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a87dc7  No.147917

Minneapolis Police Tell Citizens It's Now Somalia & Prepare To Get Killed

Salty Cracker video

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1c803b  No.147918


OK, if the police are not going to be around anymore, why not just shoot the fucking mobs and criminals when confronted by them? What's stopping anyone from fighting back or running them down with their trucks?

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a87dc7  No.147920


Nothing. But the point of the current system is that you must NEVER organize. They realized a long time ago that when you are organized you always defeat them. In order to genocide you, their whole system is geared to keep you from organizing. I am considering this right now.

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a87dc7  No.147921

Basically they have invaded the hive and are destroying it from the inside by attacking anyone who has the capacity to hold the hive together. This way they can destroy and devour you one at a time.

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0d89d7  No.147923


>OK, if the police are not going to be around anymore, why not just shoot the fucking mobs and criminals when confronted by them? What's stopping anyone from fighting back or running them down with their trucks?

Because that's when the new emergency paramilitary response team will show up at your house with an armored APC.

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1c803b  No.147925


Shotguns are great for taking down multiple intruders or warding off mobs. I say residents better start doing it, because if they don't, well they deserve what is coming then. If the cops won't enforce the law, now is your chance to take matters into your own hands.

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0d89d7  No.147927

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9 in the magazine, 1 in the chamber

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eaf1f1  No.147930


They deserve the bullets too then, if they decide to be traitors to the country.

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0d89d7  No.147931

File: 3d4e5845e1fefc5⋯.jpg (733.47 KB, 900x608, 225:152, boston.jpg)


Considering we're going to be beaten and raped anally by our caretakers of the colored persuasion in our senectitude, it's not a bad exit strategy I suppose.

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a87dc7  No.147932


Perhaps. There is a lot going on anon. This is one solution for local problems but the more important issue is that we are incapable of organizing to slaughter them all.

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a87dc7  No.147933

And I really mean extermination without even the slightest bit of mercy to all of them.

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6f2277  No.147938



Jews told you that. There’s no reason to believe it.

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eaf1f1  No.147939


Exactly. What's life worth living if you can't fight back? I'd rather be dead than enslaved.

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a87dc7  No.147942


Thank you for the reminder. I didn't mean 'incapacitated' completely…I meant prevented by 'official channels' who are obviously acting against out interests.

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a87dc7  No.147943


If you think this level of clown world is insane…just wait, what they want is a nightmare that you can not escape from to be the only reality.

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0d89d7  No.147948

File: d66a45eae92f336⋯.jpg (253.63 KB, 505x729, 505:729, 2229.jpg)

This is Crumb from the 70's

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81d2ca  No.148025


> What's stopping anyone from fighting back

The Police

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9a6047  No.148062

File: 6799380f383c37b⋯.mp4 (11.96 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Histerical_girl_laughing_7….mp4)

File: 35e6022cf3b937c⋯.mp4 (338.95 KB, 480x360, 4:3, peewee_laugh.mp4)

File: ddb55afbcae09af⋯.webm (2.76 MB, 638x360, 319:180, stop_talkling_full.webm)

File: 100294bd1a83a4a⋯.webm (264.4 KB, 576x320, 9:5, we_re_the_good_guys_every….webm)


WOW you do not need to go to somalia, somalia comes to you

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6eb6da  No.148065



>democracy will fix it

>replace de lefties with de righties.

>trust me, it will work

>rubs hands

Cuckservatives are the reason niggers are in the USA to begin with.


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9a6047  No.148069

File: 415091869a82e77⋯.png (775.26 KB, 625x626, 625:626, thisisthefutureyouchoose.png)

File: efcd7496906e008⋯.webm (4.75 MB, 608x342, 16:9, Japanese_Building_Removal.webm)

File: fc407d80f498c3f⋯.png (97.75 KB, 500x522, 250:261, nwo_the_plan.png)

File: f64df1576cc61f4⋯.webm (8 MB, 640x360, 16:9, nwo_the_plan_b.webm)

File: 8c5a549edf9ee1a⋯.jpg (67.31 KB, 600x424, 75:53, problem_solved.jpg)

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a87dc7  No.148074


Wait, did I chose this? lol

Don't take this the wrong way anon…but based on those webm's there might be something wrong with you. <3 ;)

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9a6047  No.148098

File: 3a376eee96b95d7⋯.mp4 (2.37 MB, 204x360, 17:30, Girl_from_the_lonely_club_….mp4)

File: faf2a76ef32cc4c⋯.mp4 (5.26 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Girls_Laughing_China_wmv.mp4)

File: 84701b11d8d2c72⋯.mp4 (2.78 MB, 480x360, 4:3, girls_laughing_funny.mp4)

File: fceaec37c04f820⋯.mp4 (5.04 MB, 406x720, 203:360, Snorting_of_a_teen_girl_wh….mp4)

