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File: 02467fa242cb236⋯.jpg (27.05 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 9b0d2f6cbfc36f10041b08b107….jpg)

File: af12ce79eb611e0⋯.jpg (27.77 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 07c61fe38b7bf2aefa21836448….jpg)

cab18e  No.158128

>The Messianic Movement is a Sign of the Last Days. While many End-Time teachers are focusing attention on who the Antichrist is, the rebuilding of the Temple, and the mark of the beast (all of which may be valid), they seem to overlook the most obvious signs connected to the Last Days, such as the Gospel going to all Nations


They're talking about the messianic Jews.

They were invented in the late 60s and one of their goals is to bring the gospel to every nation as per the prerequisites for the end times in the bible.

The Jesuits are in charge or the 666 number of the beast prophesy.

The Jews are tasked with building the 3rd temple.

Not sure whose tasked with the antichrist finding program.

Whether you believe in the bible or not doesn't matter. What matters is that some very powerful people do believe the bible and will stop at nothing to see it's prophesies fulfilled.

Now I m sure I don't need to remind anyone that the end times aren't a fun time for the people at the end of the bible.

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099f77  No.158129


The Messianic Jewish movement was created by Baptists. In the original Greek, the "number of the beast" is 616, not 666. Take your dated boomer bullshit back to >>>/qresearch/

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cab18e  No.158195

File: b4df437f4d65116⋯.gif (17.05 KB, 388x221, 388:221, chi_xi_stigma_666.gif)


Thanks for the debunk snopes .

I guess because some people think it's a 1 and not a 6 that these psychos aren't tryna bring the end times. Phew!

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df33cf  No.158206

File: a0a5c94a9ba7966⋯.jpg (32.91 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 616.jpg)


Stop clinging to kike lies and read the actual Bible, moron.

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cab18e  No.158347

File: 7db55fbbd83d226⋯.png (1.22 KB, 368x376, 46:47, 1516945801957.png)

File: c1013104b25de5e⋯.png (244.91 KB, 541x758, 541:758, 1598733282507.png)

File: 030c74d74f5fc8a⋯.png (157.18 KB, 660x677, 660:677, 1597608042771.png)


Classic jidf.

Build a straw man to attack and avoid the big picture.

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099f77  No.158355


If the premise for your argument is flawed, then you have no argument.

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cab18e  No.158360

File: 499c4236c27f748⋯.jpg (174.46 KB, 733x960, 733:960, b769e5a7a45ea122573f65f369….jpg)

File: 57a3bdc432e2252⋯.jpg (295.98 KB, 930x1030, 93:103, Wanted_for_Crimes.JPG)

File: bebe789523e2032⋯.jpg (53.73 KB, 673x344, 673:344, jesuitcontrolgrid.jpg)

>ackshually some experts think it's a 1.

These guys dgaf what your alternative fringe clickbait celebs think you exeptional faggot.

The premise stands.

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099f77  No.158365


No, that's not how it works. If you argue that:

>since 1+1=3. the sky is green!

The premise of 1+1=3 is false, so the result is flawed. You started this by arguing about HaMessianic Jews and 666 when the premise for both is proven false. "Messianic Jews" or "Jews for Jesus" are a Baptist organization and have nothing whatsoever to do with Jews and it has been proven that 616, not 666, is the number of the beast. Ergo, you are wrong and your premise is flawed.

… and now you're babbling on about Jesuits. You're all over the place, kid. Take your meds.

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cab18e  No.158367

File: c484dabb6078f93⋯.png (325.24 KB, 1173x1318, 1173:1318, body_activities.png)


>take meds

Straight out the jidf handbook

Nice try Noseberg

Revelations also says that those who take the mark of the beast will be covered in deep open sores.

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cab18e  No.158368


>you're all over the place.

That's cos I've been down so many rabbit holes this past month.

I found out why were here, how they made ancient stone monoliths, ww2 was a draw, the 3rd eye is real, and so much more

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099f77  No.158372


It also says that the Antichrist will be universally beloved. Since there's nobody on Earth who is universally beloved, then there is no Antichrist right now, which means there is no beast distributing marks. Don't cherry pick. Either read the WHOLE thing or none of it.

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aad455  No.158381


>It also says that the Antichrist will be universally beloved. Since there's nobody on Earth who is universally beloved

Jews are.

