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File: 3f3c9e12ab9213c⋯.jpg (97.6 KB, 1910x1000, 191:100, 106024529_1596566627856_ep….jpg)

7c2e49  No.159193

Noone is questioning mainstream medias narrative that Epstein was a pedophile and sex trafficker?

Sounds like a really surefire way of getting someone high profile out of the way…

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d207e2  No.159195

>oy vey goyim it’s the media’s narrative

>i say so

>therefore the pedophile totally wasn’t a pedophile

Does this shit work anywhere else? It doesn’t work here.

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10593e  No.159214


It works in any crowd who believes that the MSM is incapable of telling the truth. If the MSM says he's a pedophile then, by their logic, he can't be a pedophile.

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99c1d4  No.159223

if true then why was he suicided? how could he suicide himself if thats even almost impossible in lower class jails

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7c2e49  No.159232

Maybe for the same reason he is thought to have been killed for in the first place… he threatened to reveal something about people in power.

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6524c8  No.159240


you faggot kike

>he was sentenced ONCE

>who told us he didn't improve his life and learned from his past?

Oh, because he had -STEIN in his name? He must be an evil jew!

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7c2e49  No.159259

In the case he got convicted "cops" thought local judges weren't "tough enough" on him and called in the FBI. He pleaded guilty which means what in american courts?

And what was his punishment? 13 months in his own wing, wing! of Palm Beach County stockade.

Talk about a slap on the wrist from deep state

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10593e  No.159261


>He pleaded guilty which means what in american courts?

It avoids a trial. If you plead guilty, you go straight to sentencing.

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403fe7  No.159262


>which means what in american courts?

When you plead guilty it means you forfeit your chance to get away without punishment and judges usually reward you with a lighter sentence for saving their time

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d207e2  No.159382


>oy vey goyim Epstein wasn’t a Jew

>and he also wasn’t a pedophile

This shit doesn’t work here. Just go away. You’re worthless.

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