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File: c3b41115d55ad0b⋯.jpg (11.82 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault_1_.jpg)

ae1d4d  No.143896

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f23ec9  No.144095

> Gordon Duff

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71a339  No.144527

File: 073b016e9b8eecb⋯.mp4 (3.42 MB, 264x480, 11:20, ancient_hebrew_demonic_boo….mp4)

File: 5a24e0101a5f140⋯.mp4 (8.12 MB, 720x720, 1:1, ancient_hebrew_demonic_boo….mp4)

File: f7a1dcefc11f62e⋯.mp4 (1.44 MB, 270x480, 9:16, ancient_hebrew_demonic_boo….mp4)

File: 0c63a533782c350⋯.mp4 (2.72 MB, 264x480, 11:20, ancient_hebrew_demonic_boo….mp4)


jews are the genetic children of the devil. Whites are the children of God. blacks and asians are pre-adamic. Our survival is non-negotiable. We have the divine right to fight for our lives.

bump for a solid thread. Here are some other books of theirs.

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0570ba  No.144557


Whomever made that forgery is a retard. Anyone with a background in proto-Phoenician linguistics could have verified it as a forgery.

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5315e6  No.144564


This is very old news, a couple years at least. It was also found to be fake, AFAIK.

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0f71e6  No.144801


only through Gods divine son Jesus Christ is anyone saved. the saviour gave us the good news all of us are the children of God and all of us have to abide by Gods laws. anyone who is not saved is damned. to be saved you must be a member of the only true catholic church and do Gods will, that means keeping the 10 commandments,preaching the kingdom of God,confessing and repenting for previous sins and keeping a firm determination to not sin and growing in virtue. children of darkness will get what is coming for them

matthew 13, 24-31

"Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26 When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.

27 “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’

28 “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.

“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’

29 “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn."

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60fbf9  No.144804

File: 6d38b401f325063⋯.jpg (110.06 KB, 433x277, 433:277, genesis_3230_i_have_seen_t….jpg)

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a770e8  No.144814


Fake and Gay. You don't help a cause by spreading lies. Only the truth shall set you free.

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424619  No.144817


Old Testament and New Testament are different religions you nigger. Genesis especially was stolen word for word from Sumerian texts.

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60fbf9  No.144842

File: f5f7f7e80250a09⋯.jpg (66.7 KB, 285x382, 285:382, nicehat.jpg)


My point was it's redundant to take abrahamic religions serious when it's all fluff.

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0570ba  No.144881

File: 4b787d5773adebf⋯.png (10.24 MB, 5360x5358, 2680:2679, bible_contradictions.png)


This is classic jewish fuckery.

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6f263d  No.145010

File: d227b02b3950ef1⋯.png (42.37 KB, 443x423, 443:423, 2000_Year_Old_Torah_Baphom….png)

File: 32d2c966a4afd57⋯.png (350.37 KB, 635x423, 635:423, 2000_Year_Old_Torah.png)

There was a thread a while ago about something very similar.

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cb7943  No.145118

File: a0a204ed1f9d3a9⋯.png (208.65 KB, 259x459, 259:459, Screenshot.png)

File: e7cf4352fc2ca6a⋯.jpg (38.56 KB, 512x387, 512:387, 3840702_vTxKNuLir52XzUpV.jpg)



>The Necronomicon exists and it's all about der juden

I wish I could say I was surprised. Serpent of the Jews claims that they worship Leviathan, but I'm pretty sure the tribes all have their patron demon.

Also, am I completely off my meds or are there pics of Trogdor the Burninator at 0:53 in the first vid?

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cb7943  No.145121

File: b9eaf5788dac852⋯.png (355.03 KB, 1158x1621, 1158:1621, jew_talmud.png)


This may be a fakeout by some Arab group. I find it weird that they'd be handling a 2000-year-old grimoire with their bare hands. The acids and oils would fuck with a genuine antique.

That's not to say the ew-jays don't have books just like this, however.

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6eb5db  No.145154

File: 52dcf5e0b7e20ce⋯.jpg (24.48 KB, 257x500, 257:500, 02_01_1_.jpg)




may the almighty God have mercy on your souls

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759fcf  No.148619


worship satan cause god doesn't help them

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