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9a6047  No.148109

File: 74ed79ed077d503⋯.webm (5.68 MB, 406x720, 203:360, do_not_want.webm)

File: e84ba60b036aef1⋯.mp4 (414.57 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Real_Human_Bean.mp4)

File: 1233fef23213ad0⋯.webm (7.84 MB, 1280x536, 160:67, Shut_up_fat_cunts.webm)

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9a6047  No.148117

File: bbf0ac5ae0ce4a2⋯.mp4 (10.63 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, CelebratingHitlersBirthday….mp4)

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9a6047  No.148118

File: 3beaa9eb8191fed⋯.mp4 (16 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Honest_Government_Ad_Aussi….mp4)

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a87dc7  No.148159

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I didn't think anyone would take White South Africans because they are jew wise. Really AU will take them? I have these really funny videos that I think are titled We Fucking Full from AU.

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0ad686  No.148412

File: f88be8ff2533e3e⋯.jpg (221.89 KB, 1024x680, 128:85, 636631cb22f59e5f8140abbacf….jpg)


This. As a matter of fact I am starting to believe the pigs' complete inaction is to bait armed Whites into a single big standout with a bullseye painted on them.

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585ce7  No.148482



Amen. The idea is not to have no police. The police will still be around to keep you in line. And they'll be happy to do it.

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441b19  No.148488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hey Jew, we're voting for Omar, vid related. Between me n you she has a cute smile.

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8e7b44  No.148589


Doesn't matter to me anon. I think some anarchy would be preferable to you putting your dick in every other man you can finds asshole and licking her nigger brothers cum off her lips might be a good experience for a 'man' like yourself…if you can part yourself from the bungholes you normally prefer for long enough to get yourself a tasty taste of that nigger cum.

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dd432c  No.148592

How Salty Cracker looks like a fucking Jew.

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8e7b44  No.148609


He couldn't see the jew forest for the jew trees.

Jew, jew, jew, jew…normally I am tracking with you guys…the jews wear so many skin suits stolen DNA from other races at this time that I can't even imagine what this really means anymore.

>He looks like a jew…

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74dc70  No.148631

File: e6b087dc3c2145a⋯.jpg (528.29 KB, 1000x978, 500:489, 2fd9e1cf3dd159fd9adbfa4cfe….jpg)

It's astonishing to see how far and how fast Minneapolis has fallen. I was there when I was a kid, and it seemed like paradise apart from the weather and the mosquitos. Now it's just another niggerville cesspool just like all the rest of the cities. At this point anything over 80K people should just be assumed to be 70% shitskin.

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b971cd  No.148637


Christopher Pyne was fucking great. Love that guy.

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b9fb7c  No.148647


>Salty Cracker video

No, that's a jew.

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8e7b44  No.148650


K but is he wrong? Lets talk about the content for a moment? What about the content do you disagree with?

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b9fb7c  No.148659


It's hard to miss how giddy he is about the destruction of america, knowing that it was his tribe and no one else that brought it about. Knowing how they always play both sides against the middle. Knowing how him speaking the truth now is just a way to establish trust with a specific demographic.

It may be hard for you to comprehend, but I don't need an e-celeb from youtube to think for me. And I don't think people that do need that should be exposed to any kind of jew.

Jews don't get the benefit of the doubt, and they don't get a pass on anything. They are jews first and people second. They work tirelessly to make sure their own kind is represented everywhere, especially the opposition, and they can't help themselves to destroy any and all non-jewish organisations from the inside.

At this late stage you would be a fool to trust them with anything.

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0ad686  No.149242

Here's a question that is bugging me and so far haven't come across to an answer. I am pretty sure that with the triggerhappy militarized cops murka has and all the Black suspects there must be at least a couple of actually innocent Blacks that actually dindu nuffin' and got even better by a White cop. Since this is probably the case why do the (((media))) hype and organize pantyfas and BLM into violence only for cases where the nigger killed was a psychopathic lowlife that acted aggressively like this George Loyd and that Trayboon guy in Zimmerman's case? What are (((they))) trying to achieve? Is it learned helplessness, in the context that you can't even legally defend yourself against violent criminals that directly threaten you?

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f8848a  No.149256


>They are jews first and people second.

>people second.

are you sure about this?

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f8848a  No.149257


They want your genocide…but they already got that. Make no mistake, genocide by gene drive (COVID) is still genocide (the erasure and replacement of your DNA with their DNA) even if the husk of your body remains standing.

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0ad686  No.149307


But based Corona-chan kills gooks and niggers at higher rates.

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f8848a  No.149309


That is because they can't sustain the modification of their DNA since they are only protohuman. That doesn't mean that this is not a step down for Whites.

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0ad686  No.149313


Fair enough.

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ba0d31  No.149340

File: 54784211c297a16⋯.jpg (524.16 KB, 1008x633, 336:211, diversitymn.jpg)

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