I highly recommend reading the first document I spoke of. I only covered the topic of the virgin birth, but there's a lot more to dissect in there. Many of MLK's favorite talking points are found there. Like claiming Jesus had a "magnetic personality" as a reason he was followed. And using Greek culture to justify the divine sonship. A thorough reading of his papers makes clear, this was not a random position. Rather, its a stance MLK took constantly and frequently throughout his academic career.
Notice how in the third document, fundamentalism is compared to being a "reactionary" and the term "scornful of fundamentalism" is explicitly used.
In the final document on eschatalogical hope, MLK claims the bible has been "distorted" by the writers and that Divine Inspiration of God is invalid. He also compares the traditional idea of divine authorship, with "MAGIC". Let's be real here. MLK was an atheist.
Also in that final document, MLK says the Christian community CHOSE to make Jesus the Christ, rather than anything divine. Because rememeber, according to his earlier papers, MLK says that Jesus wasn't actually divine.
For anyone thinking this was purely academic, I included the "Sermon Sketches" at the end. There were many but I chose the best example. Check out the sermons he delivered, both on tape and off. There, you will find his long running disinformation campaign against Christ.
Did anybody else notice MLK usually SOUNDS christian at first, then keeps talking and reveals he's not? Because he does that A LOT. XD