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🎶 It's 2021, order is gone it's a race war now 🎶

File: ef9b69ce4f03836⋯.png (570.9 KB, 960x811, 960:811, https_blogs_images_forbes_….png)

eb9cd9  No.149575[Last 50 Posts]

The website crazydaysandnights.net had two blind items recently, alleging that a celebrity is doing PSA's on coping with the aftermath of an EMP attack (see #4 and #5 below).

In context:



1. China, Russia Building Super-EMP Bombs for ‘Blackout Warfare’ (January 24, 2019)



2. Trump Moves To Protect America From Electromagnetic Pulse Attack (April 5, 2019)



3. The Threat of EMP Attack is Very Real (Dec. 15, 2019)

"This can't be minimized–this is a threat to the American people that must be taken seriously."




`a(June 30, 2020)

This permanent A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee has been filming a series of PSA commercials, both for radio and television. The thing is though they are all for something that hasn't happened yet.

5. https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2020/08/blind-item-8_7.html

(August 7, 2020)

With all the blackouts occurring, I would remind you of the blind item I wrote several months ago, and revealed, about the director who is making PSA's about how to deal with a mass EMP event. This is a practice run.

>AFAIK the blind item was actually not revealed. Tom Hanks was apparently listed as doing COVID-19 PSA's, maybe he was really doing this instead? IDK.

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d6fd50  No.149587

File: 5f40c2f92beffda⋯.pdf (740.83 KB, 061005014.pdf)

China Has ‘First-Strike’ Capability To Melt U.S. Power Grid With Electromagnetic Pulse Weapon


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21f4c8  No.149590

That would be bad for jews and good for whites, so no. It’s not going to happen.

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8fd534  No.149605



You'd have feral hordes suddenly without their smart phone etc to guide them, yeah, everyone innawoods would be totally fine but in cities the apes would take over by force although lack of news coverage means dotr is much more feasible

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21f4c8  No.149609


>in cities the apes would take over by force

Yeah, that’s so great for whites, right?

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6ac989  No.149614


>spend 20 years telling people how to grow food, catch fish, start a fire, build shelter, dig a well, care for horses, and live simple

<cry about an EMP


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6ac989  No.149615


Any whites still living in the cities pretty much deserve whatever happens. Can't save everyone.

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f4a968  No.149620


>This permanent A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee has been filming a series of PSA commercials, both for radio and television

Ok, I smell total BS here. Let me break it down for you.

>Announce incoming EMP

<Immediate riots / looting

>Don't announce EMP

<No TV, radio or phones, no way to show the announcement

I don't see a scenario where anyone would bother to make a "how to survive an EMP attack infomercial".


>You'd have feral hordes suddenly without their smart phone etc to guide them, yeah, everyone innawoods would be totally fine but in cities the apes would take over by force although lack of news coverage means dotr is much more feasible

Ok, I travelled through jew york city during the huge blackout that went from basically boston all the way to DC, it was probably almost a decade ago now. The blackout was known to be a temporary thing, so people didn't generally lose their shit and start rioting. But I will say this. Everyone was outside. Everyone. No one had AC, so everyone was out on the street. Everyone was sitting cheek to jowl on every curb, handrail, fire hydrant, fence, anything you could stick as ass on, it had an ass on it. So if you operators want to plan for DOTR in a city during an EMP, it's not like house to house combat, it's like everyone outdoors at the same time. You show up, you need to have a plan to do what you need to do and get the fuck out before you run out of ammo. You also need to be prepared for the ultimate zerg rush and probably a hail of whatever can be thrown, will be thrown. Not saying that would happen, they might all run screaming, but if they don't… DOTR in minecraft sounds like a rush.

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295e27  No.149627

This shit with China could get serious. China is finalizing a $400 billion dollar security deal w Iran.

Israel's pissed and the Jews have no problem starting world wars to get their way.


Elliot Abrams is now tasked with setting us up for war w Iran.

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124e6f  No.149633


There have been zero real-world EMP that weren't nukes. Could non-nuke EMP exist? Not big ones. EMP = big energy output. A mini sun. Mini sun = nuke (as far as we in the public know - maybe there is a quantum weapon of some kind).

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7c2b83  No.149639


Exactly. It would all f__ itself up on its own. "Diversity" will be exposed as a massive failure. Anti-white order takes a hard beating.

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f7d97a  No.149649

File: eee873769216afa⋯.mp4 (4.06 MB, 320x240, 4:3, EMP.mp4)

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6d26a5  No.149650


This, it would set their plans back for decades, if not a century. If done globally of course. Kike fears the EMP.


