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Critical Race Theory? No thanks, I'm already critical of the other races

File: c1c39fdbd39f95f⋯.jpg (55.99 KB, 800x533, 800:533, trump_face_in_hands_newsfl….jpg)

6591ec  No.154916

The jews orchestrated these riots. They encouraged commie reactions by broadcasting narratives of nigger oppression. They knew Libtards would protest and get violent. They likely predicted looting and burning would hurt the Biden campaign, make white normies hate niggers, and probably redpill a lot of people. Their actions only help Trump get re-elected.

I can't believe that jews did such an incredible job at brainwashing the entirety of America, yet somehow fail to predict how counter-productive their incitement of riots during a pandemic would be. I'm inclined to believe that the division and racial tensions we see is part of their plan, and since it seems to only benefit Trump, I'm starting to think they want to keep him in office. Despite the demonization of him over the past four years.

Are they trying to accelerate? Are the Zion Don memes true? Is there no Kalergi Plan? What is their endgame?

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c58800  No.154920

They want to use nigger violence in order to incite a small scale race war. They know that at only 13% of the US population, the niggers have no way of winning. But because of that disparity they will be able to spin it as overwhelming oppression and white aggression. They already draw parallels to nazi germany and the supposed ethnic cleansings that took place. So when it reaches a tipping point and it looks like the evil whitey is going on another genocide, the friendly jew will be able to step in and restore order with such helpful programs as "voluntary" sterilization of white people, racemixing programs, and reducing whites to second class citizens through aggressive affirmative action. Then, they will be in a position to accelerate the mongrelization of the west and thus create a mulatto subspecies, the perfect slave race. Strong enough to perform manual labor, but dumb and docile enough not to ask questions. And there will be no other races left to question it.

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c619d3  No.154926


> The jews orchestrated these riots

Amplified them certainly. Just look at the media and the role of social media. Compare what twitter was doing in the arab spring with what it's doing now in the USA.

> They likely predicted looting and burning would hurt the Biden campaign

I think the intention was for the opposite to happen. Niggers and commie lefties loot and burn shit over a fake oppression narrative pushed by all mainstream media. This was intended to trigger some rightwingers / conservatives to react by counter protesting, getting into fist fight, making victims and so on. That didn't really happen from the get go. Feds found out that after making tons of honeypots and only punishing rightwingers that none show any interests in saving mostly liberal cities. So the feds created the 'boogalo boys' honeypot in hopes of attracting people. That massively failed.

And so they're now stuck in this scenario where they hope for further escalation to drive anti right wing policy. They'll just continue burning, looting and rioting until they have more examples of people like that 17 year old kid who shot 2 antifas. Then they will use that momentum to push globohomo into overdrive. They don't have the option to not double down either on this strategy since that would be a massive defeat, and indeed a big swing to the right in terms of public opinion and favor of policy.

> yet somehow fail to predict how counter-productive their incitement of riots during a pandemic would be.

Counterproductive for the population's health. But considering pesticides such as Atrazine which is present in US food, population health is the least of concerns for the kikes.

> seems to only benefit Trump

It's since the plan's not going exactly as planned.

> Is there no Kalergi Plan?

That's for Europe (and unfortunately, not being stopped any time soon).

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05ca79  No.154939

File: 5e6729a60ff7590⋯.jpg (3.14 MB, 1250x3125, 2:5, 5e6729a60ff7590d9462e9bc66….jpg)

Keep this in mind, there are 37 central bank locations in the US. Of those 37, 33 of those cities had riots (might be 34 now with Kenosha, but that was a wild card). In 2019 there were over 1600 high level executives that left their job and have been cashing out their stock at a record pace. There are also these things called 'opportunity zones' within US cities where you can roll your gains in to property with out paying capital gains taxes, but the property has to be in those opportunity zones. There is also an org called '100 resilient cities' funded by a Rockefeller (I think - or some globalist, but I haven't taken the time to connect the dots on all of this). So part of the plan it seems is to disrupt these cities where the opportunity zones are, destroy the values, come in and buy they up cheap. There is a massive exodus right now, 50% of new york city rentals are vacant and property prices are plummeting. Also look at the UK where there are 10 luxury hotels in London that are all housing migrants for free. So, in the US what if the cities become vacant and these commies start importing massive amounts of the 3rd world, arming them at around the time whites become a minority. It's like Yuri said, the commies doing this are useful idiots and in the end will be lined up against the wall and shot which could very well happen 10-20 years from now. Pardon the rambling, but with a lot of this stuff, there isn't just one single reason for any of it. The web is multi-dimensional.

