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95004a  No.156649

Portland Police fucking up some antifa last night

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2ee137  No.156651

File: a99d877feec7b57⋯.jpg (289.58 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, a99d877feec7b57f96b3287703….jpg)

did the portland pd finally discover where they left their testicles?

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95004a  No.156652


Just in like Seattle, rioters can do what they want until they go to the mayor's house

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9eee6b  No.156874

While I love seeing lefties getting rekt, I'd feel a lot better about it if it were right-thinking citizens doing it and not militarized police.

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2bfb34  No.156896

Great sight

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578c7a  No.156897

File: 8b4a56b7f86f7cf⋯.jpg (26.72 KB, 948x711, 4:3, trashman2.jpg)

>nigger music

had to mute it

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aa0e4f  No.156924


Should have happened a long time ago. Shame about the nigger beats though. Sadly I recognize this as DMX since wiggers would play this when I was in HS

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31f6ca  No.156930

File: 42d821687a754d8⋯.jpg (25.72 KB, 556x500, 139:125, https_i_pinimg_com_origina….jpg)

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