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File: 0867c027b7f6fbc⋯.jpg (153.5 KB, 900x548, 225:137, summer_news_BLMprotest_ale….jpg)

39647e  No.150926


Watch and save before its removed.

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9df1ad  No.150933

Did you put this together? Nice work.

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39647e  No.150958

>9df1ad yeah but there were other smaller compilations I took from. A lot is my own collecting

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c646d0  No.150962

I've been watching this horseshit since it kicked off and I thought I'd seen it all but I'd say 75% of this video was new to me. Thanks for this.

l mailed it out to my boomer friends who wouldn't see this shit otherwise.

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f2f073  No.151034

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