>then there is no Antichrist right now

< “The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world domination by the dissolution of other races… and by the establishment of a world republic in which everywhere the Jews will exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the Children of Israel… will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition…” ~ ✡Baruch Levy✡, letter to ✡Karl Marx✡; Review de Paris, p. 574; June 1, 1928

>which means there is no beast distributing marks.

lol, take the vaccine goyim

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de90b3  No.158383

File: ea824bd764d01d9⋯.jpg (802.5 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20200910_022621….jpg)

File: 26331e94ad88b08⋯.jpg (908.04 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20200910_022627….jpg)

File: 7ff2e533f1b6197⋯.jpg (876.54 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20200910_022635….jpg)

File: f6ea7cfc7f93c5d⋯.jpg (909.26 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20200910_022641….jpg)

File: 2c5e79896124549⋯.jpg (867.64 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20200910_022651….jpg)

If the kikes aka bio engineered race of minions that the Masons manipulate as their Trojan horse and weapon of subversion truly believe the next Messiah will establish the Zionist new world order then they are in for a HUGE surprise

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de90b3  No.158384

File: 90c5c72c7b3e427⋯.jpg (803.96 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20200910_022702….jpg)

File: 3e0efbedb447105⋯.jpg (718.2 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20200910_022710….jpg)

File: b31715fff726ffb⋯.jpg (693.39 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20200910_022721….jpg)

File: d50981ad5a65e2a⋯.jpg (923.73 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20200910_022726….jpg)

File: 9a304fc4dd1e3e5⋯.jpg (898.58 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20200910_022742….jpg)

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099f77  No.158393


>Jews are.

You think Jews are universally beloved? Also, the Antichrist is a MAN, not a group. One single dude. Stop injecting your own personal fee-fees.

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aad455  No.158394


I know that jews are universally beloved, yeah. The Muslim “hatred” of jews only extends to the nature of their squatting in Israel. They had NO problem with any of the jews throughout the MILLENNIUM that jews worked within the Ottoman Empire and previous caliphate. They had no problem with any of the jews who opened the gates of Christian cities during the Muslim conquests. The fucking Saudi royal family IS JEWISH. There isn’t anyone on Earth who actually hates jews anymore. They control everything.

>the antichrist is a man

Eh, no, see, jews have become their own messiah, and the jewish messiah is the antichrist. Stop sucking jewish cock for five seconds and actually read the book you’re failing to quote.

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4a43da  No.158404


From where is this text from? What's the source?

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bfe06c  No.158411


Please stop posting your nigger filth on this website you fucking kike.

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099f77  No.158422


>There isn’t anyone on Earth who actually hates jews anymore.

So, you admit you're a jew lover. Good job.

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aad455  No.158429


lol, try so much harder than that, please. You want to point to anyone, anywhere, doing anything about the jews, I’m happy to listen. As it stands they control the entire fucking planet and have imposed their will on us all. Now take the vaccine like a good cattle.

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4a43da  No.158445


>I know that jews are universally beloved, yeah.

LOL, is it Opposite Day in your synagogue today, Schlomiel?

Fact is: The kikes are universally [i]hated[/i]. Everywhere on earth. By (more or less) all people.

And even indigene rainforest folks already got their lesson what's up with the kikes.


As it stands they control the entire fucking planet and have imposed their will on us all.

Yes, and this is [i]why[/i] they are universally hated.

Because of their fucking greed and will to dominate everything and everyone.

No one likes jews. And jews have no friends.

They only have goy prostitutes that play servant, against payment. Paid servants.

If jews would really be "universally beloved" - why then do kikes (and only: kikes) need agencies over agencies and special laws and penal law for running the world's most massive censorship programs?

That does not compute.

And you can not explain enmity and hatred to all other nations and your superiority over all other nations and the same time expecting those hated and despised people to love you and to have sypathy with you.

That's totaly insane and gaga. But no doubt about that kikes [i]are[/i] insane and totaly gaga.

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099f77  No.158453


YOU said that jews are universally beloved. That means that YOU love jews because if even ONE person hates jews, then it proves they are not universally beloved.

Do you know what words mean?

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34a336  No.158454

File: 9990263fb4d4db9⋯.webm (2.57 MB, 852x480, 71:40, revelation_vader.webm)


>They're talking about the messianic Jews.

You spelled "Synagogue of Satan" wrong.

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68dc47  No.158459

File: 6cfe23520a4b586⋯.jpg (148.27 KB, 652x800, 163:200, Jesus_painting_orthodox_2.jpg)

File: 22b864a2d02ad6f⋯.jpg (99.29 KB, 628x910, 314:455, jesus_painting_orthodox.jpg)

File: 53b68131d40873a⋯.jpg (77.02 KB, 599x814, 599:814, pantocrator_xc_ic.jpg)

File: 32d2d5e5a14c0bb⋯.jpg (12.27 KB, 200x335, 40:67, Megaloschema_IC_XC_NIKA_Ro….jpg)

File: 7afd917d146de6d⋯.jpg (123.93 KB, 545x585, 109:117, phoneican_sun_symbol_robe_….jpg)


XIC is a title. Not a number.

IC X[eye]C

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aad455  No.158466


>no one likes jews

We all love the jews. We do nothing to stop them. You fundamentally do not comprehend this, which is why you have already lost.