Do you really think the apes would be able to organize efficiently without their (((digital benefactors)))? Do you think they could stand an extended war against whites? Yes, they would kill and rape a lot of cucks initially, but nothing of value would be lost.

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fb6642  No.149661

Meh. Have any of you kiggers seen what happens when you drop a magnet down a copper tube? it slows down massively.

An EMP is just a supermagnetic slug shoved down a coil or tube of copper. The problem is, the decay in velocity varies as the square OF said velocity, so you either have to have an extremely high "muzzle velocity" for the slug so the entire energy of the EMP propellant is utilized by the time the thing hits the end, OR you have to have a means of propelling the magnet, such as a rocket motor, that can actually accelerate the slug as it goes, so the EMP intensifies as it goes along.

However, a rail gun-style launcher for the magnetic slug would impart one heck of a lot of energy to said slug and may be enough to produce the desired effect, which, conversely, varies as the square of the velocity of the slug.

The ideal EMP would be floating at some nice altitude, and when activated, the axis of travel of the slug would be either parallel or perpendicular to the Earth's surface, depending on effect desired.

If the effect is to radiate laterally, the slug would travel vertically, such as, building one in an elevator shaft disguised as a service pipe, conduit, whatever. (Which is why, I imagine, it is illegal in some places to PUT wiring in elevator shafts that is not directly and necessarily coupled to the moving car.)

With a evacuated tube a hundred stories tall, one could drop a slug with a rocket on the back of it, and let it attain a good velocity before firing the rocket down the non-metallic tube before it finishes it journey in a copper tube of fairly sturdy construction, with a length calculated and tested to spend the entire energy of the propellant in producing the EMP while applying braking force to the slug. One may even contain the inner tube in an outer tube that is attached in many places to a powerful vacuum pump, so that the only time one has to maintain perfect vacuum is moments before triggering it, and the outer tube could pull out some of the backblast of the rocket before it had the time to get around in front of the slug.

It ain't exactly rocket science, but rockets can be used in it.

With enough propellant and a high enough initial velocity, it would not be likely that much of the propellant pressure could get in front of the slug/rocket.

In fact, if the initial velocity was accelerated to about Mach 1.5 via coil gun or rail gun, then the rockets were ignited, A truly impressive terminal velocity could be achieved.

Compared to a conventional bomb, The devastation is very selective, so that is why you don't see Beirut-level destruction from a properly-designed EMP. It's kind of the sun-through-a-magnifying-glass effect versus the entire sun shining across the whole landscape.

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3c4156  No.149663


I am not an EMP expert, but it's my understanding that an EMP attack would probably harm large infrastructure (like the power grid or cellular network) but not necessarily harm smaller equipment (like your portable radio in your basement) b/c the length of wires/PCB traces is not long enough to induce a sizable voltage & current.

I think these PSA's (if real) were supposed to be for after the attack, coping with it. Yes that presumes people have the capacity to hear it and someone has the capacity to broadcast it. Regardless they could record the announcements being in denial whether they'd be even heard.

And CDAN is not the WSJ.



Apparently there was a pre-attack nuclear war PSA prepared during the Cold War, featuring personality Arthur Godfrey.

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2285b7  No.149671


>This shit with China could get serious.

For who? The Filipino sailors in the US navy? The mutt race staff at nuclear launch sites? The globohomo major population centers? China would be doing us the favor of all favors if they vaporized every single active duty member of the US military. Unfortunately, China doesn't like us enough to solve that problem.

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fd3f0d  No.149690


Gain the media, win the war.

Just like WWII and WWI.

The war is over the means of (mis)information. The key is to weaponize the common person, as has been done in the whole white world, against his own bests friends and best interests.

Most people are too lazy to research. They just keep guzzling whatever is poured down their throats most often and most colorfully.

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fd3f0d  No.149691

The first casualty in any war is truth. Truth died before WWI in the USA, and it has spread worldwide.

Exalting the mentally ill to the level of heroes, yea, even demigods/demagogues is a result of this all-fronts-onslaught on truth. People like Jizz-E, and his "most beautiful black woman because she looks so little like one" wife Neighoncey, Colin Kapernickstein, Barak Obama, and Bruce D. Jenner(ate.)

The war is for the mass media. So far it is a war that has been lost for a hundred years.

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295e27  No.149702

File: 939923f60e8e939⋯.jpg (211.37 KB, 1500x955, 300:191, FederalReserve.jpg)


No, Amalek is the target, we are the target. Can we afford another Cold War? How come Israel rejected peace with Iran and has us heading to war. That'll cost to much on top of all their other wars

Right now Jews have the power to collapse America financially. Will they really do that?

