> The jews orchestrated these riots
Amplified them certainly. Just look at the media and the role of social media. Compare what twitter was doing in the arab spring with what it's doing now in the USA.
> They likely predicted looting and burning would hurt the Biden campaign
I think the intention was for the opposite to happen. Niggers and commie lefties loot and burn shit over a fake oppression narrative pushed by all mainstream media. This was intended to trigger some rightwingers / conservatives to react by counter protesting, getting into fist fight, making victims and so on. That didn't really happen from the get go. Feds found out that after making tons of honeypots and only punishing rightwingers that none show any interests in saving mostly liberal cities. So the feds created the 'boogalo boys' honeypot in hopes of attracting people. That massively failed.
And so they're now stuck in this scenario where they hope for further escalation to drive anti right wing policy. They'll just continue burning, looting and rioting until they have more examples of people like that 17 year old kid who shot 2 antifas. Then they will use that momentum to push globohomo into overdrive. They don't have the option to not double down either on this strategy since that would be a massive defeat, and indeed a big swing to the right in terms of public opinion and favor of policy.
> yet somehow fail to predict how counter-productive their incitement of riots during a pandemic would be.
Counterproductive for the population's health. But considering pesticides such as Atrazine which is present in US food, population health is the least of concerns for the kikes.
> seems to only benefit Trump
It's since the plan's not going exactly as planned.
> Is there no Kalergi Plan?
That's for Europe (and unfortunately, not being stopped any time soon).