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File: 22ae66921f7da23⋯.jpg (11.4 KB, 300x300, 1:1, R_9086929_1474548073_5725_….jpg)

3eb9ae  No.156679

lurking guy again with questions

you guys know where Mr. Bond and the other thousands of natsocs are?

i mean as far as i know 8chan was kinda big but now only thing i read is: 8kun dead

so dont they know 8kun is live, did they cyanide-pilled themselfs or did they just surrender to the jew and his libtard slaves because they think we cant win?

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25cdfc  No.156680

File: e6a23b124e95333⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Cover.png)

File: 1758f22824f9954⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1023x1023, 1:1, Woke_Alone_Mixtape_Cover.png)

File: 72a73eb937b5deb⋯.png (3.86 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, Cover.png)


Bond disappeared when the literal retard shooter in Germany got defeated by the wooden synagogue door and shot a random fat lady walking down the street. The shooter was playing his music in his car before it went down on the livestream.

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ee79d1  No.156704


well this is the largest cuck/pol/ alternative around right now, because the current state other are:

9chan /bestpol/: fizzled out only has like 70 users and 20 ppd

16/pol/: is the home of druidpol I don't know how big it is but it's a hell of a lot slower than here

neinchan: dead

/fascist/: slow as hell but still top tier place for discussion has a solid 20 users and 1 pph last time I checked

nanochan: somewhat active not quite as good as here though

08chan: dead and cp

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d7d56f  No.157379


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3eb9ae  No.157497


OP here

true probably hunting him down

thats why he probably went silent doesnt want to get tracked


hope thats true

i want people to stay fash and fight when the time is right

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