Here's a Rabbi talking about what's coming. Watch the next minute or so.


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2285b7  No.149760


If they are going to do that, then they are going to do that. What's that got to do with China? You're all over the map here.

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178de6  No.149789


>Any whites still living in the cities pretty much deserve whatever happens. Can't save everyone.

Completely agree. Live in niggton, get nigged.

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266ed6  No.149792

It won't work. The power grid in the US is mixed mode. The mains are so damn redundant that you'd have to actually destroy the transformers physically to knock them out.

Almost literally impossible.

Fuck off Asia. Take your White Trash friends with you.

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266ed6  No.149793


So live hill Billy, get billed? Live farmland, get farmed?

Live like a pimp, get pimped? Live like a con artist, get convicted?

There will come a day when you wake up, and realize that you're actually the fucking nigger.

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21f4c8  No.149798


>it won’t work

So why can a single substation going down take out power to the whole northeast? Why can a mild solar flare do the same? Why does my power go out every time there’s a thunderstorm with winds above 60 MPH? There’s no fucking redundancy. It’s all hanging by a thread.

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178de6  No.149799


>It won't work for reasons

Also it would be an unprovoked first strike warranting a nuclear retalliation, so a stupid thing for the chinks to do. Chinks have nukes anyway, and bretty gud delivery systems - if they were going to do this they should also launch a concurrent nuclear first strike, because the US would undoubtedly nuke China.

So China nukes / EMPs the US, takes out the ICBMs and major cities - then the US submarine and airborne nukes retalliate such that every not a single panda or stick of bamboo will grow in China for the next billion years.

Niggers and libs are all dead because they were in the cities that pooh nuked. Decent rural folk rebuild the US into a normal respectable place.

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2285b7  No.149800

File: dc887f217aba744⋯.jpg (66.1 KB, 640x426, 320:213, thecyber4.jpg)

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74a694  No.149811


Do you have such pic with Israelis?

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178de6  No.149816


>Do you have such pic with Israelis?

It's the US so you can use the same picture

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fcf16d  No.149821

I don't about all your guys's speculation but I can tell you that if there's a massive EMP disaster, I will not be paying all these parking tickets.

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3c4156  No.149829



I remember when this hit. A single power plant failure wiped out power across a sizable chunk of the north american grid. Shows you what can happen.


Yes it would be an act of war. But could it also be used as a false flag? Maybe if the nefarious (((underworld))) is threatened too much by Trump's re-election?

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7fdf1a  No.149837


I said Mains. Just because you live in an area where people leave trees to contact wires doesn't make me wrong.


Why are retards so obsessed with nuclear weapons?


Don't you have gay boyfriends to move around Jewess?


The who? Seriously. You act as if you morons are a secret. You're just retards with friends in government.

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ccefcf  No.149840


I'm making a collection for shill tournament. Need a pic with poojeets too.

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d82303  No.149852

A worldwide blackout would do the world good

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7fdf1a  No.149857


You would kill about half the planet within a year.

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21f4c8  No.149858


Yes, that's good.

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7fdf1a  No.149861


Well, you don't have the balls, so it doen't matter.

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83735a  No.149897

File: 0edad9e3b3f59b5⋯.jpg (68.22 KB, 551x700, 551:700, unique_fashion_in_the_1920….jpg)


>EMP attack pending

Promises, promises.

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f573a5  No.152288


hahaha what in the fucking dumb nigger shit… All the tvs and other widgets would be dead ffs hahaha. You might be a boomer whose been obsessed with this horseshit since the mid-90's. Muh Russians and muh Chinese bullshit before they got Osama to play lead boogeyman.

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21f4c8  No.152293


Do you not understand how this works?

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3dc33a  No.152722

CDAN is saying the celebrity doing the PSA's is Oliver Stone. IMO that would be surprising if true b/c he's pretty left of center, and for the gov't to ask him to do this would be kind of strange.

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bf80e9  No.159804


He's directing, no word of the actor though

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ee45c3  No.159940


An EMP would get all of these god damn fortnite kids out of the house at least. Plus, some Solar Flares are so powerful they will wipe out all of earths technology we just haven’t had one that powerful directly hit us yet.

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aa0b01  No.159952

File: 6445b6607644b8d⋯.png (241.34 KB, 368x480, 23:30, 1427512115419.png)

I'm glad I turned my storage unit into a giant faraday cage and packed it full of electronics.

