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🎶 It's 2021, order is gone it's a race war now 🎶

File: 073d3d153a7909d⋯.jpg (149.67 KB, 573x687, 191:229, 4CHUD.jpg)

243e66  No.161712

Anyone got the full stream of this guy? I know it was a fucking failure and it backfired but is still want to see all the good kino from the car ride

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29aea1  No.161719

The full video is here:


His entire plot got foiled by wooden doors, lmao.

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6a6b3d  No.161723




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ebeef2  No.161755


>His entire plot got foiled by wooden doors, lmao.

Low IQ. If you really want to become a terrorist, start training properly and do so for a long time. These untrained morons who decide to try and kill someone on a whim are pathetic.

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721254  No.161757

File: ae65727ce8ba076⋯.jpg (26.16 KB, 263x317, 263:317, PG.jpg)

why is he wearing a man in the moon badge on his hat? isn't that a sign put on food that's kosher?

Proctor and Gamble uses it…

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00ce0e  No.161776


>His entire plot got foiled by wooden doors

Reminds me of something

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ebeef2  No.161783


He's wearing a Moonman badge.

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00ce0e  No.161785

If you think about it, this is the perfect set up

>find some depressed low-IQ German guy with a shaved head

>brainwash him into shooting up a synagogue

>make sure the synagogue is secure

>he fails and only kills a few people (maybe some jewish, maybe some not)

>200 more years of holocaust reparations

>endless ammunition for kikes to attack "white supremacists"



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ebeef2  No.161787


Jews could squeeze holocaust bux from desert sand. I don't think they need this but I'm sure it's more than welcome.

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721254  No.161809


>>Some obese shiksa gets wasted

Oi veigh idz anudda shoah!

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6854f2  No.162215


>This video is unavailable as the contents have been deemed illegal by the authorities within your country.

tfw you live in a gay country

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6854f2  No.162245


this is surreal. no way someone fucks up this badly. wtf is going on.

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721254  No.162246

File: 1a3a36bb670ba31⋯.jpg (15.52 KB, 280x280, 1:1, nigger.jpg)


I swear either these guys are total idiots or they're glow in the dark CIA niggers.

Same goes for that kid that played Chopin and attacked a synagogue and killed one really old shiksa.

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1ef1b0  No.162259


The poway shooter was atleast able to kill one jew, which was his target. But as for the halle shooter, he was a real failure, the music he listened to was garbage, and he killed two random germans and shot another two who were simply trying to stop him from stealing their car. He fought like a true black gangster.

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1ef1b0  No.162260

nonetheless, these shooters were terrible.

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9918cd  No.162261

nigger music on radio in the background no wonder he failed

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19c285  No.162278

Post this copypasta everywhere you can but especially on 4chan where they have the numbers.

Human 2.0 Warning: Doctor Issues Wake Up Call To The World Dr. Carrie Madej issues a wake up call to people around the world to the dangers of transhumanism, especially the genetically modifying RNA vaccines being pushed on the global population in a mass experiment. https://censoredbyjack.com/watch?id=5f4d56c5838dfb0597dd8187

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2414b5  No.162284


>really old shiksa.

You can't even use the terms right. You stick out

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2fa232  No.162922

File: 7925ac44e6b45fd⋯.jpg (485.54 KB, 2508x1812, 209:151, 1570737853899.jpg)


Peak loser but the memes were lit

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e617d5  No.163127

LMFAO This guy glows/ is retarded.

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721254  No.163183


Oh yeah he shot an old yenta. Well that's a huge triumph then. International Jewry has been shaken to its foundations. Now he rots in prison forever. Good trade off.

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fc3b34  No.174945

File: 72ccde0f43e1e48⋯.jpg (353.56 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 1_4976_glock_19_apex_tunin….jpg)

File: 7bbd30e8c311531⋯.jpeg (4.82 KB, 275x183, 275:183, images_1_.jpeg)

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fc3b34  No.174947

Who did saint Breivik target

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fc3b34  No.174949

File: d08291dd2f7fc07⋯.jpg (265.61 KB, 710x933, 710:933, SO20_Cover.jpg)

Apart from McVeigh and Breivik there's not much

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3b510a  No.175054



Glowed. Well known.

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ebe7e5  No.175065


Nigger kikes like you always trying to destroy any maryrs the right tries to establish.

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a97454  No.175606

File: 6c393533e7b69ba⋯.jpeg (71.71 KB, 729x721, 729:721, halle_shooter_in_drag.jpeg)


He's obviously some sociopathic banker's son who got his own hands-on false flag experience for a birthday present.

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