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File: af6cd7f4d9a1ca9⋯.png (18.54 KB, 788x243, 788:243, dayum.png)

07557b  No.158655

What do you all think about this idea?

>isolate statistics on leading causes of death by ethnicity

>push statistics on social media about cancer/heart disease killing blacks "disproportionately"

>call any non-blacks who talk about the disease with regards to their own family "racist"

>demand a cure for all of this stuff for blacks first or blacks only

>watch as all non-black normies get upset because of personal losses they've had as a result of the most normal western illnesses

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80ca8f  No.158659

>leading causes of death by ethnicity

I have a feeling that the leading cause of nigger death is being killed by another nigger.

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07557b  No.158660


You'd be surprised. Hundreds of thousands die each year due to heart disease and hundreds of thousands more to cancer. It's actually far more than are dying due to nig on nig violence or any other violence. So not only would this drive a wedge between nogs and non-nogs but it would also show the hypocrisy of the riots, this idea that these retards are more concerned with a handful of "unarmed" deaths per year over the vast sea of deaths caused by shitty, irresponsible diets.

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cc9201  No.158979


Not bad

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d8b4be  No.158988


>I have a feeling that the leading cause of nigger death is being killed by another nigger.

lol…there is no cure for that outside of the final solution

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4a2988  No.159310



This is a great idea and I unreservedly support it so far. When I have some free time I will lend my aid.

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280274  No.159339

File: 78b5968fa9dd619⋯.jpg (67.03 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Gandhi_Quote.jpg)


I don't understand what this accomplishes. It's basically just the same shit the SJWs are doing, you're doing their work for them.

There are plenty of other strategies that will get at the core of the problem. You want whites turned against anti-whites, kikes and the lügenpresse, but you want to do it in a way that isn't forced or ham fisted. Make them think about the situation. Make them feel cheated and lied to. Remember how you felt when you first understood the holohoax was a fraud?

> Point out all 3 terrorists who attacked Kyle were jews.

> #antifasowhite

> The media lies about antifa for 100 days straight. Still they told you the truth about Charlottesville?

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