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File: a779253c7562732⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1268x1440, 317:360, floydprotests_may26_Copy.png)

c65fb1  No.146207

Don't let anyone tell you that a "white supremacist" started the riots in Minnesota on May 27.


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538123  No.146208


Name one time in US history where peaceful, polite protest ever won anything. Riot is Protest.

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a987d6  No.146243



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538123  No.146257


Abortion rights are part of the larger suffragette movement - a woman's right to autonomy. Suffragettes were looters, rioters, and dissenters. If you want anything in this country, you have to take it by any means necessary.

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dc7c06  No.146303


So you don’t know a goddamn thing about abortion or its history, got it.

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e03ec7  No.146427



Retard alert

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