Add all the covid nonsense in to the mix and you see it's a huge operation where they're tying to being about their technocratic one world order government in to the 'new normal'. The next 10 years are going to be interesting to say the least.

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271ce4  No.154942


To drive home the narrative that trump hates blacks so they don’t stop voting democrat. Every violent riot nigger who gets shot is another martyr to them no matter what they did to deserve it. They aren’t criminals destroying cities, they are poor opressed people hungry for justice as trump the evil Nazi cracks down with the government and white supremacist militias. They expect people are dumb enough to fall for it, and they are right, remember, 100IQ is the white average and between that and the diversity levels, 3/4 the country probably has an IQ below 100 now. I am sure you have met a sub 100 IQ person before, tell me, are they rational or just borderline retarded emotion driven idiots? This is why the left does so well. They cater to braindead retards and retard enablers while the right just wants to preserve the meritocratic societal norms of western society and explore space, higher goals that most of these dumbfucks cant even fathom.

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05ca79  No.154947


>This is why the left does so well

the left does well because it owns mainstream media, hollywood, news outlets, radio stations, the music industry and has major influence of educational curriculum. Take all that away (along with their power to create money) and they'd be an easy turd to flush. Hence the reason why they spend more time developing ways to spy on you than improving society as a whole. Hitler was right.

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271ce4  No.154970


They only got all that because they tricked stupid people into giving it to them. Stupid people have been around far longer than TV or even widespread public education. Stupid people always have been and always will be the vast majority of humanity until the day we are all either genetically modified supermen or have cybernetic brains. People aren’t smart enough to think for themselves until at least 130 IQ and even then it’s a struggle for most of them due to the survival instinct to go along with the group and degrade themselves to the lowest common denominator of thought. And make no mistake, that is a reasonable survival instinct. The one fundamental problem with the right wing is our belief that the truth matters to lesser people. Someone with an IQ over 135 is 1 in 102. I could be the most correct person in the world, a 1 in a hundred million genius presenting objective universal truth, but if those 102 retards condemn me for every 1 person who barely understands, it will not matter and I will be burned at the stake for defying the mob as has been proven throughout history. The left gets this which is why they aim for the 102 with lies and deceit and make consistent gains, they know they will not be seen through, and if they are, that people smart enough to do so would not be foolish enough to openly oppose the 102 and be expelled from the larger in-group.

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851c51  No.154985


this dude saw it long time a go

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eef94a  No.155006

>Flood nation with non-whites

>Lower the white population's quality of life

>Spark racial tension in everything

>Shit blows up and destabilizes

>Martial law is implemented

>If not, bring in the blue helmets

>Restore order from the chaos

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fe5d28  No.155023



White genocide.


=In what way? Why can’t you comprehend this?

>benefit Trump


>I’m starting to think they want to keep him in office


>despite the demonization

What demonization, you brainwashed sack of shit? They gave him his greatest wish: the entire world’s media talking about him literally nonstop every single day for six years now. In exchange, all he had to do was sell his entire bloodline to be poisoned with jewish cock and cut, and to obey every order he was given from jews. Holy. Fucking. Shit.PAY ATTENTION.

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0dae0a  No.155034


We still need to keep trump in power until 2025. Joe is senile and Kamala makes trump look like p.w Botha.

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fe5d28  No.155039


>we need to

Why? What has the ZOG emperor ever done for us? Actually list something real, not just “HA HA LEFTIST MAD CUZ THEY PRETEND TO BE MAD” Who gives a shit which jewish puppet signs the jewish laws? It’s the same laws and same policies no matter what.

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3473c0  No.165160


>The elections are the one thing left with any integrity in the US

this will never fail to get a laugh

>what is the jews end game?

To have you demoralized, to erase your race, rape your children and make money.

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e1cede  No.172732

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