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68dc47  No.158470


I used to hate them…then I realized that men don't care in the slightest and are happy being their bitch and seeing everything they love destroyed in front of them. It is difficult to 'blame the jews' for the failures of your own people. We could easily murder them in their sleep at any moment we wanted but we do nothing.

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7dc010  No.158485


I wouldn't worry about these globalist faggots, they're currently in deep shit thanks to the big mean orange man in the White House. And I hear one of those 'black pope' yid figures whose in charge of kike bullshit in East Asia got himself whacked via an 'accident'. I think his name was (((Adolfo Nicolás))), Shinzo Abe was said to have retired with a smile shortly after this adolfo kikefaggot was killed off.

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68dc47  No.158495


>Adolfo Nicolás

Whoa, he died on May 20th. I doubt that had anything to do with orange man bad tho. This is super interesting. I know someone who claimed that Abe betrayed them and that really helps me to put some pieces of the puzzle in their place.

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68dc47  No.158551


What is this from? Source pls

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fec1ac  No.158568


People really need to be playing closer attention to that Microsoft Patent

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cab18e  No.158587

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621a81  No.158590

If i only could, i would program all the people to be goody good people, exactly like care bears.

No one must ever have the ability to do bad !

Good or extra good !

Nobody must have any ability to hurt others !

If all people were programmed to do only good, since at least 1900, all atrocities that happened since then until now, would never happen !

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099f77  No.158598

File: 1a4305cea88a093⋯.jpg (26.38 KB, 588x300, 49:25, greek.jpg)


Koine Greek, mother fucker. Do you speak it? Numbers/Letters.

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68dc47  No.158624


All languages have the capacity for Gematria. It doesn't make Greek special.

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68dc47  No.158625


What is with this fucking care bear theme that keep reappearing on 8kun? Is this like the MLP faggotry?

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099f77  No.158643


No, you don't get it. Revelations was written in Koine Greek. In Koine, like many language of the time, there wasn't much separation between letters and numbers. Revelation was written in Koine and the number of the beast is 616 - not 666. The "XIC" isn't a title, it's a number.

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68dc47  No.158646

File: 96996723e73955e⋯.jpg (57.72 KB, 640x480, 4:3, THE_LAMB_BEAST20copy.jpg)


Believe me anon, 'I get it'. I know all about Papyrus 115 and it is not a number; it is a title.

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8e72c3  No.158652

That's Francis Collins not the Black Pope, you boomer retard.

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cab18e  No.158693

File: a4bfb5f481fa952⋯.jpg (77.2 KB, 769x538, 769:538, rwerwer.jpg)

File: 501a1fbfc28d49d⋯.png (241.13 KB, 640x390, 64:39, Pope_Francis_The_Black_Pop….png)

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cab18e  No.158698

Question: "Does the Bible say anything about a black Pope in relation to the end times?"

Answer: The idea of there being a black Pope in the end times does not come from the Bible, but rather from the visions of Saint Malachy in the 12th century. In approximately A.D. 1139, Saint Malachy received a vision in which it was revealed to him that there would be 112 more Popes, with the last one being the “black Pope.” Interestingly, the current Pope, Francis I, is Pope number 112 after Saint Malachy’s vision (although the count of Popes varies somewhat). Some see a connection between Pope Francis I and the color black due to Francis I being a Jesuit, and Jesuits traditionally wearing black cassocks. So, is Pope Francis I, the 112th Pope, going to be the black Pope?

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099f77  No.158720

File: 8a5bbe84e85e95d⋯.jpg (44.17 KB, 960x694, 480:347, CNS_Sarah_c.jpg)


>So, is Pope Francis I, the 112th Pope, going to be the black Pope?

Nope, that will be the 113th Pope, Cardinal Robert Sarah.

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cab18e  No.158735

Is it just me or does the same guy keep popping up in the portraits in the list if superior generals (black popes)


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68dc47  No.158737


No it looks like a clone to me as well

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51ab45  No.158944

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3725e6  No.159044

File: a10ad5bd937e69a⋯.jpg (177.21 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, Jesus.jpg)

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68dc47  No.159058


Hmmm what a dumbshit. I still want the 'source' of this drivel.

>cryptocurrency (aka fiat currency)…

Fiat currency is the money of the 'old world'. This communist bullshit must have leaked out the sphincter of someone like ex-Pelosi-ve.

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342e6e  No.159341

So what's going to happen? Some cartoon devil looking bitch is going to get on CNN and talk shit or nah? Doesn't that mean Jesus is real and he'll show up? Will I get in trouble if I call him a kike? What if he's black and everyone then laughs at him and goes with Satan? I have so many questions but don't want to be molested by a priest, wtd?

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de90b3  No.159477


>Jesus 2.0 is waking up from sleepy state of consciousness >>158383

>He is Russian

>The Vatican has no place in the new world

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