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🎶 It's 2021, order is gone it's a race war now 🎶

File: 6b52818dca75c1c⋯.jpg (1.26 MB, 1776x3783, 592:1261, NyOCrjuBqDEaiI5r.jpg)

abcff2  No.157042

"Pooja Sundar Gehi" is the director and attorney for the (NLG) "National Lawyers Guild" which represents and defends the ANTIFA terrorist organization. The (NLG) "National Lawyers Guild" is funded by both the FORD FOUNDATION and the OPEN SOCIETY FOUNDATION of international marxist George Schwartz Gyorgy Soros.


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059bf4  No.157046






If you're a White nationalist, that's your enemy stack. Stop getting bogged down with ragheads and east bloc legacy commies.

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ea38a2  No.157054


I thought lawyers were supposed to look professional, not like trailer trash whores

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8257fe  No.157087


This is actually an important post because antifa funding is still a mystery - so much so that there are some people even denying that they exist. Most sources I find say that there is no connection to Soros and no one knows who is funding antifa.

I just wish OP had posted sources to back up his claim. To do some legwork on my own, here is what I found

The Star commentary notes that the Guild “explicitly and openly coordinates legal action and public relations in support of the Antifa movement.”

one NLG chapter states on its website that NLG lawyers “understand that legal support is critical in the planning and aftermath of any action,” and “can usually mobilize NLG volunteer lawyers to handle initial court appearances, and…often continue to defend activists pro bono.”

Antifa websites prominently display NLG chapters’ contact details and telephone helplines, while also posting the same information on their social media pages. NLG attorneys also advertise their services on Antifa podcasts and blogs, such as “It’s Going Down.”

In fact, in 2018 during Antifa’s armed attack on a “No to Marxism” rally in Berkeley, California, law enforcement officials said that 21 of the activists who had been arrested called NLG for help, with most of those who called admitting to being Antifa affiliated.


That's not that strong but this one is a a lot stronger

in a 2017 op-ed for the San Francisco Chronicle, top guild officials explain how the group’s lawyers counsel Antifa members to protect Americans from “fascists and white supremacists seek[ing] to take power in the streets and halls of government.” The American people, readers are told, “cannot depend on the government to meaningfully intervene and prevent the rise of fascism.” That is “up to us,” they write.


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ff24e8  No.157129

NLG is straight up anti-societal Communists

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ca3568  No.157134

File: 91ac8c8c5dd428f⋯.jpg (47.98 KB, 500x302, 250:151, Just_US.jpg)



(You) know nothing of which (You) speak.

>inb4 more poo from (You)

Sanatana Dharma Did Nothing Wrong.

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14b9df  No.157187

Why do so many Indians have such … fecal last names? Did Anglo colonists give them those for keks or we have memed irresponsibly?

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14b9df  No.157188


*first names

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9001f4  No.157467


Listen here dumb cunt, hindus aren't your enemy, ask your politicians to give visas only after dna testing, I was a hindu and I hate cunts like these who go to other countries and make them a shithole like India. Just like cunts from your country coddle niggers and import mexicans. These are ape like southern indians and the northern indians(semi-aryans) are completely different from these troglodytes. Understand the difference then talk shit.

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9001f4  No.157468


Again, these are either dalits(low cast) or southern cunts who do these type of shits and ruin our name, all the shit of indian scammers and call-centers come from them. So don't use indians as both south and north,both are different.

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ae8af3  No.157870


i bet Perkins Coie is the middle man laundering the money to fund Antifa. look at all the shit PC did to fund the 2016 Steele Dossier. everywhere you look where there is coordinated legal efforts to destroy America, it's always Perkins Coie. i bet if FBI searched Perkins Coie in XKEYSCORE, they would find the money trail directly to Antifa.

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c2daad  No.157874



Woah man, not cool. Gotta flag you for this and call you out for this racist rhetoric. The words you post here can cause a lot of harm to the people reading them. Remember the human, ok bud? Do better.

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085b03  No.157964

That is one of. The uglier niggers I have ever seen.

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085b03  No.157966


>do better


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0e8931  No.159115


If you want to know who funds them, look at the institutional clout that some of the people involved in the RevCom Party and associated organization . Bob Avakian has been cultivating a small army of academics and bureaucrats in academic, and civil institutions, refusefascism is their most well known front but they’re connected to a lot of groups. Avakian has been selling his own brand of revolutionary post maoist communism since the 60’s. Revcoms started in chicago, headquartered in chicago… in the city and state run by the pritzker dynasty of billionaire jewish pedophiles and trannies. This is a really big really well organized structure and it’s got some very powerful backers.

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6a6678  No.159140


a zionist sunni, thats really in right now.

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13f443  No.159141

File: efda1eeb82220e6⋯.png (5.65 MB, 2564x1540, 641:385, Lawyerandasacrificer.PNG)


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13f443  No.159143

File: e61b50dd59d70f2⋯.png (3.56 MB, 2640x1514, 1320:757, interestinglineofthought.PNG)


Every. Single. Time.

>National Executive Committee (Board)

Elena L. Cohen (she/her/hers) is the president of the NLG. She is a Partner at Cohen Green PLLC, a small firm focused on serving the LGBTQ community. She teaches courses on gender and the law at College of Staten Island. Read more at http://femmelaw.com.

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13f443  No.159145

File: 03008a61fb09066⋯.png (7.6 MB, 2838x1898, 1419:949, stunningprobablybrave.PNG)

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a4cb8d  No.159151


In the French Revolution, the Jacobins vied with one another to wear the filthiest most impoverished rags. Napoleon, a young artillery officer deliberately wore tattered shirts and a jacket with big holes in the elbows.

The instant that he became Emperor, those same Jacobins appeared in public competing with one another in glided splendor, with gold braid, expensive tailored uniforms, expensive elaborate lace, silk socks, and magnificent hats with huge egret feathers

If this gaggle of gutter rats ever wins, just watch them suddenly chuck their poor people rags and appear in $6000 bespoke suits and $1500 Italian hand made shoes.

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251a3f  No.159153

File: 1e338b3c528cd07⋯.webm (851.92 KB, 640x360, 16:9, trannies_ted.webm)


>specialize in free speech

Right up until someone points out that's a dude in a blouse.

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251a3f  No.159154

File: df2eeb7fb2d83a9⋯.jpg (89.27 KB, 670x959, 670:959, antifa_legal_team.jpg)

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67ec7b  No.163389

When the parasite nigger scum are targeted and their families murdered let me know.

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