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File: 16456e55a96b3ad⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, E05BF953_5657_4A41_94AE_3F….png)

7be396  No.143132

False flag? Camera shot shows a pedo symbol in the concrete? https://youtu.be/nyK_1CVrvpM

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3a34a8  No.143170

54 shots fired, from both the drive by assassins and the funeral goers returning their fire. Preddy kewl. Nigs erasing nigs. What's not to like?

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3a34a8  No.143174

File: 94d6ce4712c7ad0⋯.jpg (104.15 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ezgif_7_bcf310335824.jpg)

And the icing on the cake, as always is this bug eyed moon cricket quaismodo shitskin babbling totally insane garbage at the news cameras. What a fucking twisted sick comedy.

If I was a plantation owner with plenty of nigger slaves I'd have this one exclusively assigned to emptying bed pans and unclogging house drains with a stick.

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85f04d  No.143188


she looks like an underdeveloped monkey fetus wearing a suit

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54ac98  No.143189

This correlates with the report earlier that Trump is planning on sending the Feds to "fix" Chicago. He desperately needs a fresh "win" he can use for another 4 years. If he gets it, question what he offered ZOG in return.

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a7f562  No.143251


None of that will 'help' Whites. It only 'helps' niggers but we all knew they couldn't help themselves anyway and are natural slaves.

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3a34a8  No.143300

So now the bugeyed nigger has capitulated and will accept the Feds to come in and try to bring some law and order into Shitcago.

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6041df  No.143303

File: c8a5dac4956be99⋯.jpg (6.67 KB, 300x168, 25:14, gollum_lotr.jpg)


Yes. it is a natural slave like all niggers.

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3a34a8  No.143313

Bug eyes just said in a speech on the violence;

"The only way out is through"…

She left out the essential last word of that phrase;

"The only way out is through the jew".

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3a34a8  No.143314

Jesus this news conference is all niggers all the time.

Nigger mayor, nigger chief of police, niggers shooting niggers…

It's pretty obvious folks; "IT BE DEH WYTE MAN'S FAULT!"

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8a23ac  No.143329


>54 shots fired

And did they hit anything? I'm starting to think they just like the loud noises it makes.

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6041df  No.143334

File: ed593f3d7527fec⋯.webm (5.43 MB, 488x272, 61:34, niggers_using_weapons_gan….webm)


they do seem to think that loud noises are voodoo magic.

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5b168f  No.143358

File: 77527e775660d56⋯.jpg (140.83 KB, 1000x830, 100:83, 1595278527917.jpg)


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4f4610  No.143376


It'll just be phrased as "Trump fixed Chicago, where others couldn't." The left will complain that it's "muh white saviour" narrative, but it will leave people with the impression that "Trump gets things done."

No politician is going to do anything to explicitly help whites. Everything is dumbed down to accommodate negroes, with all of their issues (all of which correlate to a lack of intelligence) are pushed to the forefront.

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4f4610  No.143377


*with all -> while all

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3a34a8  No.143400

Fox news just interviewed some random jazzeroo nigger guy on the street near where the shooting took place. He was all in favor if bringing in the Feds to stop the shooting. "Dis is deh worse ting since dat Pandora (sic). Oh I meanz dat pandemic thang, das right heh heh heh".

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f51770  No.143427


Was he a legit retard, or a glow nigger using 'hood speak'? I cannot imagine why any street nigger would be aware of Pandora from Greek mythology.

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3a34a8  No.143431


He might have heard of Pandora's box in school but he was a typical nigger and so, yes, a retard.

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296542  No.143440


>youtube link

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6a24e4  No.143448


The loud noises guns make, the loud noises their stereos make, the loud noises their voices make. They're just loud.

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6c12e7  No.143450

Trump vows 'NEVER' to defund police, says HUNDREDS of federal law enforcement will be sent to Chicago as part of Operation Legend


We knew it was going to happen. Trump will "fix" Chicago, and use that as his focal point for reelection.

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57d278  No.143524


Beetlejuice got one hell of a tan

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