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961e66  No.157949

Defund the police is realy about replacing police with cameras. EVRYWHERE. Why do you think porn has flooded the internet more than anything else. Its the norm now for couples to fuck and post it up on pornhub or xvideos. Its a marxist engineered trend. They want you to be okay with and encourage everyone to post their most intimate moments online to nomralize the masses. This way when its time for them to implement laws where they start putting cameras up everywhere, people wont feel as violated, this will be so common statement " Well Im already on film on the internet fucking anyway with 100000000 views I like cameras I hate cops" Thats the new mentality being cultivated in the masses, once its harvested America is over.

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961e66  No.157950

And the nigs are once again to retarded to notice they are instruments. They will never fucking learn. They are being conned into being trend setters to the new state. They will never remember when Jim Jones duped black communist with a marxist paradise in south america,

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611416  No.158008

File: 8b0857a93e3c292⋯.webm (2.2 MB, 720x1278, 40:71, surveillance.webm)

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35a46e  No.158014


>They will never fucking learn

They can't learn, they just follow orders. This is why they have been turned into slaves over and over throughout history and in the modern era. Real people realize that they are just apes that vaguely resemble humans, so they use them as equipment.

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28b76a  No.158101


> on the way

Yeah, any day now

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