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🦀Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dead!🦀

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078080  No.161154

Amnesty International has made three legal bids for access to the courtroom and been denied

Assange sits in a plexiglass box at the back of the courtroom and for the most part denied access to his lawyers

President Trump's envoy (Roehrbacher) did indeed offer Assange a deal; amnesty for telling the world where he got his Democratic Party emails from and Assange has refused. The leftist press, insists that this is all a Russian plot to conceal the fact that they were the source of Assange's leaks.

Freedom of the press is dying and nobody cares least of all the left which is rabid for vengeance agaisnt Assange for losing them the election. The Daily Beast in particular is filled with hate for him; Chelsea Clinton is on the Daily Beast's board of directors.

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8e5c45  No.161475

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078080  No.161601


Damnation, that's an excellent article. Thanks.

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157969  No.161688



The question is why?

Why is ok to pretty much torture Assange? Why does the establishment have such utter contempt for a fellow journalist?

This is why.


In the coming years the Jewish establishment's going to be serving you a shit sandwich, just remember they fucking did Sept 11 and the post above is accurate and exactly what it says it is.

Here's a bit of collaborating evidence.

Quote from article above.

"The Israelis also saw the U.S., Britain, and

the UN begin to crack down on the Lebanese Shi'a diamond business in

Democratic Republic of Congo and West Africa, and with it, the logistics

support provided by Bout's aviation companies, which resulted in a free hand

for Tel Aviv to move in on Lebanese diamond deals in central and west Africa."

That's true and now that the mines are in the hands of Jew Dan Gertler. He has recently hired Guiliana and ex fbi director Freeh.

Small world huh, this is how the sept 11 insiders are getting paid off.

Now go fuck yourselves.

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659689  No.161716

File: 1d3b579c47f4afc⋯.mp4 (13.97 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Goyim_Goddess_Mossad_Appla….mp4)


Here dude, have a music video clip

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