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File: 1a7f0de954c0721⋯.jpg (1.92 MB, 2000x1479, 2000:1479, Hinrichtung_Joseph_S_ss_2.jpg)

File: 9c2bf4dc686de99⋯.jpg (713.15 KB, 693x911, 693:911, Flugblatt3_Joseph_S_Oppenh….jpg)

File: ae16cf75b702cdb⋯.jpg (77.56 KB, 522x675, 58:75, Jud_S_.jpg)

a8d43e  No.151031

This thread is dedicated to the discussion of the Nationalsozialist film Jud Süß and the historicity of the film.

If you haven't watched the film the plot goes as follows:

Rich Jewish financier Joseph Süß Oppenheimer manipulates the Duke of Württemberg through bribes and usury and even manages to repeal the law preventing Jews from living in Württemberg. What follows is a tragic love story where Süß tries to get hold of the Aryan woman, Dorothea, the husband of Dorothea is soon captured on behalf of Oppenheimer and Dorothea is raped(yes, coercive sex is rape) by Oppenheimer to free her husband. Dorothea drowns herself in a river out of shame of being dishonoured by a Jew. The Duke suddenly dies and the army lets the people of Württemberg riot and capture Süß, Süß is sentenced to death for "uniting his flesh with a christian woman" and is hung; Jews are then expelled from the city of Württemberg as the film draws to a close, a citizen of Württemberg, observing the Jews leaving, comments, "May the citizens of other states never forget this lesson.".

How much of this film is true? I have these images contemporary with the hanging of Joseph Süß Oppenheimer and they don't mention the supposed rape. I tried my best to type out what they mean:

„Der an dem Juden Joseph Süß Oppenheimers, aus der pfalz gebührthig, Ao 1738. den 4. Febr: Vorgenomenen Execution, wie solche Zum Erolocken der gedruckten Unterthanen ausserhath Stuttgart Vollzogen, under an den eisernen galgen,in cinem 6 schuh hohen eisernen Käffich aufgehenckt morder"

And Jewgle translate gave me:

"The one to the Jew Joseph Suss Oppenheimer, from the Palatinate due, Ao 1738. February 4th: Execution carried out, such as those carried out for the erolocation of the printed subjects outside Stuttgart, and to the iron gallows, in a 6-shoe-high iron cage killer

The second image:

„Wer großer Herren Gunst misbranicht mit bäsen Rath. Wie dieser freche Jud Süß Oppenheimer that. Wen geitz und Übermuth auch Wollust eugenomen. Der mus wie Haman dort zu letzt an Gulgen komen."

“Anyone who disapproves of great gentlemen's favor with bad advice. Like that cheeky Jew Suss Oppenheimer did. Wen geitz and high spirits also lust eugenome. Like Haman, he must be the last to get Gulgen there. "

Unless if Jewgle is wrong I don't see how "he raped a christian woman" can fit into the ambiguous parts of these translations. It's kind of important information to know why he was executed.

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f00b32  No.151032

Nice thread. I like the 18th cent etchings. Well done.

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97abc7  No.151043

File: 189b65c3dbecada⋯.jpg (66.2 KB, 1100x550, 2:1, harvey.jpg)


You might be better off looking into the specific form of punishment rather than looking to see what would have been considered public slander of the innocent (they would have avoided dragging her family through suffering if possible). That might tell you more about the rape. Usury was punished by flaying alive, not sure how rape was punished.

Imagine how enraged the jews would be by this act of Law when they have no such laws or feelings (like niggers) about what they put their dick into…lol, no wonder they feel persecuted in European society…like a monkey would, a jew is going to try to put his dick into anything it can so to be executed for putting its dick where it shouldn't must be an unbearable 'injustice' and 'persecution' to its nigger state of mind.

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