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There's a nigger on the port bow!

File: 28ceda01d84be26⋯.png (297.95 KB, 1310x1476, 655:738, reddit2.png)

File: 0acdd8882151f39⋯.png (49.16 KB, 802x523, 802:523, reddit.png)

9e9bc8  No.160012

Got permanently banned to Reddit for refusing to visit North Korea. Ban reason states North Koreans are a "protected minority"

My previous permanent ban was for posting a video where the chinks flay a cute fluffy dog alive. Apparently Reddit doesn't allow any criticism of China and of Communism.

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9e9bc8  No.160014

File: 4e3a8f595a29a62⋯.png (195.01 KB, 1348x762, 674:381, political_censorship.png)

Although imageboards too censor everything, especially when it is related to Russia, its government and Putin. I.e. you're not allowed to criticize Russian government at some boards.

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e65418  No.160026

Do we give a shit about reddit? No. Fuck off.

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e7d031  No.160046

File: da4cf818eb087c3⋯.jpg (50.96 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 794d38f505.jpg)


I give a shit. It should be more public how obvious the control of reddit, and it's 100 million zoomer subscribers, are all marxist drones. The powers that be there are a snapshot of the larger problem, that it's easiest to get to the top of any corporation if you side with the marxists and adopt (((right-think))) insanity.

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e65418  No.160064


Of course that’s true. But what good do the statements do anymore? What’s being done ABOUT it? Nothing.

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0e3362  No.160133


>political refugee from Russia

So you're a kike oligarch or a lackey? You must be a real piece of shit if you got Putin after you. I agree with the Redditard. Go to North Korea so you can get shit kicked out of you everyday in a gulag.

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8d71f9  No.160140


>using "Nazi" as a pejorative

You belong on plebbit, faggot.

That faggot kike Otto Warmbier got what he deserved.

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340b1c  No.160149


I like dogs and don't like to see animals abused, but regarding the dog video, was that one of the meat markets? I've seen a few of those kinds of themed videos and that was some of the word videos I've ever seen. Dogs getting blowtorched alive, thrown into boiling oil…. demonic shit.

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9d70fb  No.160191


I got east Asian-pilled from watching liveleak videos of east Asians being cruel to animals and their own people

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078ddb  No.160192


>It should be more public how obvious the control of reddit, and it's 100 million zoomer subscribers,

yeah but you are just preaching to the choir. We all know reddit is shit. go somewhere else about it, redpill other people about gayddit.

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070c67  No.160193


Reddit is communist china anon. We have been over this several times, they own all of Reddit.

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070c67  No.160194


Oy vey anon…you should still put your dick in that shiska and make lovely deformed children with it.

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070c67  No.160201

A little light reading and entertainment for anons. Interesting and elucidating. Everything scrubbed except this archive.


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0e3362  No.160297



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