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a75ba0  No.169880


>bumps a 3 month old thread with jewish bullshit

You say that as though Trump doesn’t worship jews and do everything they say, just like the ZOG has said to do forever.

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6d7f8f  No.169926



There won't be a WW3 and definitely won't be any nuclear exchanges. Prolonged nuclear strikes would mean mutually assured destruction and both sides know that. Even if there were some nukes used, the exchange would be limited and negotiations would be called after a few rockets launched.

Also, the fact that they have the power to start a war, doesn't mean they will. Israel is getting his way in the ME. Whatever territorial demands they have, will get it without a war, just like they did against Syria. They would have way more to lose in a total war and even more in a nuclear war. The systems they use for control could be undone in an accident. Besides, they don't actually care for Iran. Iran can't really do much for Palestine anymore and the independent arab states surrendered to them officially.

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84c912  No.169967


The coordinated E-6B Mercury Nuclear Command planes flying tight circles on both coasts as well as radiation sniffer helicopters flying above DC and surrounding states.

Doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy feeling.



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84c912  No.169968

File: a433c7a5c18237b⋯.jpg (99.85 KB, 1622x764, 811:382, 20201025_205157.jpg)

File: a23d45226a87f82⋯.jpg (85.29 KB, 1639x742, 1639:742, 20201025_205138.jpg)

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c4a62b  No.169975


?Plus, some Solar Flares are so powerful they will wipe out all of earths technology we just haven’t had one that powerful directly hit us yet.

Look up the "Carrington Event". There was a Coronal Mass Ejection in 2012 that missed by 9 days. With Earth's weakening magnetic field, if a CME of similar strength were to strike Earth the world would only have 2-3 days warning.

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c4a62b  No.169979


>There was a Coronal Mass Ejection

There was also a Coronal Mass Ejection

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3a6808  No.170101

File: 219b6f40148397b⋯.jpg (32.6 KB, 700x249, 700:249, ezgif_1_d62b0ef6cd4c.jpg)

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84c912  No.170811

File: 7710b94aa6f55d5⋯.jpg (156.55 KB, 1349x886, 1349:886, 1_s2_0_S0048969719308526_g….jpg)

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468da6  No.171003


Why do you guys make this shit?

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3be7d4  No.171024


Radio waves dont make you sick or healthy, not even 5g unless you live within 100 meters of the tower. Faraday cages are real and based and you should build them if you dont want the jews to access the spycam in your dishwasher. You can also make a small one to put your phone in when not in use so they cant see where you go or hear what you say while disconnected. That being said, cell signals and natural radio emissions pass through you harmlessly 99.99% of the time. It's only when you get really close to the source that that 0.01% is a large enough dose to do damage

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84c912  No.173265

File: 1b58142e5c8e0df⋯.jpg (189.04 KB, 1482x1024, 741:512, GettyImages_50846628.jpg)

Operation Dark Winter was the code name for a senior-level bio-terrorist attack simulation conducted on June 22–23, 2001. It was designed to carry out a mock version of a covert and widespread smallpox attack on the United States.

Biden references 2020-2021 Dark Winter

Could this means slants will release another bio-terror attack ?

Or perhaps an EMP or Cyber War that'll knock out the power grid.

Anyone have intel ?

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a8cde5  No.175055

File: 032236ac8fbc8fb⋯.jpg (38.68 KB, 600x516, 50:43, i_want_to_know.jpg)

Will an emp erase my HDD or SSD hard drives?

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6501a1  No.175058


faraday cage.

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89df10  No.175072


retard shill advice

sleeping with your head close to a wifi router will give you insomnia

emf well within safety limits have cognitive effects.

modern cell phones are supposed to be held 0.5cm away from your body at all times for emf safety, and the manufacturers even say to not hold it to your head when on a call due to the health hazards of emf.

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a8cde5  No.175118


What kind do I get? Just don't want my portable hard drive backups getting wiped.

A little faraday bag thing will protect against an emp terror attack you think?

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e9d4bb  No.175129


>EMP attack pending?

We can only hope.

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e9d4bb  No.175244


Why didn't the pulse disable the cameras?

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e9d4bb  No.175251


Best case scenario.

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e9d4bb  No.175260


>Coronal Mass Ejection

What about a Corona ass ejaculation?

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e9d4bb  No.175264


Wrap them in tin foil.

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621da7  No.175270

One part of me says please let it happen! But it would only happen here and we would instantly be taken over by the commies while our tranny military washes the feet of niggers and jews. :(

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