a completely different state that this site was in 2 or 3 years ago

>the seething kike faggot tranny jannies aren't going to like this thread

Why would you say that when you already said it’s different from 2-3 years ago? imkikey is gone forever. Physical violence is literally the only option the white race has left. Everyone recognizes this. And no one does it. No, your ✡lone wolf✡ bullshit isn’t what I’m talking about. There is no peaceful solution, period.

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ef4540  No.162759



I like how you casually namedropped Neinchan, a (((16chan))) honeypot which is flooded with CIAniggers that worship Brenton Tarrant (kike lover) and try to get you to shoot a bunch people for the lulz. It's totally not a trap or anything.

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d3372a  No.162776


what massacre did you commit faggot?

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ea60aa  No.162794

File: fce441e657a1c74⋯.png (169.28 KB, 454x345, 454:345, WomanZeroDays1.png)


Neinchan has nothing to do with 16chan. I don't think anyone discusses ops there AFAIK, the mods are euros actually. don't ask how I know, and no, i'm not OP either

If they are a honeypot, they did a good job of constantly getting shut down, and ended up having to go to tor exclusively.

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479d36  No.162861

File: f638e0b9e217b7c⋯.jpg (150.81 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

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98bd07  No.162867

File: 073e075c8c967df⋯.jpg (227.94 KB, 1756x1317, 4:3, FBI_Cyber_Spies.jpg)


>Regardless of what you think, I think it's safe to say that regardless of what the consequences are, regardless of what it accomplishes, massacres are still pretty fun

My tax dollars seriously pay for this shit? Fuck off and go catch some bank robbers!

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4c73e5  No.163242


>white genocide is funny

Nobody said this, except for you kike.


Get the fuck out of here with that shit.

>imkikey is gone forever

This site was honestly a lot better when imkampfy moderated it compared to the fucking retards who run it now (think (((You)))).

>No, your ✡lone wolf✡ bullshit isn’t what I’m talking about

Then what will work, retard? The people who engage in lone wolf mass shootings have accomplished significantly more than this website has in it's current state, at least.

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c00a88  No.163290


>no one said this


OP did. Piss off, yid.



Yes, please leave.

>imkikey is good

Yes, please leave. You’ve proven you don’t belong here and never have.

>oy vey you have to do what jews want

>otherwise you can do nothing

>nothing else even EXISTS except things that jews want

Okay, keep screaming impotently into the darkness about how your magical MKULTRA boys are going to reclaim white civilization, all the while whites are being exterminated and you shoot down any actual plans. Enjoy the last few years of your life, dumbass.

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